November 18, 2016

17 Cheshvan 5777


     Parshat Vayera
Candle Lighting at 5:12 PM
Being Inspired by Avraham's Banner
Toward the end of this week's parsha, we read of Akeidat Yitzchak. We are introduced to the event with the words, "והאלוקים נסה את אברהם." The precise translation of this phrase is a matter of dispute. The Ramban translates it as "God tested Avraham." He explains that God presented Avraham with a test that would give him an opportunity to exercise his great faith. The Rambam and the Abarbanel, however, understand the term "נסה" differently. God did not "test" Avraham. That was not the purpose of the akeida. Instead, the purpose of the akeida was to show the world what Avraham was capable of. A נס can mean a flag or a banner. The phrase "והאלוקים נסה את אברהם" therefore means that God displayed Avraham to the world, that Avraham was held up as a banner for all mankind to learn from and for our nation to be inspired by.  The Rambam explains that Avraham's behavior throughout Akeidat Yitzchak was the banner for two important principles: total devotion to God and the reality of prophecy.

This past week, I attended a conference sponsored by Avichai that dealt with how to prepare our students for the current situation of anti-Zionism and antisemitism.  Dr. Danny Gordis delivered a powerful presentation in which he urged us all to make sure that we focus our Israel education on the extraordinary narrative of the State of Israel. We should recognize the majesty of a nation which decided to redefine itself, revive a language, and build a thriving society in such a short matter of time. We should be inspired by all that is great in Israel and not allow ourselves to be consumed by Israel's very real problems. Israel is a banner that should serve to inspire a deep pride and lead us to a greater sense of commitment to God and His people. May we all merit to be inspired by Avraham's faith, by the State of Israel and by all of the everyday heroes who surround us in our lives.

Shabbat Shalom!

Rabbi Jonathan Kroll
Head of School
Upcoming Events
Wed. Nov. 23
Early Dismissal
Last Day of the Trimester

Nov. 24-27
Thanksgiving Break - No School  
Good and Welfare 
Jessica Gugenheim ('05) to Sam Noy

Gila Allswang ('11) to Michael Silverstein

Jessica Hopen ('13) to Charles Bresler

David ('02) and Nicole Berman on the birth of a boy

Chana ('11) and Chanania Weisler on the birth of a boy
We Are The Champions!
Girls Take California by Storm Capturing Glouberman Invitational Crown
Graphic by Aaron Senfeld ('17)
Article by Highlites Staff

Last weekend the girls varsity basketball team brought a championship back to South Florida by winning the Steve Glouberman Invitational in Los Angeles. The girls plowed through the competition taking down Elitzur (Israel), North Shore (Great Neck, NY) and host Shalhevet in the championship game. Emma Frank ('18) was named the tournament's most valuable player while Remi Feintuch ('17) made the all tournament team.
Aside from the competition on the court the girls enjoyed bonding together off the court as well as meeting new people and catching up with old friends from other schools. Thank you to Shalhevet High School and the Los Angeles Jewish community for being such gracious hosts.
Open House 
Prospective Students and Parents Get a Taste of KYHS       
Graphic by Akiva Stadlan ('19) and Gabi Frohlich ('17)

AIPAC High School Summit 
Students Head to Washington to Lobby Congress  
Graphic by Ariel Schneider ('17) and Sydney Freedman ('20)
Article by Ty Kay ('18)

This past week, I, along with Rabbi Hochman and several of my peers at KYHS, had the pleasure of attending the Schusterman Advocacy Institute High School Summit.  Together, we attended various sessions and learned a wide variety of useful information and strategies. The Summit was split into two sections. The first half of the Summit stressed AIPAC's mission to support and strengthen a bipartisan relationship between Israel and America. Heavy emphasis was placed on the fact that AIPAC is not just an organization for Jews, Republicans, or Democrats, but rather for everyone regardless of race, gender, or political and religious affiliation.

The second half of the Summit was focused on preparing students from around the country for their lobbying appointments with members of Congress and their offices. We learned that it is important to engage in discussion, not debate, since when both sides are arguing it is impossible change the opposition's opinion. This learning culminated in our lobbying of Congressman Ted Duetch's head of foreign affairs. We thanked him for Congressman Deutch's support for Israel, and discussed potential legislation regarding Iran and Israel. The Summit was a fantastic experience, and I thoroughly enjoyed learning and then translating that knowledge into positive action.
     The Next Issue Of Highlites Will Be December 2         
Graphic by Justin Isaacs ('19) and Akiva Groman ('19) 
This Week in Pictures  

Graphic by Maurice Bensmihen ('17)

The Yeshiva Highlites Staff