April 15, 2016

8 Nissan 5776


     Parshat Metzora
Candle Lighting at 7:27 PM
Thriving as an "Echad"
The four sons are introduced to us in a peculiar way. The Haggadah states that the Torah presented four sons: one is the wise son, one is the wicked son, one is the simple son, and one is unable to ask. Why does the Haggadah use the word אחד, "one," when mentioning each son?  Why not simply say that the Torah presents four sons: the wise, the wicked, the simple, and the one who is unable to ask?

Rabbi Berel Wein offers a beautiful answer in his Haggadah: "They are not counted as being numbers one, two, three, and four. Rather, each one is an אחד, a singular, unique individual....Remembering that each child, each student, each individual human being is an אחד is a fundamental rule for success in raising a family, running a school, and maintaining harmonious social relationships."  At YHS we try to offer students a variety of opportunities to thrive as an אחד. Just this week I was so proud of the individual students in the cast and crew of Brighton Beach Memoirs who put on an absolutely terrific performance. Also this week our Engineering students presented their incredible capstone projects at a conference sponsored by the Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education.

By giving students opportunities to shine in so many different ways, we hope to develop their strengths and talents so that they can each become an אחד who recognizes his or her potential. Best wishes to everyone for a chag kasher v'sameach.

Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Jonathan Kroll
Head of School
Upcoming Events
April 20 - May 1
Pesach Break 
Good and Welfare 
To Mrs. Stace Katzman on the passing of her beloved mother Elayne Brown
Brighton Beach Memoirs
YHS Drama Club Puts on Epic Performance 
Graphic by Gabi Frohlich ('17)
Article by Alec Gelman ('17)

This past Tuesday the YHS Drama Club performed a rendition of Neil Simon's Brighton Beach Memoirs. From early February until showtime, the Drama Club thoroughly rehearsed under the watchful eye of the supremely talented Ms. Jill Lustig. With each passing rehearsal, not only did we form bonds with our fellow classmates as friends, but as actors as well. Following the show, many people approached me, asking me how it is that I managed to learn my lines so fluently and confidently. From firsthand experience, I can attest that practice really does make perfect.
       Brighton Beach Memoirs is a play about a Jewish family trying to get by in New York in 1937. I played Stanley Jerome, Eugene's older brother. A common barrier actors encounter when preparing for a show is the feeling of detachment from their character. Thankfully, being an older brother in real life critically aided me in playing Stanley, as I deeply understood the emotions rooted within Stanley's psyche since they were so similar to my own.  
The reviews are in and Brighton Beach Memoirs has been deemed a huge success, earning praise from the capacity crowd attending the play at the Crest Theatre.
Storm Tennis
Senior Tennis Stars Reflect Upon Their Careers
Graphic by Simcha Stadlan ('16)
2 Ball Tournament
Lunchtime Leisure Activity Gets Serious as YHS Conducts its First Ever Boys and Girls Tournaments
Graphic by Tamar Ciment ('16)
Article by Matthew A. Samilow ('17)

Beginning with the lunch period on Wednesday, YHS students have participated in a massive two-ball tournament. For those unaware of what two-ball is, here is a brief primer: two teams of two alternate shooting three-point baskets until one team reaches the seven point plateau and wins. In this case, students selected their own teams and the esteemed two-ball guru, Rabbi Akiva Wolk, organized those teams into a massive March Madness style bracket.  At the end of lunch today, Friday, the boys champions were crowned as the team of sophomores Ty Kay and Jordan Burger took down freshmen Coby Light and Henry Bensmihen.  For results of the girls tournament check YHS social media accounts before Pesach.
Engineering Elective on Display
Engineering Projects Show Student Ingenuity

Graphic by Akiva Stadlan ('19)
Article by Eli Litwin ('18) 
This week YHS students involved in the engineering elective headed to the David Posnack Jewish Day School for the CIJE (Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education) project presentations. CIJE is an organization that provides the materials for STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) courses in Jewish day schools across the country. Representatives from YHS, Posnack, Scheck Hillel, and Donna Klein, were present at the event. Students from each school produced impressive projects that took several months to complete. Some of the projects included: a sports sleeve that detects abnormal heart rate, a baby belt that picks up on infant sleep apnea, and self feeding fish tanks.  Before the event came to a close, Justin Peterson, the "local engineer," a member of the CIJE staff who visited the schools as part of CIJE each week, left the students with words of encouragement. The program was truly a huge success.
Humans of YHS 
Graphic by Ariella Mamann ('16)
It's Really Coming Along!
This Week in Pictures 

The Yeshiva Highlites Staff