September 5, 2012
In This Issue
IMTS 2012

Market Data Review: Plan Ahead - Avoid the Christmas Rush

Today's Manufacturing Jobs Require Certification

Design Change Communication Modernized

Take What You Know About Stamping Presses


IMTS 2012

IMTS balloon    

Visit Cimatron/Gibbs in booth E-3310 at IMTS 2012!





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Normally the word "taxes" brings about a feeling of animosity. Not in the case of Section 179, however, because it can mean big savings for your shop! Now is the time to take advantage of tax incentives for equipment purchases before they expire at the end of the year.


In just five days the greatly anticipated IMTS 2012 will begin! If attending IMTS, you will have the opportunity to witness some exciting things happening in the manufacturing world (particularly in booth E-3310).


From the evolution of design change communication processes to Servo-drive technology in mechanical stamping presses, there are dramatic advances in technology that will be setting the competitive bar for years to come.


A topic I am sure you will also hear about at IMTS is the shortage of skilled labor. Industry expert and Associate Publisher/Editorial Director, Tom J. Grasson, shares what a few of the industry associations are doing to help.

Enjoy the issue,

Lisa Sterling
Director of Marketing
Cimatron Technologies, Inc.

Market Data Review:  Plan Ahead - Avoid the Christmas Rush
Tax incentives for equipment purchases are available now.



Learn more.




Today's Manufacturing Jobs Require Certification    


As many as 600,000 manufacturing jobs are going unfilled.



What's being done about it.



Cimatron ManufacturingDesign Change Communication Modernized 


CAD comparison and direct modeling technology have improved design change communication processes.




Servo driveTake What You Know About Stamping Presses


Servo-drive technology in mechanical stamping presses is the next hot thing.



What the new technology means for the industry.