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In this issue...
NAEA - 2013
New Seminar for 2013
Book Review
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102 Tangles 

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Zentangle Ensemble

March 13, 2013


We just got back from the National Art Educators Association conference in Fort Worth, Texas. It was wonderful to talk to so many teachers who are finding value in the Zentangle Method for their students and for themselves.


Also, after many requests, we've added another Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT) seminar in 2013.


More about all that and more below.






Zentangle at NAEA 

We had so much fun in Fort Worth, Texas, at the National Art Educators Association annual conference. Molly also went with us and we were privileged to meet so many art teachers who shared their own and their students' Zentangle stories and creations with us.


One of the most touching comments we heard was, 


"Thank you for bringing so much joy to my kids."



This is a picture of part of a large class we gave one night. There were so many people we couldn't do our regular mosaic, so we created an "air mosaic"!


We have lots more pictures and stories from NAEA 2013 over at this blog entry where the pictures are much larger.


To all our new subscribers from NAEA, "Welcome." It was such a pleasure to meet you. 

Certified Zentangle Teacher Seminars for 2013

Our two original Certified Zentangle Teacher training seminars for 2013 (June 23-26 and October 13-16) filled within weeks of being announced and each one soon had a long waiting list.
After many requests from potential CZTs and conversations with Hotel Providence staff (where we hold our classes), we are excited to announce that we have added a third certification seminar for 2013 on November 10-13.
You can register for this new class at this link. Last week we gave advance notice to all the folks who were wait-listed for the earlier seminars and the November seminar is already over half-full. So, if you are interested in attending in November, please register right away.
To begin learning more about our CZT certification program, you can start here.
We all look forward to meeting you and working with you. 

If you have any questions about seminar, please contact Martha Huggins at [email protected]


There is a comment section in our online ordering process and we often get some sweet messages. This next message was so special and poetic that we wanted to share it with you in its entirety:

"Thank you for creating a way to integrate the doodlies and fills we have drawn for years.  Zentangle has been lovely for us this year. Our young son's 6th year of [medical challenge] meant lots of waiting time, low level anxious hours punctuated by (mostly unwelcome) excitements. 
"Portable, easy to start or stop, engaging, meditative, rewarding, tangling is lovely for hospital times.  It allows for private space and at other times a way to connect,  and sometimes help, the transient intimacies among fragile strangers. 
"Thank you for the methods and containment that frees all of us modern glyph-dwellers to channel memories of cliff-dwellers and ancient spelunkers and megalith carvers and all those who are compelled to scratch repeating patterns on our world."

Book Review
We've had quite a few great reviews of "The Book of Zentangle." But this one got right to the heart of our intention behind writing it. It's written by Zachary who did those neat time-lapse Zentangle tiles. We had sent him a copy of the book to acknowledge his work and this is part of what he had to say:

"The Book of Zentangle is an extraordinary book, one that can be appreciated by both Zentangle "muggles" (non-tanglers) and Zentangle enthusiasts alike.
"Let me start with what the book isn't. It's not at all like any other Zentangle book on the market. It doesn't include a bunch of tangle step-outs, so don't expect that. What it does include is much more spectacular. Nearly every page features a beautifully rendered example of Zentangle, direct from the founders. Not simply the pen-and-ink drawings, but also paintings that interact with the pen-and-ink portions.  [...] The written portion of the book is just as inspiring. Rick and Maria cover the basics of Zentangle, explaining the method and tools, and then diving into exercises and projects. Although you may be a veteran tangler, re-learning the basics can be a great way to grow. [...] My favorite part, and perhaps the most interesting, is the section on the origins of Zentangle. More detailed than anything else out there, it is fascinating to see how the paths of two people crossed, in the process crossing their individual experiences. [...] Rounding out the book are stories from tanglers about how they use Zentangle and other interesting anecdotes, an index of tangle terms, and an excellent list of resources.

"In short, I love this book. I've been tangling for two years and still got a lot out of it. [...] This book will bring you back to why you started tangling in the first place. Reinspire you. Excite you. Focus you."
Please take a moment to visit Zachary's blog to read his full review and also to enjoy his time-lapse tangling. 


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Dear Rick & Maria, My kit arrived so quickly! I thank you, because I sure was in a hurry to get to started. I practiced & learned how to do several tangles with confidence & then did my first project on my own - a valentine for my husband. I thought you would like to see it. 
Thank you so much for your gift of inspiration, TB
Hello Rick and Maria: I have never, ever heard of Zentangle and today, by pure chance, I stumbled onto the Zentangle web page where I saw all those videos and designs and, for the past 2 hours I've been enjoying this new experience. I particularly love the Auraknot and, after watching the video 2 or 3 times, I grabbed a piece of water color paper and started to follow Maria and I made one. I can think of amazing things to make with this beautiful pattern, I subscribed to the news letter so I will be a loyal reader from now on.
Thank you for the inspiration, for the challenges and for the fun.
Take care. Hugs, MR
Dear Maria and Rick, 
I hope this Sunday finds you both well and enjoying yourself. I have had a great time this weekend playing with my coffee and tea, and wanted to send this to you. 
Attached is: 
Life is but a Quandary... 
Zinger Tea or Coffee? 
I had fun playing with both coffee, and Zinger tea as stains with this ATC. Enjoy and have a great day, 
Kate Ahrens, CZT IX 
[Note: This letter references quandary, which we teach here in our previous newsletter. Her mention of "tea or coffee" is in reference to this blog entry.]  


Check out some of the new blog activity over at BLOG Zentangle. There's been lots of new posts recently.


Thank you all for enjoying this Zentangle adventure with us and with each other. 

Rick and Maria 




About Zentangle

Zentangle is an easy to learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns.

email: [email protected]
phone: 508-234-6843
website: zentangle.com

� 2013 Zentangle, Inc.