September 9, 2016

6 Elul 5776


     Parshat Shoftim
Candle Lighting at 7:13 PM
Gaining an Appreciation of God Through Brotherhood and Solidarity

What is the best way to develop an appreciation of Hashem?  The Rebbe of Kobrin offered a beautiful chassidic interpretation based on a pasuk in this week's parsha. When instructing us about the rules for appointing a king, the Torah says ״,מקרב אחיך תשים עליך מלך״ which translates literally as, "You should appoint a king from among your brethren." In the Kobriner's chassidic interpretation, the pasuk means: "Through close bonds of brotherhood (מקרב אחיך) you will be able to develop a sense of malchut shamayim -- the kingship of Hashem.  

When we come together as a community and care for one another, we are able to develop a greater appreciation of Hashem. We reach God, not through solitude but through brotherhood. This Sunday marks the 15th anniversary of the horrific attacks on 9-11. On Wednesday we had the honor of hearing from Ms. Suzann Cayne, whose father was killed in the World Trade Center on 9-11 when Suzann was just seven years old (I encourage you to watch her remarks; a video link can be found in the accompanying article, below). Listening to her poignant account was a powerful experience made even more powerful as the entire student body joined together in brotherhood and solidarity, bringing a strong sense of malchut shamayim -- God's presence -- into our school.

Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Jonathan Kroll
Head of School
Upcoming Events
Sun. Sept. 11
First Boys Mishmar
Tue. Sept. 13
9th-10th Grade Parent Meeting

Wed. Sept. 14
Parent Meeting at Young Israel of Hollywood
Good and Welfare
Elana Kaminetsky ('12) to Yosef Penner.  Mazel Tov to Executive Director Shimmie & Beth Kaminetsky.

Ariana Genet ('12) to Michael Weitzman

Bracha Brauser ('13) to Shua Katz

A Daughter's Story 
Suzann Cayne Shares Emotional Story of Losing Her Father in September 11 Terror Attacks
Graphic by Aaron Senfeld ('17) 
Article by Matthew A. Samilow ('17)

On Wednesday, the entire Katz Yeshiva High School student body had the privilege of hearing Suzann Cayne, the niece of Katz Hillel Day School mathematics teacher, Mrs. Sari Vine.
Ms. Cayne was just seven years old when her father lost his life on September 11, 2001. Ms. Cayne described in painfully vivid detail how she spoke to her father the morning of 11 September 2001 and then went to school, unaware that this would be the last conversation she ever had with her father. She explained how she was abruptly picked up from school by her friend's mother and that while she understood something horrible had transpired, she had no conception that she had just lost a parent. She detailed that in the immediate aftermath of the attacks, she genuinely expected her father to return home and that it took weeks and months for the grim reality to fully sink in.
Ms. Cayne concluded by mentioning her recent visit to the United States detention camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. She tried to explain, even though it was impossible to fully grasp, what it was like to see face-to-face the men responsible for her father and thousands of other people's deaths.

Club Fair
Annual Fair Exposes 9th & 10th Graders to 
KYHS Co-Curriculars
Graphic by Ariel Schneider ('17)
Article by Max Wiederhorn ('18)
KYHS held its annual Club Fair during Wednesday's lunch period. The event was held in the Boca Raton Synagogue social hall, and you could feel the excitement in the room. Students were impressed by the sheer amount of clubs and committees offered at the school. As the students chowed down on their lunches, club and committee heads informed them of the various co-curricular activities in our school. Once the fair ended, a video made by new KYHS Assistant Director of Technology, Mr. Zachary Cohen was sent to all students. The 10 minute film displayed KYHS's new clubs, such as the "Dead Poets Society" "Cultural Education Club" and "Girls Who Code." The club fair was an excellent way to kick off the new year in co-curriculars.
Director's Cut
New Film Club Led by Faculty Advisor Mr. Zachary Cohen Poised To Take KYHS By Storm
Graphic by Justin Isaacs ('19) and Maital Fixler ('19)
Article by Highlites Staff

One of the newest KYHS clubs is the Film Club headed by our new Assistant Director of Technology, Mr. Zachary Cohen (pictured above on the left).  Zach is an alum, Class of 2006, and is excited to share his filmmaking and videography expertise with students.  If you walk through the hallways and classrooms of school you are likely to see Zach filming both classes and the hustle and bustle of the school day.  The result of Zach's hard work and filming are the wonderful videos you've seen posted on KYHS social media.  We can't wait to see what the Film Club will put together over the course of the school year!
Night Seder
Wednesday Night Learning Program for Boys and Girls Kicks Off With Record Attendance
Graphic by Sydney Freedman ('20) and Mayrav Saketkhou ('20)
This Week In Pictures
Graphic by Maurice Bensmihen ('17)
Special Event
Please come out and support AMIT CHILDREN with guest speaker Mrs. Amy Horowitz  "Wake Up Sleepy Head!  It's Time to Pray", this Sunday, September 11 at 7:30PM the home of Sarah & Steven Jacoby in Hollywood (4401 North Hills Drive)

The Yeshiva Highlites Staff