December 2013 
Are Supplements Safe or Not?
A few months ago, I appeared on a Huffington Post Live TV to debate with Dr. Paul Offit about the safety of vitamin supplements. Over the summer, Dr. Offit was everywhere, plugging his book that disparages the efficacy of taking vitamins. Every time I turned the TV on or opened the newspaper, there he was. His method of cherry-picking data to support his claims was, in my opinion, hugely dangerous. So I was thrilled to be invited to have a discussion with him. Click here to view the debate. And here are my top five reasons to keep taking your vitamins:
  1. Soil depletion. Even if you're eating piles of organic fruits and vegetables, odds are it's being grown in soil that's been over-farmed, which lowers mineral content. Therefore, you need supplementation to bridge the gap. Not to mention, the genetic modification of crops is affecting our food supply in ways we don't even fully understand but simply cannot be beneficial to the human body.
  2. Old food. Unless you buy totally local, foods are often shipped over weeks -- and even months -- to get to your grocery shelf = more nutritional depletion. 
  3. Stress. And the increased alcohol, caffeine and sugar consumption that goes along with it raids your body's store of B vitamins as well as Vits C, E and A. Studies show supplementation helps. 
  4. Meal skipping. What busy New Yorker doesn't skip breakfast on a regular basis or subsists on almonds until dinner? This results in nutrient deficiencies that can be aided by a multivitamin.
  5. Digestion issues. Ninety percent of my practice has some kind of digestion problem. We're not absorbing the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that our food is supposed to provide. That's why it's important to supplement (or come in to see me to get your gut in better shape). 

Health News You Need To Know
Allergies: Why Getting Kids Dirty Helps

What: A study shows that Amish children have much lower rates of allergies and asthma than Danish kids, who have famously low percentages of both. Explanation: it's because of the Amish's exposure to microbes related to farming and cow milking and possibly the consumption of raw dairy.  
Recommendation: Short of going Amish country to milk cows on the weekends, you can up kids' microbial defenses by letting them play outside as much as possible. Let kids hang out around animals, even a dog. Check out the Real Milk website for sources of raw milk and more info on the raw milk movement. 

Anti-Aging: Rhodiola Lengthens Lifespan

What: A study out of UC Irvine showed that the herb Rhodiola rosea extended the life of fruit flies by 24%. This is important because researchers have not, until now, been able to find a substance that extends life expectancy equal to the way calorie restriction does. 


Recommendation: Rhodiola has long been one of my favorite herbs for quelling anxiety, mild depression and fatigue. Try 100 mg/day to start benefitting from its longevity-producing properties. 


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Heart Health: Green Tea Lowers Bad Cholesterol

What: A study out of California showed that green tea extract (ECGC) equivalent to five to ten cups of green tea a day significantly lowered LDL (the bad cholesterol). 


Recommendation: Do we need another reason to love green tea? It also has been shown to decrease blood pressure and increase insulin sensitivity. Drink up. 


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Huffington Post Blog: Patient Success Story
Each month, I blog about a patient success story that illustrates the power of naturopathic medicine. This month, we have Becca, your typical 20-something New Yorker with a busy, fabulous life that was halted when she came down with crushing fatigue, inexplicable joint pain and brain fog. Find out how Becca got her life back. Interestingly, since I've posted the blog, the response from fibromyalgia sufferers has been phenomenal. I've Skyped with people all over the country who've been thirsting for natural alternatives to conventional treatment. Click here to read more about fibromyalgia. 

Something I Love
Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar
As anyone who knows me well can tell you: this is my cure-all for everything. Raw, organic apple cider vinegar: high in potassium (which most diets lack), rich in acetic acid that lowers blood glucose, and an excellent pH balancer. Want to increase fat loss? ACV will help. High cholesterol, heartburn or high blood pressure? ACV has got you covered. Some studies have even shown it slows cancer cell growth. Take a tbsp in water a few times a day or do as I do: put a few splashes in a water bottle with with a squirt of fresh lemon juice and a few drops of liquid stevia. Makes a great stocking stuffer, too. Find it at Whole Foods or any health food store.

In This Issue
New Office in CT!
Center for Cognitive and Behavioral Health
I'm happy to announce that I'll be joining CCBH in Westport, CT as their resident naturopathic physician and nutritionist. Stay tuned for more news about the Center; in the meantime, check us out at 

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