October 16, 2015

3rd of Cheshvan 5776


     Parshat Noach
Candle Lighting at 6:34 PM


Graphic by Daniel Feldan ('16)

Walking with God and Man 
One approach in a famous midrash views Noach negatively. Even though the Torah describes him as being righteous, the midrash explains that Noach was only considered righteous relative to the wickedness of his generation. The great Chasidic master, Rav Yaakov Yosef of Polnoye, offers a startling insight. Although describing Noach as ״את האלוקים התהלך נח״, walking with God, appears complimentary, in truth the phrase is used pejoratively. Noach walked with God exclusively but not with his fellow man. At the time of the flood Noach was concerned with fulfilling God's instructions for building the ark and saving his family, but was unconcerned with those around him. In order to be considered truly righteous, one must walk with God and with man; he must be a man of spirit and of empathy.

The current situation in Israel is alarming. Our brothers and sisters are experiencing terror, and we are here struggling to figure out what we can do to help. On Monday morning we are participating in a remarkable show of unity and strength in support of Israel. Four Jewish high schools in South Florida: YHS, RASG Hebrew Academy of Miami Beach, Scheck Hillel, and Donna Klein Jewish Academy are joining together to show our support for our brothers and sisters in Israel. This assembly of prayer and solidarity is a strong statement of walking both with God and with man. May our unity and steadfast support of Israel help bring an end to the terror, and may we continue to develop young men and women who will walk with God and with their fellow men.

Thank you to the highlites staff for this stellar edition. Thank you for providing everyone with a glimpse into the experiences that nurture and develop the spirit and empathy of our YHS students.

Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach,
Rabbi Jonathan Kroll
Head of School
Upcoming Events
Sun. Oct. 18
MDA Muscle Walk

Thurs. Oct 22
The Great Big Challa Bake

Sun. Nov 1
ED Collage Application Due

Thank You

Tzitzit Project
 All boys have made their own tzitzit and ready-made Storm tzitzit are available for purchase for $15. Contact the office if you would like to buy a pair of tzitzit.  Thank you to our generous sponsors for this wonderful program: 
Susie and Alan Berger 
Bonnie and Joey Betesh
Diana and Ilya Chern 
Chayi and Hillel Cohen 
Rena Fuller in honor of Yona Freiden 
Wendy and Jonathan Gelman 
Yocheved and Rabbi Efrem Goldberg 
Sue and Dan Kaskel in honor of Rabbi Eli Zians 
Caroline and Daniel Katz 
Amy and David Lasko 
Sharon and Ilan Markovitz 
Cheryl and Ari Pearl 
Judy and Steve Schultz 
Shaani and Adam Splaver 
Edna and Amiel Tokayer 
Suri and Jonathan Winograd 
Israel Solidarity Rally This Monday 
We thank the many families who have already generously offered to sponsor the cost of the Solidarity Assembly including:

Lisa and Phil Baratz
Dorit and Ben J Genet
Ellen and Jon Lasko
Jill and Michael Rose
Sara Goldberg and Daniel Rosenthal
Heather and Sam Sered 
Food for the Body and Soul
Rosh Chodesh Breakfast and Chagigah Usher in the New Month 

Graphic by Akiva Stadlan ('19) and Noa Markovitz ('19) and Ariella Mamann ('16)

JED Talks
Seniors Kick Off New "Jewish Engaged Dialogue" Talks
Graphic by Tamar Ciment ('16)
Article by Laura Flescher ('16)

Last Friday the senior class gathered for the first ever Yeshiva High School JED Talk. Inspired by the real life TED Talks, these speeches intend on inspiring the students in new ways. To start off the series, Rabbi Kroll discussed his summer experiences from when he was in college, volunteering for Yeshiva and University Students for the Spiritual Survival of Soviet Jewry (YUSSR). Through laughs and insightful words of wisdom, the inaugural senior JED talk set the tone for the rest to come.

Solidarity with Israel
Students Share Personal Experiences of Time Recently Spent in Israel at School-wide Tehillim Gathering

Jewnior Electives 
 Juniors Begin Three Part Elective Courses 

Graphic by Aaron Senfeld ('17)
Article by Matthew A. Samilow ('17)

This past Tuesday marked the launch of Yeshiva High School's "Jewnior" Elective program. In this new and exciting program students can select classes on various topics that interest them. I am currently enrolled in Rabbi Jonathan Kroll's class on the different sects of Orthodox Judaism. In this unique course Rabbi Kroll explains and expounds upon the belief systems of different orthodox streams such as Haredi, Modern Orthodox, and the relatively new Open Orthodox. In essence this is a fascinating course that goes beyond the scope of any curricular class.  I cannot wait until next trimester when I can take yet another one of these exciting electives.

Fall Sports Recap 
Flag Football, Cross Country, Golf and Girls Volleyball Seasons Draw to a Close
Graphic by Ariel Schneider ('17) and Bailey Frohlich ('16)

This Week in Pictures


The Yeshiva Highlites Staff