Rabbi Yoni ('04) and Alise Gold on the birth of a baby boy!
Josh ('04) and Tali Levy on the birth of a baby girl!
Suri (Hoenig '02) and Eric Kinzbrunner on the birth of a baby boy!
Shayna (Hoenig '04) and Jeremy Bekritsky on the birth of a baby boy!
Anosh ('08) and Emily Zaghi on the birth of a baby girl!
Aryeh ('01) and Atara Rotenberg on the birth of twin boys!
Jen Fisher ('07) to Yoel Hubert
Nicole Bokor ('11) to Raphael Kintzer
BJ Litwin ('09) to Ayelet Lerman
Shana (Itzkowitz '10) and Jeffrey Meckler
Mrs. Cheryl Hamburg, mother of Devora Gutman ('10), on the loss of her father
Rebbetzin Meira Davis, mother of Shira (Davis '01) Mandel, Batsheva (Davis '03) Adamit, and Ariella Davis ('09) on the loss of her father