Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2014
9th of Tevet 5775
Candle Lighting at 5:23PM

War, What is it Good For?
When Color War broke out last week, someone commented to me that perhaps the term "war" was a bit too belligerent and that something a little more gentle would be appropriate. Perhaps, he suggested, it could be called "Color Games"? While I had to agree that the events weren't exactly a war, they also weren't exactly games. I was amazed at the fierce competitive nature that our students evinced as they sought to best each other in all sorts of activities, whether in Torah trivia, sports, fine arts, academics, music, songwriting, engineering or any other form of creativity and talent. This intense competitive spirit pushed our students to the peak of creativity in the best sense of "קנאת סופרים תרבה חכמה" -- creative competition increases wisdom.
So while the events of Color War lacked an actual military component, they created a certain fierceness on the competitive battleground which led our students to reach heights that were truly incredible. By giving of themselves as they fought for their teams, our students developed a greater identification with the regions of Israel that they represented, and they developed their own leadership skills and creativity. I was so proud of all of our students and so grateful to all of our staff who helped make Color War such a successful event. I especially want to thank Shira Englander, Rabbi Danny Kroll, and Mrs. Amy Horowitz for their tireless work in organizing and running the entire Color War. I also want to thank Mrs. Claudia Cohen and Moshe Kaminetsky for their coordination of the photography and videography over the course of Color War. You can see the fruits of their labor in this incredible edition of Highlites.
Speaking of which, the Highlites staff is quite remarkable! Motivated not by competition against any other team, but just by a commitment to our school and to producing great work, they toil tirelessly to create what I am confident is the finest publication of its kind in the country.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Jonathan Kroll Head of School
Binyamin and Emily (Waxman '09) Davrayev on the birth of a baby boy!
Dr. Joshua and Sara Light on the birth of a baby girl!
Coming Attractions
Thurs. Jan 1
Asarah B'Tevet- No Classes Fri. Jan 2No Classes Mon. Jan 5 PSAT Guidance Program- Hollywood Mon. Jan 12PSAT Guidance Program- Boca
Chanukah, Oh Chanukah
Exodus, Hollywood Animator & Mesibot Highlight 8 Days of Fun
Graphic by Gabi Frohlich ('17)Article by Jonathan Leff ('17)The week of Chanukah at WYHS was really something special. To start off the week, we went as a school to see the movie Exodus: Gods and Kings. Having our school occupy two entire auditoriums was quite a unique experience! The movie gave us a lot to think about and discuss with our teachers as we continue to learn the Book of Shemot in our Chumash and Tanach classes this year.The next day, the boys went to their respective rabbis' homes to eat and have fun at a Chanukah mesiba. The 9-11th grade girls had their mesiba at Rabbi Kroll's house, while the senior girls enjoyed their time at Mrs. Kanner's home. The morning was a fantastic opportunity to enjoy a vibrant Chanukah atmosphere and connect with our teachers on a more personal level. A few days later, we had the privilege to hear from a truly remarkable speaker - Saul Blinkoff. A Disney animator/film director in California and an Orthodox Jew, he recounted his extraordinary story. From the first moment Mr. Blinkoff discovered his dream as a young child to the actual moment he became a Disney animator against all odds, his inspiring lifelong journey contained a powerful message: no matter how impossible your dream may seem, it is achievable through hard work and determination. This was a fantastic, entertaining, and motivating speech that will be hard to forget -- and was the perfect precursor to the Color War breakout later that day.
Yom Iyun Parents Join Students for a Morning of Learning about Great Jewish Personalities
Graphic by Ariel Schneider ('17)
Article by Highlites Staff Following a spirited Color War, WYHS students, along with many of their parents, attended a Yom Iyun this past Thursday morning that featured special classes given by WYHS faculty members. The shiurim focused on great personalities in Jewish history, highlighting the lives, stories, leadership, and scholarship of Miriam, Yehoshua, Shimshon, Ben Azzai, Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai, Rashi, Radbaz, Netziv, and Rabbi Ovadia Yosef. Following the classes, parents and students heard from Rabbi Kroll, who spoke about the unique educational opportunities offered by Color War. The day was fittingly capped off with a slide show highlighting the most memorable moments of Color War 5775.
Graphic by Cherie Landa ('15)
4 Regions, 4 Teams
Graphic by Alex Factor ('16)
Media Center
Click on Each Word Below to View the Color War Videos
Graphic by Shara Saketkhou ('16)
Graphic by Aaron Senfeld ('17), Alec Gelman ('17), and Ariella Mamann
Graphic by Mathew Samilow ('17)
Caption That!
Color War Edition
Graphic by Alec Gelman ('17)
Graphic by Cherie Landa ('15)
This Week in Pictures
Graphic by Dovi Teitlebaum ('16)