December 30, 2016

30 Kislev 5777

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     Parshat Miketz/Shabbat Chanukah
Candle Lighting at 5:21 PM
The Coat of Many Colors War
There were four teams. And they were competitive. Multiply colored clothes defined the teams. The first three teams, comprised of Leah's children, Zilpah's children and Bilhah's children competed against Rachel's oldest child, Yosef. Parshat Miketz is right in the middle of our people's first (coat of many) colors war.  Our color war this year was quite different than the competition we read of in the Chumash! I have to say that I was simply astounded by the teamwork, camaraderie, creativity, enthusiasm and sportsmanship that our students displayed this year. By naming the four teams:  Orach Chaim, Yoreh Deah, Evan Haezer and Choshen Mishpat, we were able to use the color war as a great opportunity for students to learn about different aspects of Shulchan Aruch. We had high expectations of our students and they exceeded them. Please look through this edition of Highlites to get a sense of the wonderful experience of this year's color war. Special thanks to Mrs. Shira Englander, Rabbi Danny Kroll, Mrs. Amy Horowitz, Mrs. Rachel Yudewitz, and Rabbi Akiva Wolk for coordinating the entire event with aplomb. Thank you to all of the teachers who put in so many hours of hard work and to all of the students who gave it their all.

Shabbat Shalom and Chanukah Sameach!

Rabbi Jonathan Kroll
Head of School
Upcoming Events
Mon. Jan. 2
No Classes - Chanukah / New Year's Break  

Wed. Jan. 4  
Girls Musical 

Sun. Jan. 8
Fast Day - 10 Tevet

Mon. Jan. 9
Dr. Matt Belace, Drug and Alcohol Program, 8PM

Wed. Jan. 11
College Financial Aid Workshop, 7:30PM
Good and Welfare 
Sarah Katz ('12) and Josh Hirth ('12) on their marriage and to their parents Daniel & Caroline Katz and Moshe & Shari.  
Hadassah Tirschwell ('11) and Yisroel Frankel on their marriage and to Rabbi Perry and Miriam Tirschwell. 

Yehudis (Halbstein '03) and Lazer Steinberg on birth of their daughter, Rivky.
Parent Child Yom Iyun
Parents Join Students for Morning of Learning and
 Boys JV Vs. Faculty Basketball Game
Graphic by Justin Isaacs ('19)
Article by Highlites Staff

Over 450 parents and students packed the classrooms of KYHS this past Monday for a Parent-Child Yom Iyun featuring special classes with KYHS faculty.  The day began with davening, continued with a special breakfast and was highlighted by the more than twenty different classes offered by Judaic and General Studies teachers.  Parents and students attended two classes together and were then treated to a barbecue lunch.  Capping off the day the faculty took on the boys JV basketball team in a competitive yet lighthearted game, which the faculty won 41-38.  Students enjoyed the break from a regular school day and parents appreciated the opportunity to study with their children and their children's teachers on a day off from work.
Alumni Panel
KYHS Graduates Speak to Juniors and Seniors About Life on Campus
Graphic by Maurice Bensmihen ('17) and Alec Gelman ('17)
Article by Matthew A. Samilow ('17)

On Tuesday, the junior and senior classes of KYHS heard from a panel of KYHS alumni about their college experiences. The panel was very diverse, with students from large state schools and small private schools, students who went to Israel for a gap year and those who did not, and students from schools with very large Orthodox populations and those from schools with smaller populations.
Mrs. Marcy Roberts, KYHS's Director of College Guidance, guided the panel, asking the alumni about Jewish life on campus, the level of pro and anti-Israel activity, each alumnus's intended course of study, and any advice they had for current prospective students. The overarching purpose of the panel was to give KYHS students a taste of different college experiences in order to aid them in their college decision.
Breakout: Scandalous Graffiti Leaves Students Scrambling for Answers
News of Annual Color War Leaves Students Jumping for Joy
Graphic by Justin Isaacs ('19) and Akiva Stadlan ('19)
4 Teams, 4 Sections of Law 
Shulchan Aruch Themed Color War the Highlight of Chanukah for KYHS Students
Graphic by Maurice Bensmihen ('17)
Amazing Race 
Teams Work Together, Perform Outrageous Tasks and Athletic Feats During Elaborate Relay Race   
Graphic by Ariel Schneider ('17)  
Caption This: Color War Edition

Graphic by Mayrav Saketkhou ('20)
Media Center
Click on the Menu Choices Below to Watch Some of the Best Color War Has to Offer, Click on the "Videos" Button to See All of the Featured Color War Videos


The Yeshiva Highlites Staff