Friday, May 24, 2013
15 Sivan, 5773

Parshat Behaalotecha
Candle Lighting at 7:47 PM



Every spring like clockwork, after the Passover dishes are put away, after the daffodils and tulips blossom up North and the backyard mango trees down South put forth their fruit, after observant men (and boys who can grow them) sprout whiskers until Lag B'Omer, as high school students across the country prepare for final exams and clean out lockers, another rite of passage takes place.  It is something I still can't quite get used to, even after so many years in education.  Kids you have come to know and really like, who have wiggled their way into your heart, prepare to don a gown, cross a stage, receive a diploma, move a tassel on the mortarboard perched awkwardly upon their head, and proceed onward into their adult life along a path that you have, just a little, helped to carefully, painstakingly, and lovingly pave. 


We met a blink of an eye ago, when they were naive young freshmen, pimples on their face and braces on their teeth, learning to maneuver the hallways of high school.  Now they are confident young adults, highly accomplished, even invincible seniors who are soon to be alumni - and then freshmen all over again.  About this time of year, many begin to feel vulnerable with the realization that the comforts, camaraderie, and community of their little school house on Montoya Circle will soon give way to far-off yeshivot and seminaries, sprawling metropolitan areas, and college campuses near and far.  The unknown awaits, but so does the future with all of its promise. 


Those of us who have taught or counseled, coached or guided these bright, eager young people begin to feel a bit nostalgic, too.  Years pass.  Some graduates will visit often, joyfully extolling the virtues of their program in Israel, sharing their plans to join the IDF or make aliyah, telling us about the "A" they got on their first college paper.  We are happiest when they tell us how happy they are... or nonchalantly remind us of something we once said or did for them.  Others wait years to return.  We don't always recognize them at first as boys become men with broad shoulders and full beards and girls return as lovely young ladies, some with career plans already in place, others with new head-coverings and baby carriers.  No matter when they return, we are delighted to see them.  We dance at their weddings and celebrate their successes.  Our hearts swell.


This wonderful connection is something exceedingly special and unique to WYHS, a bond our community might even take for granted, something precious and rare, not frequently found at other educational institutions.   


A wise philosopher once said that the greatest gifts we give to children are "roots and wings."  As our seniors begin to spread their wings and prepare to soar to new heights, they leave the halls of WYHS confident in the knowledge that they can always return to their roots, to the place where they received a solid foundation - not only in English, Gemara, and Math, but in how to lead a virtuous, fulfilling life. 


The time has come.  It happens the same time every year no matter what we do: time to tip our hats to our extraordinary seniors, the WYHS Class of 2013.  We are so very proud of each and every one of you, yet we know that your best is yet to come.  We celebrate not the end of your high school experience, but your new beginning. 


Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."  So when you dream, dream big.  Remember that anything worth dreaming and doing in life is worth doing well.  And as you do well, also do good.  Make your life a blessing, and may Hashem continue to bless you in all you do.


Mazel Tov to our seniors and their families.


Shabbat Shalom,

Mrs. Marcy Roberts

Director of College Guidance 


Coming Attractions
Mon. May 27
Memorial Day.
No classes

Wed. May 29
Sports Banquet

Fri. May 31
Student Elections

Fri. May 31
Last Day of Classes

Mon. June 3
At 7:00 PM

June 3-11

Good and Welfare 



Eva Bein to

Elan Aiken ('09)


Raquel Amram ('07) to Zaki Betesh 



Emily (Waxman '09) and Binyamin Davrayev on the birth of a boy!



Leslie Firestone on the passing of her beloved mother










Heads Up! 


