Friday, March 15, 2013
4 Nissan, 5773

Parshat Vayikra
Candle Lighting at 7:11 PM

Fall Back, Spring Forward



With the charge of "spring forward," we jump started our week at WYHS with the Boys' Varsity Basketball team's championship win at Sarachek, followed by a super charged Rosh Chodesh Nissan breakfast, and culminated with our premier Evening of the Arts, highlighting the talents of our gifted students.


Losing an hour this week not only left us fighting the irresistible beckoning of our pillows to "fall back," but also reminded us of the artificial, ephemeral and transitory nature of time. I imagine our "lost" hour suspended somewhere in iCloud awaiting its fall recall. Time is artificial, only we can make it real. Indeed, the very first mitzvah given to the Jewish nation as a free people was the exhortation of "hachodesh hazeh lachem" to own time, appreciate it and utilize it to its fullest with a spring in our step and excitement in renewal.


The upcoming holiday of Pesach underscores the value of not wasting a minute, as procrastination causes our matzot, and at times even our well intended mitzvot, to become chametz.


Despite the contemporary recommendations of the medical community, we cannot necessarily succeed in extending our years. We can, however, lengthen our days by imbuing our minutes with momentum and transforming time with productivity and timeless achievements.

Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach,

Mrs. Ora Lee Kanner 
Coming Attractions
Sun. March 17
Super Sunday


March 22-April 3

Pesach Break 


Wed. April 10
Parent Night Out 8:00pm @ Kay

Fri. April 12
Highlites returns
Good and Wellfare
Kayla Wasserman ('10) to Elior Cohen
Rabbi Samuel J. Levine on the loss of his beloved mother, Tzirel Levine

Mrs. Sarah Rivkah Matar on the loss of her beloved mother, Esther Perez Chahin  
Heads Up! 
2 things to know about next week
Super Sunday
Come out to the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County this Sunday, March 17 to support our school and community.

Pesach Break
There is no school Friday, March 22 and school will resume Thursday, April 4
Chag Sameach!
The Rav's MO
Students Learn about the Rav's Impact on their Lives

Graphic by Josh Firestone ('13)

Written by Bracha Brauser ('13)


Click on the image above to watch Rabbi Lanner speak about the Rav. 


This year marks the twentieth yartzheit of Rav Yosef B. Soloveitchik, the founder of Modern Orthodoxy and one of the most influential rabbinic figures of the 20th century. Across the country, day schools and yeshivas are commemorating the Rav during the month of Nissan, remembering and honoring his contribution to the American Jewish community. Rabbi Lanner opened his presentation by challenging us to think of the most influential people in our lives and in America today. Justin Bieber, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, and Barack Obama were just a few of the names mentioned.  None of us have met these people, none of us have interacted with them, and most of us haven't even ever seen these people in person and yet they have so intensely shaped the world we live in today. Rabbi Lanner then posited that just like these people have changed our lives without us even knowing it, so too the Rav dramatically shifted the perspective of the Jewish community.


Before the Rav introduced the idea of Modern Orthodox day schools, the only form of Jewish education that existed were yeshivas, devoid of secular education and focused only on Judaics.  In explaining the Rav's philosophy of Torah u'Madda, Rabbi Lanner used the metaphor of different dieting styles. One approach is the Slim Fast diet, whereby the dieter is prohibited from indulging in any food and is restricted to only Slim Fast bars and shakes. An alternative is Weight Watchers; in this case the dieter is welcome to indulge in any food as long as it is within the point-system allotted to the dieter. The Weight Watchers diet is like Modern Orthodoxy; Jews are encouraged to be involved in the modern world, to pursue the arts and to study sciences, as long as they stay within the boundaries and align themselves primarily with the principles of the Torah.  The Rav's philosophy wholly altered the way that Jews interacted in the modern world, encouraging Jews to pursue a strong secular education, to become scientists and writers, philosophers and mathematicians, and yet all the while maintain a strong and deep connection to Torah.


