Thursday, April 10, 2014
10 Nisan 5774

Parshat Acharei Mot
Candle Lighting at 7:24 PM

 Celebrating Diversity 


The four sons are introduced to us in a peculiar way. The Haggadah states that the Torah presented four sons: one is the wise son, one is the wicked son, one is the simple son, and one is unable to ask. Why does the Haggadah use the word אחד, "one," when mentioning each son?  Why not simply say that the Torah presents four sons: the wise, the wicked, the simple, and the one who is unable to ask? Rabbi Berel Wein offers a beautiful answer in his Haggadah: "They are not counted as being numbers one, two, three, and four. Rather, each one is an אחד, a singular, unique individual....Remembering that each child, each student, each individual human being is an אחד is a fundamental rule for success in raising a family, running a school, and maintaining harmonious social relationships."  At WYHS we try to offer students a variety of opportunities to thrive as an אחד. 


I was so proud of the individual students in the cast and crew of Rumors who put on an absolutely terrific performance. I had the pleasure of joining the boys varsity basketball team at the Sarachek tournament at Yeshiva University, and I was so impressed by the individual and team performances. 

By giving students opportunities to shine in so many different ways, we hope to develop their strengths and talents so that they can each become an אחד who recognizes his or her potential. Best wishes to everyone for a chag kasher v'sameach.


Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Jonathan Kroll  

Head of School 


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Coming Attractions
April 11-23
Pesach Break

Thurs. April 24
Classes Resume

Mon. April 28
Yom Hashoah

Wed. April 30
Sophomore & Junion Night Out

Tues. May 20
Journal Dinner
Good & Welfare


Mazel Tov to Ilana Borzak('05)

and Mateo Aceves on their engagement 



Chana Goldberg ('11) to  Chanania Wiesler 

Marni Singer ('07) to Seth Berliner



Dr. Joshua Light on the passing of his father, Dr. David S. Light 
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Grajower on the celebration of his Smicha
Did You Hear?
WYHS Students Perform Neil Simon's Rumors

Graphic by Simcha Stadlan ('16)

Click on the image above to see pictures from the play 

Rosh Chodesh Rap
 Ari Lesser Wows Students with his Lyrical Styling 

Graphic by Avi Schneider ('14)

Click on the image above to see the concert video 

Paint the Town Red
Boys Varsity Represents at Sarachek

Graphic by Eric Ditchek ('14) 
Click on the image above to view pictures from Sarachek

Celebrating Torah Learning   
Girls' Night Seder Spends an Inspirational Shabbat Together 

Graphic by Noah Brown and Shara Saketkhou ('16)
Article by Chaya Green ('16)

Two weeks ago, the Girls Night Seder Shabbaton took place to recognize and celebrate the girls who learn every Wednesday night without fail. It was amazing! It started off Friday night; the girls ate at the homes of the Schochets, the Zisquits, and the Horowitzes. I personally ate at the Schochets' house with wonderful food, people, and conversation. It was a phenomenal beginning to what turned out to be a great weekend. After Shabbat dinner we went back home and slept (a little), only to wake up the next morning, go to BRS, and then collectively go to the Hochmans' house for lunch. Rabbi Hochman, who leads Girls' Night Seder, generously hosted all 30 girls for lunch. We introduced ourselves to his family, ate, and had an amazing time altogether! Sadly, the Shabbaton had to end, but it did so on a happy note at the Horowitzes' house for seudah shlishit. The Dvar Torah by Mrs. Schochet and the beautiful words by Rebecca Bensimon ('14) ended the Shabbaton with tears in our eyes and an inspiring love of Torah in our hearts.
WYHS Class of 2004 and Faculty Reconnect over Dinner  

Graphic by Jonah Rose ('17)
Article by Sarah (Kaminetsky) Jonas ('04)

On March 23rd, members of the WYHS Class of 2004 gathered in Manhattan at Eighteen Restaurant on the Upper East Side for our 10-year reunion. We were thrilled to be greeted by Shimmie Kaminetsky, Mrs. Kanner, Rabbi Schochet, Rabbi Sugerman, and Rabbi and Mrs. Tirschwell, and we felt right at home as though no time has passed. It was wonderful to meet each others' spouses and hear about each others' careers, families, moves, and plans for the future. At the request of Rabbi Schochet, many alumni brought a memento from high school to the reunion, accompanied by an explanation of its significance. Needless to say, a lot of laughs and many heartfelt moments ensued. We were also treated to a beautiful Dvar Torah from Mrs. Kanner, which is all too rare a treat. It was a wonderful evening, and we are already looking forward to our next WYHS reunion, where we hope to be joined be even more of our classmates and friends!

A special thanks to Shimmie Kaminetsky and Rabbi Schochet for putting this wonderful evening together. We are so appreciative of all your hard work to make this night happen!     
WYHS Receives Re-Accreditation  

Graphic by Highlites Staff 
Article by Ms. Sardano

Since the fall of 2012, WYHS has been preparing for a site visit from the Advanc-ED accreditation team. Stakeholders, including parents, faculty, and students, have been working together in this process. The stakeholders carefully reviewed the school's inner workings and have developed a plan to help WYHS continue its standard of excellence. The Advanc-ED team was quite impressed with the warmth, high standards, and sense of community that WYHS offers its students. The team also offered some valuable critiques that will help WYHS continue to improve upon its success. The team enthusiastically recommended WYHS for re-accreditation and the final report is expected to be completed by the summer.
Stand Up for Stockholm  
 Hannah Halpern Leads Letter-Writing Campaign
to Comfort Jewish Students in Sweden

Graphic by Bailey Frohlich ('16)
Interview by Kayla Gross ('15)

Recently, neo-Nazis defaced a Jewish school in Stockholm, Sweden with anti-Semitic graffiti. The students at Vasa Real, the school in Stockholm, were scared from the vandalism and are fearful of any future attack. In response to this horrific episode, Hannah Halpern ('16) took the initiative to lead a letter-writing campaign to comfort the students at the school.

Kayla Gross: What happened to the school in Sweden?  

Hannah Halpern: A Jewish school just like ours was terribly vandalized by Neo-Nazis. There was graffiti everywhere with horrible statements about Jews, saying how disgusting Jews are.

KG: So what did you decide to do? 

HH: I got 70 people from our school to write nice, optimistic messages to the students of that school. The messages told the students that we are thinking about them, that they are not alone, that everything is going to be all right, and to have a Happy Purim. Then I sent these messages to the principal of the school for him to show to the students. 

KG: Did the principal write back to you? 

HH: Yes, she thanked us for our kind words and told me that she showed my letters to all of the pupils in the Jewish classes. She said that the students were touched by the letter, thanked us for thinking of them, and told us that we will always have a soft spot in Florida because of our letters.

This Week in Pictures 

Graphic by Aaron Senfeld('17)

Click the image above to read Kol Ha'Nearim

Many schools across America have joined together to compile a collection of Divrei Torah on Pesach. For the first time, WYHS was fortunate to be able to participate in this exciting project. Special thanks to Baila Eisen for serving as our representative. We hope that this will enhance your Pesach experience. 

Wishing a Chag Kasher V'sameach!
Torah Affairs Committee