Friday, September 19, 2014
24 Elul 5774
Candle Lighting at 7:02 PM
Reaching Greater Heights
I watched with astonishment as student after student approached the basketball hoop and dunked the basketball with authority. Some of our students performed two-handed jams, some did reverse dunks, and one even did a 360-between-his-legs dunk! These weren't even seniors. They were all freshmen! Most likely these dunks were possible due to the extra spring in each student's step. On Wednesday, the freshmen went to a trampoline park for a grade bonding event and they leapt, jumped, and bounded about throwing dodgeballs, diving into foam balls, and dunking basketballs. At first I looked skeptically at the artificially-assisted dunks: were they as good as the real thing? But, after thinking about it, it occurred to me that these dunks serve as an important metaphor for this time of year.
In the second chapter of Hilchot Teshuva, the Rambam quotes the pasuk: "דרשו ה׳ בהמצאו קראו בהיותו קרוב" -- "Seek God where He is found, call to Him when He is close." Although we can do teshuva throughout the entire year, this period of the calendar is particularly auspicious. God is considered to be closer to us at this time of year. Our actions are given a little extra jolt of meaning. It's as if this season acts like something of a trampoline, allowing us to reach heights that we usually find difficult to reach. In truth, school should also operate like that. All students are naturally capable of doing great things, and school should provide the support, environment, and guidance to launch each student to even greater heights. Thank you to the entire Highlites staff for putting together this wonderful edition of of Highlites. May we all reach new heights in this upcoming year.
Shabbat Shalom!
Rabbi Jonathan Kroll
Head of School
Oren Hizkiya ('07) to Mushky Tennenhaus
Faculty Mazel Tovs
Eliezer and Holly (Hampton '09) Seidenfeld on the birth of a boy!
Coming Attractions
Sat. Sept 20
9:45 Selichot Program at Brauser Maimonides Academy
Graphic by Simcha Stadlan ('16)
Jump On It Freshmen Take a Class Trip to the Trampolines Graphic by Ariella Mamann ('16) and Ariel Schneider ('17)Article by Eli Litwin ('18)This past Wednesday, the WYHS freshmen went on a grade-wide field trip. After lunch, the boys went to Sky Zone Trampoline Park, while the girls went to Off The Wall Trampoline Park. The outing gave the ninth graders the opportunity to meet and spend time with other students--especially those who may not be in their classes--on the bus ride and at the trampoline parks. Both parks featured indoor trampolines divided into sections, offering basketball and dodgeball, trampoline style. The boys enjoyed dunking basketballs into a ten-foot hoop, while everyone had a great time flipping on the trampolines. The trips created an easygoing and playful atmosphere in which students could bond and have fun together. The fun did not end with Sky Zone and Off The Wall, but the experience was made even sweeter with ice cream upon our return to school. The trip was an overwhelming success!
Road to Success
Seniors Learn the Steps for Applying To College
Graphic by Jonah Rose ('17) Article by Mrs. Roberts
Having mastered the concepts covered in College 101 as juniors last year, the members of the WYHS Class of 2015 advanced to College 201 earlier this week. Over 100 seniors and their parents gathered to learn about the nuts and bolts of effectively completing and submitting applications to college. Everything from understanding the competitive nature of selective college admissions and perfecting the college essay to preparing for interviews, meeting deadlines, and avoiding senioritis was discussed. Seniors left the evening session armed with samples of college applications and thorough instructions to guide them through the next steps that need to be taken over the coming weeks and months to gain admission to college. All WYHS families are invited to mark their calendars and plan ahead to attend the next College Guidance evening program, our annual Financial Aid Seminar, on Wednesday, December 3, at 7:30 pm. Join us to learn about paying for college, applying for scholarships, and securing financial aid from a seasoned expert. Shana Tova from College Guidance!
Gaining Strength from Unity Students Hear the Heartbreaking yet Inspirational Story from Mother of Nachshon Wachsman, z"l
Graphic by Alex Factor ('16)
Article by Shanee Markovitz ('16)
Last Friday, WYHS had the unique opportunity to hear from Mrs. Esther Wachsman, the mother of Nachshon Wachsman, of blessed memory. Twenty years ago, at age 19, Nachshon was kidnapped and killed by Hamas terrorists. The story of the Wachsman family is one of perseverance and faith. Nachshon, who served in the elite commando unit of the Golani Brigade, came home after his year-long service in Lebanon and shortly thereafter was chosen to drive a special vehicle which required training in the north for one day. Nachshon went for the course, but did not come back that night. When it became known that Nachshon had been kidnapped, Mrs. Wachsman called Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin, spoke live on television, and brought together hundreds of thousands of Jews worldwide to unite in prayer; she also inspired women worldwide to light an extra Shabbat candle for her son. Nachshon's story is indeed all too similar to the stories of Gilad, Eyal, and Naftali from this summer. They are all stories of brutality and terror. However, they are also stories of achdut, unification.
Mrs. Wachsman reminded her WYHS audience that there is a certain quality that the Jewish people share when they face a hardship. "I am my brother's keeper" is a value that is held by every sect of Judaism, and seldom do we see it play out the way it did in these four boys' deaths. However, Mrs. Wachsman also presented an extension to this quality. The story did not end for her with the murder of her son--it continues even today as she raises funds for Beit Nachshon Center, part of Shalva (The Association for Mentally and Physically Challenged Children in Israel), who helped care for her own mentally-challenged child as she went through the torment and uncertainty when Nachshon was missing. Mrs. Wachsman chose to live, and she chose to use her experience to make a positive impact on the world.
Run, Jump, Spike WYHS Fall Sports are Off to a Hot Start
Graphic by Aaron Senfeld ('17)
Bonding, Games, and Fun, Oh My Sophomores and Juniors Participate in Class Culture Meetings
Video by Noah Light ('15)Click on the above image to hear students' perspectives on the new Class Culture Meetings
This Week in Pictures
Graphic by Dovi Teitlebaum ('16) and Alex Factor ('16)