October 14, 2016 12 Tishrei 5777
Candle Lighting at 6:35 PM
A Living Guide
How do we make sure that Torah is particularly relevant and inspiring to our generation? Rav Yehuda Amital z"l quoted the explanation of the Chidushei HaRim, the great Chasidic master, on this week's parsha. The Torah states ״זכור ימות עולם בינו שנות דור ודור״, "Remember the days of old and consider the years of many generations." What is the meaning of the double language ״דור ודור״?
The Chidushei HaRim explained that each generation has its particular needs, and the role of leadership is to figure out what the challenge of each generation is and to translate the message of the Torah to address that challenge. Rav Amital explained that in Western democracies the primary value is the right of the individual and, therefore, Torah leaders need to explain why we consider the value of our obligations to God to outweigh individual's autonomy. In a communist society in which the collective is valued and the individual denied, the challenge of Torah leaders is to communicate the authority of God over the authority of the State.
The message is that the Torah is a living, relevant guide to each and every individual. As we approach the holiday of Sukkot, may we all see the beauty and relevance of Hashem's Torah as we continue to grow in our understanding of its depth.
Thank you to the Highlites Staff for another stellar edition.
Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach!
Sincerely, Rabbi Jonathan Kroll Head of School
Upcoming Events
Oct. 17-26Sukkot - No Classes
Wed. Oct. 19 Simchat Beit Hashoeva in Hollywood, 8PM
Sat. Oct. 29 Freshman Parents Melaveh Malka
Good and Welfare
Hadassah Tirschwell ('11) to Yisroel Frankel
Noah ('10) and Debbie (Epstein '10) Lasko on the birth of a boy
Peggy Linker on the passing of her mother Marietta Sperber
Mirta Brown on the passing of her father Albert Serfaty
Iraj Peimani on the passing of his sister Haddasah bat Rachman
Senator Rubio Visits
Senior Class Invited to Hear Senator as He Addresses Jewish Leadership Coalition
Graphic by Ariel Schneider ('17) and Noa Markovitz ('19)
Article by Matthew A. Samilow ('17)
On Thursday Florida Senator Marco Rubio addressed KYHS seniors and his Jewish Leadership Coalition on the importance of the U.S-Israel relationship. Senator Rubio stressed the importance of bilateral ties between the two nations and chastised the current administration over its conduct toward Israel. Senator Rubio also briefly addressed the presidential race, commenting that he regrets that Americans have to choose between two unpopular major party nominees. The senator also took questions from the audience, with Aaron Senfeld asking the senator about his future vision for the Republican party. Students were very appreciative of his speech, with Jonathan Leff commenting that Rubio is "poised, articulate and very eloquent."
Hurricane Matthew Can't Stop Learning
Teachers Deliver Unique Facebook Live Classes During Two Days Off From School
Graphic by Sydney Freedman ('20)
Sukkot Travels
Where in the World Will Students and Faculty Be Spending Their Chag? Graphic by Justin Isaacs ('19)
Sunrise Minyan
Seniors Daven at the Beach for a One of a Kind Spiritual Experience
Aid for Hurricane Victims in Haiti
B'nai Torah Congregation
opened their doors to the public as a drop off location for people who want to help the victims of Matthew in Haiti. Please feel free to drop off any item from the wish list or your financial contribution
Sunday, 9:00AM-6:00PM 9am- Drop off location: B'nai Torah Congregation 6261 Southwest 18th street Boca Raton, FL 33433
Congregation B'Nai Torah WISH LIST: * Shoes and sandals for toddlers, children and adults * Clothing for toddlers, children and adults * Toiletries: deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, bar soap, baby powder, laundry soap * Diapers, baby wipes, feminine pads & toilet paper * Medical Supplies: bandages, ointments, wound care for children and adults * Sheets, towels, wash cloths, blankets - new or used in good condition * Trash bags in all sizes, Ziplock gallon bags, large tarps to cover roofs * Tents * Building materials * Air mattresses * Flashlights and batteries * Pedialyte, ready to feed baby formula & bottles * Small toys for the orphanages
Please come through the main entrance and bring your donations to the ESC (Educational Social Center - across from the office).
Tashlich App!
We would like to draw your attention to a beautiful Tashlich app that was created in memory of Mr. Joseph Katzenstein, grandfather of Alec ('13), Bryant ('15), and Remi ('17) Feintuch. Tashlich can be performed from Rosh Hashana until Hoshana Rabba, so if you do Tashlich after Yom Tov
please avail yourself of this app available for Apple and Android devices
Click on the Image Above to RSVP
The Yeshiva Highlites Staff