Friday, Dec. 5, 2014
12th of Kislev 5775
Candle Lighting at 5:10 PM

Always Building
I had the most wonderful time in Israel last week. I spent the week meeting with our graduates and learning more about all of the different yeshivot and seminaries that our students attend. In order to get around and visit each institution, I rented a car. The aggressive driving style, the narrow winding roads, and the extraordinary amount of construction make driving in Israel an exciting and adrenaline-pumping experience, similar in many ways to playing a video game. As I drove, I often got stuck in traffic due to construction that affected traffic patterns. Fighting frustration,
I marvelled at the sight of the large infrastructure projects like the impressive high-speed train track linking Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. I was also struck by the newly built commercial centers throughout Jerusalem, like Mamilla, the Tachana Rishona, and Cinema City. There is so much building going on! Israel is constantly reimagining itself as she grows and matures.
I felt the same way when visiting our graduates. Each student is studying at a program that suits his or her interests and style.
Following the model of the State of Israel, our graduates are genuinely engaged in a process of self construction. Building upon skills and foundations set at WYHS, our students are enthusiastically embracing the Israel experience and the learning opportunities that it offers. It was really wonderful to see how happy our graduates are and to see how much each one has already grown and matured in such a short time. It made me feel good about what's going on at WYHS and at the same time it inspired me to think seriously about ways in which we can continue to build on our solid foundation and to continue on our road of growth and development.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Jonathan Kroll Head of School
Maya (Tansman '03) and Gil Rubenstein on the birth of a baby girl!
Yitty Levine ('04) to Bradley Garden
Coming Attractions
Wed. Dec 10
Federation Chesed Day Shabbat Dec 13 Hollywood Family Shabbaton Mon. Dec 15College 101 for Juniors and Parents
The Lord Visits
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks Speaks to South Florida High School Students
Graphic by Alec Gelman ('17)Article by Matthew Cleeman ('16)On November 24, Weinbaum Yeshiva High School students, along with students from Donna Klein and Scheck Hillel, were all fortunate to hear from Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks. Rabbi Sacks was first introduced by Jonah Tripp ('18) before he spoke about how Jewish values can be found in a secular society. Through his engaging and inspirational way of speaking, Rabbi Sacks connected with all the students in attendance. Following his formal remarks, Rabbi Sacks held a a question and answer session. When questioned about the rise of antisemitism throughout Europe and the world, Rabbi Sacks spoke of a convention at the Vatican where he stood before hundreds of religious leaders imploring them, "We Jews cannot fight antisemitism alone! Just like I fight against Christian persecution and Islamophobia, so too you Christian and Muslim leaders need to help us combat the growing antisemitism." Rabbi Sacks concluded by telling us that as students we will be the next generation of leaders who must learn to stand up when people are being discriminated against, no matter their race or religion. In this way, we can truly be an ohr la'goyim.
Checking in on Alumni Rabbi Jonathan Kroll Visits Alumni in Israel
Graphic by Aaron Senfeld ('17)
Article by Rabbi Jonathan Kroll, Head of School
The highlights of my trip to Israel were last Friday and Shabbat. It was great seeing individual kids, but there was something really special about seeing the students together in a group. On Friday morning I met the girls at Cafe Rimon in Mamilla. The all-you-can-eat buffet was overwhelming and delicious, but the conversation, sharing, and camaraderie was even better. I enjoyed the opportunity to hear our graduates explain to each other what they like about their programs and to hear everyone speak about their challenges and their achievements. As we ate together, talked together, and laughed together overlooking the walls of the old city of Jerusalem, I had to pinch myself to make sure that this wonderful scene was not just a dream.
Later that day, I made my way to Beit Shemesh to spend Shabbat with all of the boys. Thank you to Yeshivat Reishit Yerushalayim for hosting us! As Shabbat approached, the boys began arriving from near and far. We had 23 WYHS boys join us, including shana bet superstar, Harry Pearl. We had a spirited tisch on Friday night after dinner and we spent a lot of great time together, singing, talking, learning, and enjoying each other's company. Shabbat day was great. I especially enjoyed the long conversation with the boys as they articulated what they love about their yeshivot and how they would each respond to those who might critique their program.
I found it amazing to see that each of our students has selected the program that is best tailored to their needs and interests. There are so many different yeshivot with different areas of emphasis, and I was pleased to see that our graduates are benefiting so much from these opportunities. I was sad to leave them but glad to have been able to spend my Thanksgiving week with them.
Stand Up for Israel
Sergeant Benjamin Anthony Speaks about Advocating for Israel
Graphic by Yona Splaver ('16)
Article by Jonathan Leff ('17)
This past Wednesday, students and staff of WYHS had the amazing privilege to hear from Sergeant Benjamin Anthony, a true hero. The founder of Our Soldiers Speak and a combat reservist for the IDF specializing in heavy machine gunning, he has spoken at over 300 campuses around the world. After sharing his intriguing upbringing amidst antisemitism in England and his eventual enlisting in the IDF, Sergeant Anthony went on to describe his experiences protecting the Jewish state. After emphasizing the importance of Israel and our army, he left us with a powerful message: the youth of our generation are the next link in the chain of advocacy for Israel. If we do not step up and defend our country, then no one else will. This is why we must take action in order to guarantee Jewish success and prosperity. All in all, it was a fantastic and inspirational speech, and we were very fortunate to be able to hear from someone as motivational and empowering as Sergeant Anthony.
Storm Report
Check Out WYHS Storm's Current Season Records
Graphic by Gabi Frohlich ('17)
Freshman Elections
Freshmen Vote for Their Student Council Class Presidents
Graphic by Ariel Schneider ('17)
Interview by Bailey Frohlich ('16)
Last week, freshmen lined up at the ballot box to cast their votes for their class presidents. After seven days of campaigning and speaking, Yonah Freiden and Shira Wax were elected to the student council. Highlites Writing Editor Bailey Frohlich sat down with the new presidents for an exclusive interview.
Bailey Frohlich: Why did you want to run for class president?
Shira Wax: I want the opportunity to be the voice of the freshman class and make a difference in the school.
Yonah Freiden: I want to help my classmates and solve the issues that students have.
BF: What is on your agenda as class president?
SW: Since many students love Starbucks coffee, I want to place a vending machine full of Starbucks drinks so that they are easily available during school. Also, I hope to organize more class trips and institute a WYHS school spirit week with different themes each day.
YF: I want to plan more chesed days since they are a great opportunity for students and they help out the community.
BF: What strengths/skills will you bring to the student council?
SW: I am very creative and I have a good work ethic.
YF: I work well with others and I am a hard worker.
This Week in Pictures
Graphic by Dovi Teitlebaum ('16)