Friday, May 3, 2013 23 Iyar, 5773
| Parshat Behar-Bechukotai Candle Lighting at 7:35 PM |
One of the great joys I have as a teacher is seeing our graduates grow up into adults. I have many opportunities to see this during the four years of high school, but nothing tops attending the weddings of our alumni and seeing how they have grown up. Witnessing what they have accomplished, whom they have chosen to marry, and the diverse directions they have chosen in their lives is truly amazing.
I sometimes think about the freshman who sat in my class giggling at some joke, or the sophomore who can only think about sports, or the junior who spent his class time texting under his desk. But then I have the opportunity to see these same students as mature young men and women who are in medical or law school, are accountants and teachers, and I am reminded what the true role of a teacher is.
The very first mishna in Pirkei Avot states that the rabbis said three things: be deliberate in judgment, establish many students, and make a fence for the Torah. The mishna is very careful in its language. It does not say to teach many students. Rather, it says to establish many students, to raise up and to enable the students to stand on their own.
It is not our job to simply teach students information, to have them memorize every word we teach in class. It is our job to develop students who are able to confront the world and who are prepared to make their own imprint on it. As William Butler Yeats once said, "Education is not the filling of a bucket, but the lighting of a fire." To me, nothing demonstrates this more than the privilege of seeing what our students are able to accomplish once they leave school and begin to face the world on their own.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Benji Horowitz
Director of Judaic Studies
WYHS Annual Journal Dinner Tribute Committee
(in formation)
Ellen & Dr. Jay Adler Dr. Liora & Daniel Adler Tammy & Aaron Attias Lisa & Phil Baratz * Lori & Marc Ben-Ezra Lisa & JB Bensmihen Dr. Rebecca Stern & Steven Berkeley Batzi & Dr. Billy Berman Darlene & Michael Bokor * Laura & Dr. Meyer Cohen Jillian & Dr. Barry Galitzer Wendy & Jon Gelman Monica & Dr. David Genet * Dorit & Ben J. Genet * Yocheved & Rabbi Efrem Goldberg Drs. Simone & Charles Griff * Ilona & Isaac Grynsztein Nancy Guggenheim Ana & Stanley Haar * Jodi & Jeffrey Harris * Elaine & Dr. Merv Jacobs * Sarah & Steve Jacoby Melanie & Dr. Bernard Kaminetsky* Elaine & Dr. Merv Jacobs * Sarah & Steve Jacoby
Melanie & Dr. Bernard Kaminetsky* Ora Lee & Dr. Michael Kanner Sue & Dan Kaskel Caroline & Daniel Katz Sharona & Dr. David Kay Judi & Gary Krasna Amy & Dr. David Lasko * Arlene & Dr. Sam Lasko Ellen & Jon Lasko Cammy & Marc Leff Marissa & Dr. David Levenson Linda & Robert Levy Debbie & Dr. Dov Linzer Seema & Dr. Joey Loskove JoAnn & Robert Parker Cheryl & Ari Pearl Jill & Michael Rose * Aviva & Uri Rubin Diane & Dr. Ben Saketkhou Naomi & Reid Shapiro Ellen & Dr. Zorik Spektor Spring Footwear / Ben-Zikry Families Linda & Ted Struhl * Donna & Dr. Benjy Tripp * Risa & Michael Zimmerman *
*Keter Society Members
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Coming Attractions
Fri. May 3
Last Day of Senior Classes
Sun. May 5
SAT Exam
May 6-23
AP Exams
May 6-13 Senior's Finals
Wed. May 8 Yom Yerushalayim Wed. May 22
Good and Welfare
Miriam Apter & Tuvia Brander ('06) on their marriage
Shelly Romer and Ronnie Rosenbaum ('08) on their engagement
Heads Up!
The 3 things you need to know about next week
Advanced Placement Exams Are Taking Place Next Week
Click here to see a schedule of the exams.
Tues. May 14 Noon Dismissal for Shavout
Classes resume on Fri. May 17.
The Yearbook is Now on Sale
There is a limited amount so order now to guarantee you get one.
Order forms can be found at the front office or the rack next to elevator.
Please see Eliana Feldan or Claudia Cohen for more information.
What A Trip!