Our school, Weinbaum Yeshiva High School, operates on this principle of Torah u'Madda, encouraging students to work hard and dedicate themselves to their Judaic studies and yet to simultaneously pursue a strong academic education so that we can successfully interact with the modern world. This past week the students of WYHS, more than ever, demonstrated a commitment to Torah u'Madda. The Storm participated in the annual Red Sarachek Tournament at Yeshiva University in New York, while a large group of students demonstrated their theatrical, musical, and artistic abilities in the "Evening of the Arts." In the legacy of the Rav, we take it upon ourselves as Modern Orthodox Jews to train our minds, our bodies, and our souls. By strengthening these foundations within us, WYHS is helping to produce a generation of strong, successful, and committed Modern Orthodox Jews.  

Graphic by Simcha Stadlan ('16)      


An Evening of the Arts
One Act Comedies Highlight a Night of Student Artistry

Graphic By Avi Schneider ('14) 

Written by Aaron Zimmerman  ('13)


Marking WYHS's 20th show, the Evening of the Arts perfectly exemplified the prodigious talent and poise of our school's strongest performers. Several hundred people from across South Florida convened at the historic Crest Theatre to enjoy a night of art, music, and of course hilarity. The night was a sure success.


As spectators entered the beautiful theater, they viewed the various student-generated artwork and photography. To start off the performing, WYHS's phenomenal band, Chazak, pumped up the crowd with a series of songs, sparking the energy that resonated throughout the night.


As the lights went down, Actor's Nightmare introduced the slew of one-act shows, followed by Death Knocks and The Audition, and culminating in Zeus. Ranging from Christopher Durang to Woody Allen, this year's show differed from the others because it featured a multiplicity of plots and themes, rather than one large production. As a performer in WYHS's past three comedic shows, I can personally testify that playing two characters in the same night is both a challenging and rewarding experience. With many shows come more costumes, more roles to fulfill, and more theater! The night afforded actors the opportunity to explore different characters and demonstrate their talents as versatile and professional actors.


Of course, none of this would be possible without the unparalleled guidance of Ms. Restivo, arguably the most talented member of the WYHS drama team to date. Leading the hard work, relentless efforts, and unyielding dedication of the WYHS drama family, Ms. Restivo typifies the commitment and adroitness that every actor strives to maintain in his/her craft. The cast cannot thank her enough for everything she does -- from creative costumes to constructive criticisms that make each performance as amazing as it is. Also, a special shout-out to alum Jeremy Hodkin ('09) for taking on the role of Assistant Director throughout the duration of the cast's rehearsals. His succor and selfless contributions to the production made each actor that much stronger on the night of the show.


Finally, thank you to everyone who came to see the performances and support the cast. As a departing senior, I can sincerely say that WYHS drama has been one of the brightest highlights of my high school experience.  

Click here to see the Evening of the Arts slideshow.

This Week in Pictures

Graphic by Jesse Slomowitz ('13) 

Click on the image above to read this week's edition of Ashreinu.
The Yeshiva Highlites Staff
Aaron Rose

Amir Tsarfati
Technical Editor
Chief Photographer

Jeffrey Herr
Layout Editor
Bracha Brauser
Creative Editor
Josh Firestone
Video Editor
Aaron Zimmerman
Writing Editor
Nicole Greenbaum
Junior Editor
Sophie Rose
Creative Editor
Jonathan Razon
   Graphics Editor

Eric Ditchek

Jonah Stein
Jesse Slomowitz
Ariel Haar
Daniel Feldan
Layout Editor
Avi Scneider
Noah Brown
Cherie Landa
Simcha Stadlan
Eliana Linzer
Creative Staff
Dani Ditchek
Creative Staff
Kayla Gross
Creative Staff
Maya Borzak
Creative Staff
Shara Saketkhou
Creative Staff
Ariella Mamann
Creative Staff