Friday, December 27, 2013
24 Tevet 5774

Parshat Va'eira
Candle Lighting at 5:18 PM

I had a wonderful experience this past week with the entire school as we enjoyed a phenomenal shabbaton in Orlando. Taking a break from our normal routine and traveling to a new environment really afforded us the opportunity to reflect a bit on our lives and to explore the ways in which we are carving out our identities as the next generation of Jewish leaders.

On Shabbat morning, I spoke to the entire student body about the importance of making active decisions that shape our identity. In Sefer Shmot, we are introduced to Moshe in a way that seems similar to the birth of other heroes in antiquity. A childhood filled with danger. Exposed to the elements in a way that would normally lead to his death. Instead, however, he is rescued and brought up by adoptive parents. Only later does he discover his true identity. This is similar to the stories of Oedipus and Cyrus (and Harry Potter and Superman!). Rabbi Jonathan Sacks notes a critical difference between Moshe's beginning and those of the mythical heroes. In all of the heroic abandoned child stories, the hero is a person of noble birth who is brought up by a family in humble circumstances and only later discovers that royal blood flows in his veins. In the case of Moshe, the opposite is true. He is brought up as a prince, but his true identity is that he belongs to a nation of slaves. In Judaism, explains Rabbi Sacks, greatness is a matter of moral courage, not fate.


Our students did a great job throughout the entire shabbaton exhibiting wonderful ruach,thoughtful learning, great conversation, and strong camaraderie. With the guidance of our teachers, parents, and the broader community, I am confident that our students will continue to grow and develop into our community's next generation of leaders.
Thank you to all of our staff members for participating tirelessly in the shabbaton and a special thank you to Shira Englander for coordinating the entire event from start to finish. I hope you get a good sense of the shabbaton from this edition of Highlites.


Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Jonathan Kroll  

Head of School 


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Coming Attractions

Good & Welfare


Ari Struhl ('09)
to Shlomo Daniels


Chana Goldberg 
('11) to Chanania Wiesler 
Perla Maikhor ('09) to Seth Salver
Rabbi Allan and Lisa Houben on the birth of their daughter Avigail Eliana

iHad A Blast @ the School Shabbaton
Graphic by Avi Schnieder ('14) Nicole Greenbaum ('14)

   Click the above image to watch the School Shabbaton Video              Click the above image to watch the Havdallah Video

    Click the above image to watch the Shabbaton Slideshow        Click the above image to watch the special Acoustic Performance
Students wowed by guest speaker presentations
Graphic by Simcha Stadlan ('16)

iBrought My Parents to School
Parents go to class with their kids
This week in pictures 

Graphic by Shara Saketkhou ('16), Aaron Senfeld('17), Jonah Rose('17)