February 19, 2016

10 Adar I 5776


     Parshat Tetzaveh
Candle Lighting at 5:58 PM
Shining From Pressure

Parshat Tetzaveh begins with Hashem instructing Moshe to tell Bnei Yisrael to use clear olive oil to light the menorah. The Tzror Hamor comments that the Jewish people are compared to olive oil. Just like pure olive oil is the result of the great pressure exerted on the olives, so too the Jewish people shine when we endure difficult or stressful situations. This optimistic approach of Rav Avraham Saba in his sefer Tzror Hamor is especially remarkable considering that he endured the expulsion from Spain in 1492 and then then expulsion from Portugal in 1497.

Difficult situations often bring out the best in us and propel us to greatness. It is important to realize that the opportunity to grow is available not only in positive nurturing environments but also in those that are less comfortable and more challenging. School, like life, provides opportunities that are comfortable and nurturing but also opportunities that are difficult and challenging. With the proper attitude, these challenging opportunities can propel us each to greatness, like the olive oil in our parsha.

Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Jonathan Kroll
Head of School
Upcoming Events
Friday Feb.26
Last Day of Second Trimester

Sat. Feb 27  
Hollywood Family Shabbaton
Good and Welfare
Oren ('07) and Mushy Hizkiya on the birth of a girl

Yocheved (Tirschwell '08) and Moshe Abrams on the birth of a boy. Special Mazel Tov to grandparents Rabbi Perry & Miriam Tirschwell.
History Made  
Boys Varsity Basketball Captures First District Championship

Graphic by Ariella Mamann ('16)
Article by Jonah Rose ('17)
It has been nothing more than a dream for over 2000 years. 100 years ago most would have called it science fiction. But hope lingered. And with hope comes fire, a raging fire that fueled the boys' varsity basketball team to win Yeshiva High School's first-ever basketball district championship. With defensive efficiency, silky-smooth passing, awe-inspiring teamwork, and a rather over-zealous bench presence, the 2015-2016 Yeshiva High School Storm overcame the odds in double overtime versus Benjamin, claiming the fruits of their six-month-long conquest of FHSAA Class 3A District 11.  

Israel Education Week     
Guest Speakers and Special Hashkafa Classes Highlight Annual Program 

Graphic by Akiva Stadlan ('19)
Article by Rabbi Hochman 
IEW was designed to educate each and every student in their own way about Israel. For some of us it's a reminder and for others it's an eye-opening experience of how much more we need to learn about Israel. From sharing why we love Israel, to learning about media bias against Israel and how to properly advocate for Israel, we have tried to educate our students about why we are so passionate about this land and all that it has to offer. We used various media, bulletin boards, guest speakers, and Israel programs as a means to hone in on every person's relationship with Israel.
In a world where there are many people who don't share the same values as we do regarding our holy land, we need to be knowledgeable about Israel so that we can advocate for Israel to our peers and the world on its behalf.  We cannot sit back idly, while individuals and groups on college campuses delegitimize Israel. We can no longer remain quiet while others speak negatively about Israel. We must learn about Israel's democratic values, culture, equal rights, technology, and how proud we should be about our land.
The Torah tells us regarding Israel that, "the eyes of Hashem are always upon it."  Hashem never turns away from the land of Israel, and we must, in turn, continue to educate and advocate for our holy land.


 This Week in Pictures 


The Yeshiva Highlites Staff