December 2, 2016

17 Kislev 5777


     Parshat Toldot
Candle Lighting at 5:10 PM
The Unique Talents of Each and Every Individual
How did twin brothers who grew up in the home of wonderful parents turn out so different? Yaakov and Esav each started at the same point, but soon developed into radically divergent personalities. How do we account for such stark differences in lifestyle and values?

Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch, in his commentary on the Torah, offers a startling insight: "As long as they were little, no one paid attention to the differences in their hidden natures; they were given the same upbringing and the same education. Their parents overlooked the cardinal principle of education -- 'חנוך 'לנער על פי דרכו -- 'Bring up each child in accordance with his own way' (Mishlei 22:6). Had Yitzchak and Rivka delved deeply into Esav's nature, had they asked themselves at an early stage how even an Esav -- with the unique strength, skills, and courage latent within him -- could be harnessed for God's service, then the future גיבור would not have been a גיבור ציד but a true גיבור לפני ה׳."   

Rav Hirsch points out that each individual can personally connect to Judaism in a way that addresses his or her own unique identity. There are so many opportunities for KYHS students to shine and be involved in ways that address the unique talents and interests of each and every individual.  I marvel at the accomplishments and creativity of so many of our students, which they demonstrate both inside and outside the classroom.  Thank you to the Highlites staff for showcasing some of the creativity and accomplishments of our uniquely talented student body. Shabbat Shalom.

Shabbat Shalom!

Rabbi Jonathan Kroll
Head of School
Upcoming Events
Mon. Dec. 5
11th Grade Night Out

Fri. Dec. 9
Freshman Chesed Day

Sat. Dec. 10
Freshman Shabbaton

Mon. Dec. 19
College 101 for Juniors and Parents, 7PM
Good and Welfare 
Josh Kaminetsky ('09) and Alana Gross

Ari Shachter ('10) to Atara Tannenbaum

Perla (Maikhor '09) and Seth Salver on the birth of Anna Rebeca
Fighting Fire with Fun[ds] 
Students Raise Money for Rebuilding Efforts in Israel
Graphic by Alec Gelman ('17) inspired by Aaron Senfeld ('17)
Article by Highlites Staff

At lunch on Thursday, IPAC and the KYHS Chesed Committee, ran Fighting Fire with Fun[ds], to raise money for the Jewish National Funds rebuilding efforts following last week's devastating fires in Israel. Students sold cotton candy, popcorn and sno cones in a carnival-like atmosphere raising hundreds of dollars towards the rebuilding efforts. With a little bit of lunchtime fun, students were able to raise funds for an important cause.
Sophomore Chesed Day and Night Out 
Students Volunteer at Feeding South Florida and Enjoy Time Together at Dave & Busters   

Graphic by Justin Isaacs ('19) and Akiva Groman ('19)
Article by Marisa Avni ('19) 
On Wednesday afternoon, the sophomore grade left school for our Chesed day and night out. We loaded onto buses and headed towards Feeding South Florida in Hollywood to package food for the thousands of people in South Florida who worry where their next meal will come from. After two hours of sorting through canned goods, we had organized over 18,000 pounds of food that would later be distributed to 16,000 people across South Florida.
Following the chesed portion of the afternoon, we went to T.Y. Park in Hollywood for pizza and then to Dave and Busters. A great time was had by all, playing games and winning toys from the claw machine. When the night came to an end we had all redeemed our tickets for prizes before going back home on the buses, feeling fulfilled from our day of chesed and bonded together from our time at Dave and Busters.
Chodesh Tov!
KYHS Brings in the New Month with a Special Breakfast and Kumsitz   
Graphic by Ariel Schneider ('17) and Liora Mayer ('20)
Interview by Max Wiederhorn ('18)

Highlites writer Max Wiederhorn had the opportunity to sit down with Rabbi Kroll and speak to him about this week's special Rosh Chodesh breakfast and kumzits.

Max Wiederhorn: Hey Rabbi how are you today?
Rabbi Jonathan Kroll: I'm doing fine, thanks for asking Max.

MW: Rosh Chodesh breakfasts have become a mainstay at our school, what is the reason why we have them?
RJK: Yes, I believe the breakfasts are a great way to get the students excited for Rosh Chodesh. The breakfasts also allow for the whole school to eat and spend time together, which is really pleasant.

MW: Is there any halachic significance behind the breakfasts?
RJK: No, the breakfasts really just serve as a way for the students to celebrate and embrace Rosh Chodesh and each other.

MW: What about the kumzitses?They seem to be a fan favorite.
RJK: The Kumzitses, similar to the breakfasts, are also an enjoyable way to celebrate Rosh Chodesh and draw the students closer to one another. During a kumzits there is a real sense of community and family among the students.

MW: That is definitely correct. Rabbi thank you for your time, it has really been a pleasure.
RJK: No problem, Rosh Chodesh Tov!

Running Club 
Club Educates Students on How to Live a Healthy Runner's Lifestyle   
Graphic by Alec Gelman ('17) and Sydney Freedman ('20)
Article by Sara Deichman ('19)

Earlier this month, my friends Adina Hirsch, Abby Nagler, and I took over the KYHS Running Club. The main goal of the club is to educate members how to live a healthy runner's lifestyle. So far, the club has discussed cohesive eating habits and stretches, along with creating a personalized training schedule for all levels to ensure that every member is able complete a 5k race by the end of the year. Many believe running is too hard or tedious for the inexperienced, but don't worry! As athletes on the Cross Country team, Adina, Abby, and I all understand how running may be perceived as difficult and the struggles that stem from this perception. Our club will educate everyone about the benefits of running and preach that everyone CAN do it! The first meeting of the club was very successful, filled with energized students and effective snacks for runners. Come check out the next club meeting and follow us on Instagram @kyhs_runs to keep in touch and get worthwhile advice!
Humans Of KYHS 

Graphic by Maurice Bensmihen ('17)
This Week in Pictures  

Graphic by Maurice Bensmihen ('17)

The Yeshiva Highlites Staff