Mon. May 27 - No School, Memorial Day Weekend
Classes resume on Tues. May 28
Wed. May 29 - Sports Banquet
6pm @WYHS

The Yearbook is Now on Sale
There is a limited amount so order now to guarantee you get one. 
Order forms can be found at the front office or the rack next to elevator. 
Please see Eliana Feldan or Claudia Cohen for more information.  
College Facts and Firsts for the
Class of 2013

Graphic by Sophie Rose ('14)
From Sea to Shining Sea
A Look at the Senior Class' College Acceptances 
Graphic by Sophie Rose ('14) 
Graphic by Aaron Rose ('13)

Congratulations to our National Merit Scholars Joseph Hostyk ('13) and Aaron Zimmerman ('13) and our National Merit Finalists Jeffrey Herr ('13) and Aaron Rose ('13).
Words of Wisdom
Advice from Seniors to Underclassmen
  Graphic by  Avi Schneider ('14)                                                  
Freshman Shabbaton
A Weekend of Friends, Fun, and Fine Food
Graphic by Eric Ditchek ('14)  
Article by Maya Borzak ('16)

With Finals around the corner and the taste of summer pestering us with its irresistible appeal, the Freshman Shabbaton served as a great ending to an incredible Freshman year. 
Anticipating the epic water sports that started off the Shabbaton, the freshman class sprinted to the buses: the boys heading to Ski-Rixen and the girls to kayaking at Oleta Park. The boys enjoyed a day of wakeboarding and wiping out, while the girls broke a sweat kayaking, cooling off with a swim in the lake. Following the excitement, everyone made their way to the Ocean Sky Hotel and rushed to prepare for a fun-filled Shabbat.
Walking to the Chabad of Fort Lauderdale on Erev Shabbatwe united as class for the first time that Shabbaton, the first step of our bonding experience. Friday night davening was filled with uplifting singing and dancing, and dinner was topped off with inspirational Tisch, which included a kumzits and Divrei Torah. 
Early Shabbat morning, we awoke and returned to the Chabad for Shacharit, also filled with exhilarating dancing and singing, just as Kabbalat Shabbat was the night before. We had shiurim, given by Mrs. Kanner and Rabbi Horowitz, and a delicious lunch. Afterwards, we made our way back to the hotel for a few hours of free time, during which teachers and students "really got to know each other and see how great everyone really is" - Miriam Baitner. Everyone enjoyed playing games and hanging out, taking the time to bond with their classmates. 
The day concluded with another boys and girls kumzitz. This was particularly moving, as many students shared personal stories, including their changing experiences from High School, their appreciation for supportive friends and teachers, and their everlasting relationships made over the past year and the Shabbaton. For the girls, this was the highlight of the shabbaton. The singing, inspiring "thank yous," and heartfelt words about the Shabbaton brought many to tears. We ended as one class and one unit. There could not have been a better way to end this year.
Thank you to the Judaic Faculty members for chaperoning such an unforgettable Shabbat and experience. A special thanks to Shira Englander and our class presidents, Shara Saketkhou and Ben Gurvitch, for organizing this event. 

Yom Yerushalayim
Students Celebrate Israel With a Day of Fun Activities
Graphic by Eric Ditchek ('14)    

Award Winning Film

The Federation of South Palm Beach County challenged the youth of our area to make a short YouTube video explaining why they are proud of the State of Israel. Congratulations to Simcha Stadlan ('16) who submitted the winning video, which can be seen here by clicking the image above.
This Week in Pictures

Graphic by Nicole Greenbaum ('14) 

Click on the image above to read this week's edition of Ashreinu.
The Yeshiva Highlites Staff
Aaron Rose

Amir Tsarfati
Technical Editor
Chief Photographer

Jeffrey Herr
Layout Editor
Bracha Brauser
Creative Editor
Josh Firestone
Video Editor
Aaron Zimmerman
Writing Editor
Nicole Greenbaum
Junior Editor
Sophie Rose
Creative Editor
Jonathan Razon
   Graphics Editor

Eric Ditchek

Jonah Stein
Jesse Slomowitz
Ariel Haar
Daniel Feldan
Layout Editor
Avi Scneider
Noah Brown
Cherie Landa
Simcha Stadlan
Eliana Linzer
Creative Staff
Dani Ditchek
Creative Staff
Kayla Gross
Creative Staff
Maya Borzak
Creative Staff
Shara Saketkhou
Creative Staff
Ariella Mamann
Creative Staff