Friday, March 21, 2014
19 Adar Bet 5774

Parshat Shemini
Candle Lighting at 7:14 PM
Click on the above image to read the PURIM PUZZLE BOOK
If it's hard to read:
zoom in by clicking the "click to read button" in the middle of the page

Graphics by 
Cover: Aaron Senfeld ('17) & Ariella Mamann ('16)
Where's Waldo: Avi Schneider ('14)
Match it Up: Cherie Landa ('15) & Kayla Gross ('15)
Which Character Are You?: Eric Ditchek ('14) & Bailey Frohlich ('16)
Spot the Difference: Simcha Stadlan ('16) & Dani Ditchek ('15)
Masquerade Math: Shara Saketkhou ('16)
Name That Student: Cherie Landa ('15)
Thank You

Merv and Elaine Jacobs for sponsoring our Annual Purim Chagiga once again this year.


Alli Zak for buying food for the faculty meeting and for the Rosh Chodesh Adar program.


Laura & Meyer Cohen for sponsoring a day of learning in the merit of a speedy recovery for Meyer's grandmother (great grandmother of Daniella & Rina Cohen) Esther Bat Latifa.

Dr. Harold & Lori Landa and Dr. Barry & Shelly Cutler for sponsoring a faculty luncheon in memory of Chaim Naftali Kass, beloved brother of Lori Landa and Shelly Cutler (uncle of Cherie Landa, Michael Cutler & David Cutler). 

Good & Welfare


Sheri (Adler '02) and Yedidya Saiman on the birth of twins, a boy and a girl!!