Survey: Providers Working with
Children in Out-of-Home Placements

Dear Early Learning Educator,


The Early Learning Coalition is participating in a foster care project with several other community agencies throughout Pinellas County.  We are working together to develop new and better ways to support child care providers who are a primary partner to parents, guardians, foster parents, caseworkers and others in caring for children in out-of-home placements also known as foster care.  


We are surveying child care providers to gather more information on your experiences with children in out-of-home placements. We plan to use this information with other early learning educators and community partners to develop the tools you may need to increase your skills and confidence when working with children experiencing life in out-of-home placements.


Please take a few minutes to complete a short survey by clicking on the link below.  We appreciate any feedback you can share with us.  Thank you for your time and participation!