
Inspiring Others
What was so wrong with the report that the spies presented when they returned from their mission? Isn't the job of a spy to assess the military strength of the enemy and to share his findings with his superiors? That seems to be what the ten spies did, so what was so bad about their behavior? Rabbi Soloveitchik suggested that the job of the princes selected to "spy" on the land was not actually to deliver military intelligence, but to scope out the land and report back to the Jewish people about the land's majesty. They misunderstood their mission and assumed that they were spies in the conventional sense when, in fact, they were meant to serve an entirely different purpose. The Torah does not refer to them as מרגלים (spies) but rather charges them with the mission לתור את הארץ, which means to scout, to tour, to acquaint yourself with. Their job was to get a preview of the land, to recognize its singularity, and to inspire the rest of the people to appreciate what it had to offer.
So many of our graduates have learned the message of our parsha and corrected the mistake of the ten spies. So many of our graduates have served in Tzahal to protect our people, and that in turn has inspired so many of our students. It was an honor to honor them at our dinner. It was also an honor to march along with the seniors in the Celebrate Israel Parade in New York. Israel plays a crucial role in our school's culture and it has served to inspire so many of us. May we merit to be inspired over the course of the summer much as we have been inspired over the course of the school year.
I want to extend a huge thank you and to express my deep appreciation to Claudia Cohen and to Rabbi Danny Kroll for their hard work and dedication to inspiring our students to create the Highlites on a consistent basis. I especially want to thank Claudia and Rabbi Kroll for single-handedly putting together this year's final edition of Highlites. Have a wonderful summer.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Jonathan Kroll
Important Dates |
July 1st-22nd Office closed
Sun. Aug. 23 New Parent Orientation
Mon. Aug. 24 Orientation, Student & Faculty pictures
Tue.Aug 25 First Day of Classes
Good and Welfare
Max Singer ('09) to Elisheva Badian
Malka Hizkiya ('07) to Ben Edinger
Article by Jonathan Attias ('15)
The 2015 Graduation Ceremony was beautiful by all accounts. Both Mrs. Kanner and Rabbi Kroll addressed the students with very powerful messages, and through the wonderful new video presentations to graduates, many teachers were able to speak personally about students they were close with.
But most remarkably, this ceremony was a perfect window into what the Senior Class of 2015 really is. From the loud cheering and name-yelling each student received when they were called up to that unforgettable address by the one and only Yaki Siev (remember that name), the graduation ceremony showed to all present what the Class of 2015 prides itself on: its unity, its creativity (like Rabbi Kroll so accurately stated), its boldness, and its unconventionality.
Mazel Tov to the Class of 2015!
Seniors Take New York
Article by Jessica Griff ('15)
Every year, the senior trip serves as the culmination of a great four years spent at WYHS. For the last time, seniors get to enjoy spending time together as a grade. This year was incredibly special because the senior trip was to New York. When we first heard about the itinerary change, we were hesitant. It has always been a rite of passage to get on a bus on graduation night and head straight to Atlanta, and now we were going instead to New York--a place most students have been countless times. But after an eventful four-day weekend, every senior can say they had the time of their life.
Arriving in New York on Thursday morning, we did not rest once. We went from visiting the 9/11 memorial and Freedom Tower to a city-wide scavenger hunt to Madame Toussaud's Wax Museum to a comedy show to dinner to an interactive bus tour to finally arriving at Camp Kaylie, our home for three nights. We slept in bunks and truly had a mini summer-camp experience. Friday consisted of competitive paintball and activities around the camp such as go-karting, boating, and basketball.
Then came Shabbat. We danced, sang, shared our favorite memories at school, recollected conversations we had with classmates over the years, sparked intellectual discussions, played card games, hung out with teachers and faculty, and overall enjoyed each other's company. We were sad to say goodbye to Shabbat, but we knew we had a big day in store for us.
Over the course of the entire trip we looked forward to Sunday--the day we would have the chance to represent our school in the Israel Day Parade. Decked out in bright green, we marched down 5th avenue singing עם ישראל חי and showing our support for Israel. It was so fitting to end our high school journey by marching in the parade. We have had countless Israel education programs and seminars inspiring us to stand up for Israel, and now we were putting our educators' words into practice.
On behalf of the entire class, I would like to thank the school for organizing the new senior trip itinerary and allowing us to experience such an amazing weekend. Also, thank you to all the chaperones. And to my fellow classmates (and now fellow graduates), the trip would not have been nearly as great if it was not spent with all of you. Thank you for incredible memories, not only from this trip, but from our entire four year journey together.
Look back
Bestow honor...
...on Departing Faculty
Article by Matthew Samilow ('17)
On the final day of the school year before finals, WYHS students and faculty congregated in the Boca Raton Synagogue sanctuary for the annual SLAB Awards (Student Leadership Awards Banquet). After a stirring trophy presentation for the Geography Club, celebrating their second-place finish in the Independent Schools of South Florida's Geography Bee, students settled in to watch a humorous and somewhat satirical video, created by the 10th grade Videography students, that highlighted the exciting events and speakers from the past year. We also wished farewell to our beloved Rabbi Schochet, as Mrs. Kanner delivered moving words in appreciation of Rabbi Schochet's 13 years at WYHS. Afterwards, students heard much-anticipated speeches from the candidates running for student council and cast their votes. The ceremony was an appropriate finale to a scintillating year of incredible events.
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5775 Edition
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