Students Reflect on this Week's Class Trips
Graphic by Simcha Stadlan ('16)
Article by Bailey Frohlich ('16)
This past Monday morning, while the Sophomore and Junior classes were on their class trips, it was Chesed Day for the Freshman class. After breakfast, we were bused to Forest Trace, a senior living community in Fort Lauderdale; our task was to assist the seniors with their technological devices and answer any questions they might have. Upon arriving to our destination, we were pleasantly shocked. Instead of entering a building that had the sterile smell of our doctors' offices and encountering elderly people accompanied by tons of medical equipment and full-time nurses, we were greeted with seniors who were eager to meet us and were merely living in Forest Trace because of their age.
We entered a large room and immediately split up into small groups where we each introduced ourselves to a senior and engaged in conversations with them about their lives. I met Shirley, an 88 year old woman who lives in Forest Trace with her husband of 66 years. Her life at Forest Trace is surprisingly exciting with daily aerobic classes and social events. Throughout our conversation, Shirley could not stop smiling and I found myself doing the same--I could tell she was enjoying the conversation as much as I was. Looking back on Monday, it was such a rewarding experience: it made us realize that elderly people have a very unique insight into the world and life in general that only they can offer to us. We left Forest Trace with one thought in our mind: when can we visit again?
Sophomore and Junior Trips
A Side by Side Comparison
Graphic by Cherie Landa ('15)
Senior Seminars
Senior Boys Tour the Eruv and Girls Learn about the Mikvah
Graphic by Jonah Stein ('13)
ˇAdiós Seniors!
Saying Goodbye to the 10 Seniors who Work on Highlites
Graphic by Amir Tsarfati ('13) Article by Nicole Greenbaum ('14)
Aaron Rose - As Editor-in-Chief, you leave me big shoes to fill, both figuratively and literally. You have been a wonderful mentor, motivating everyone and teaching me all I need to know about Highlites so I can lead next year. Your vast technical and creative knowledge were instrumental to us and have guided us since the first issue. You will be sorely missed.
Amir Tsarfati - Doing double duty as both our Technical Editor and Chief Photographer, your expert knowledge of Photoshop has greatly assisted the Highlites staff this year and in the past. Whether by camera or computer, your expertise and attention to detail is one of the top reasons Highlites is as excellent as it is, hidden airplanes notwithstanding.
Jeffrey Herr - As our Layout Editor, you are the one who puts everything together, and we couldn't do it without you. Your dedication is amazing - you are the first to arrive and the last to leave. From checking that all the links function properly to assisting with last minute technical difficulties, without you Highlites wouldn't be published.
Bracha Brauser - What are the three most important aspects of being the Highlites Creative Editor? Organization, organization and...organization. You are the consummate worker bee, often sacrificing your lunch time to develop new ideas, giving up time with your friends and staying late to work on the next edition of Highlites. Thank you for all your help in truly revolutionizing Highlites this year.
Josh Firestone - Highlites was all about the videos this year, from the Chanukah music video to the Color War newscast, and as the Video Editor you were the man behind the videos. You are incredibly detail-oriented, amazingly dedicated, incredibly passionate and exuberantly enthusiastic about your work - and it shows!
Aaron Zimmerman - As our Writing Editor, your knack for writing and esoteric vocabulary served Highlites extremely well. You came to every Monday meeting and always had a strong opinion about what we should be doing. Thank you for bringing your superior English skills to Highlites and making this year's writing top notch.
I would be remiss to forget the four most valuable members of the Highlites staff, the Technical Staff: Jon Razon, Jonah Stein, Jesse Slomowitz and Ariel Haar. Every Thursday night you all show up, however begrudgingly, and it is you who truly make Highlites happen. Thank you for all the time and skill you have contributed and we will all miss you next year.
This Week in Pictures
Graphic by Jesse Slomowitz ('13)
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Click on the image above to read this week's edition of Ashreinu.
|  |  |  |  | Daniel Feldan Assistant Layout Editor | Avi Scneider Technician | Noah Brown Technician | Cherie Landa Technician | Simcha Stadlan Technician
 |  |  |  |  |  | Eliana Linzer Creative Staff | Dani Ditchek Creative Staff | Kayla Gross Creative Staff | Maya Borzak Creative Staff | Shara Saketkhou Creative Staff
| Ariella Mamann Creative Staff |