Jewish Genealogical Society of Colorado
Chai From Colorado Enews

January 2016
In This Issue
Mount Nebo Memorial Park

Contact: Stephen Miller, Administrator

   Beller Glass, Inc.

You've spent your life protecting your loved ones from many of life's burdens. Would you like to give them a final gift? Jamie Sarche, director of prearranged funeral services will help you explore your options. If you complete a funeral plan with Jamie, and mention this ad, she will make a donation to the JGSCO in your honor.

Family Legacies
 Success Stories Videos
Give your family or loved ones the ultimate Family Legacy - a life history video that will be passed down for generations.  


Monthly DNA Tip


During our JGSCO "Year of DNA", we are  running a monthly "tip" in this space.  Something very simple for you to think about.  But you can learn so much more by joining our next DNA program on May 1, 2016 with Bennett Greenspan from FamilyTreeDNA.  


For this month. our tip focuses on the Y chromosome DNA.  This is a test suitable for those of you who have an ancestor for whom the father is not known, or any male ancestor for that matter.  Or perhaps if you're uncertain about a father-son relationship in your family tree, and have access to the DNA of those individuals, then  a Y chromosome test may help.

  • A Y DNA test is for the paternal/male line.  A male in a line has essentially the same Y DNA as his father, grandfather, etc.
  • The results of a Y DNA test will tell you your "haplotype" and "haplogroup".
  • The more Y DNA markers that are tested, the better that chance of determining your male relationships through DNA testing.  That is, a test of 37 markers is probably the minimum you should consider.  But a 64 marker test or even 111 markers would be preferable.  All testing companies will allow you to "upgrade" your testing once it's completed (e.g. from 37 to 64 markers).
  • Your haplogroup will help you to determine the geographical origins of your ancestors (e.g. Europe, Africa, etc.)


JGSCO Logo Items
Available now:  JGSCO logo merchandise through - please check out to see more items and order yours today!
coffee mug and tote bag

Welcome to the monthly E-News of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Colorado (JGSCO) including descriptions about upcoming lectures, workshops, and other announcements.    

Our January and February programs are free and open to the public.  On January 17th program, Pat Roberts will lead a program on "Exploring Probate"  Our February 28th program will be led by Joe Cahn and cover JRI-Poland and related topics.  For details on both programs, please read the articles below.

It's time for JGSCO membership dues renewals - please see the article below for details if you haven't already renewed!  We're also looking for volunteers for two areas:  our Memorial Plaques project for Colorado synagogues; and the Denver Jewish Film Festival.  For the latter, the JGSCO will be hosting an exhibit on Jewish Genealogy at three of the films related to genealogy.

Also check out the left sidebar for our "Year of DNA" monthly tip!

Finally for this month, we've made some changes to the "In Case You Missed It" section.  The information about courses and online events is now in a separate section.  Within "In Case You Missed It", we'll now highlight "new" vs "repeat" items, to make for easier reading.

Please note that the JGSCO website ( is undergoing "renovations" so access is limited.  However, if you'd like to either join or renew your membership, please click on membership dues. If you'd like to see the full schedule of our programs, please click on JGSCO 2016 Programs.  If you have any questions that aren't answered here, please send an email to  We apologize for any inconvenience while we are working to provide you with a new and updated website!
Please join us for our next program:
Sunday, January 17, 2016
"Of Sound Mind:  Exploring Probate"
presented by Pat Roberts

Location:  JCC, 350 S Dahlia St, Denver
Time:  10:00 am until noon

This program is free of charge and open to the public!

Probate records can provide a wealth of information for the family researcher. Pat Roberts will discuss the steps in the probate process and the documents associated with the process. Wills are just one of the documents which may be found in the probate packet. Examples of other pieces of the packets will also be discussed so that we can recognize them in our search and be able to look for the evidence they may provide.

Pat Roberts Bio:
Pat Roberts has 30+ years as a genealogical researcher, lecturer, teacher and writer. She is active at the local, state and national level. She is past president of the Colorado Council of Genealogical Societies and the Boulder Genealogical Society. Pat is an alumnus of the University of Colorado with a major in English and minor in history. She has attended summer sessions at the University of Iowa Writer's Institute and Samford University's Institute of Genealogy & Historical Research. Pat regularly enjoys the Salt Lake Genealogical Institute, the British Genealogical Institute, NGS conferences and FGS annual conferences. Pat is the Genealogical Preservation Committee Chairman for Boulder's Arapahoe Chapter DAR. She has twice been a speaker at the NGS  National Conference in the States, and at the International Conference of Germans from Russia. In her spare time Pat is an author having recently published her 37th book.
Save the Date:
Sunday, February 28, 2016 
"Polish Jewish Genealogical Research, Including the JRI-Poland Database" 
presented by Joe Cahn

Joe Cahn bio: 
Born in New Brunswick, NJ, Joe lived in New Jersey, New York and California before moving to Denver 17 years ago. He is a reference librarian at the Denver Public Library and has been researching his family and various others for more than two decades.Joe is experienced with resources from the New York metro area, Philadelphia, London, Poland,Ukraine, Belarus, Germany, and the Czech Republic. Although he is fluent in French and Spanish, he notes that he only knows a smattering of the languages needed for his research. His dream is to learn Russian and Yiddish when he retires.
December program recap:
"JewishGen from A to Z"
Presented by Terry Lasky

Our December program featured Terry Lasky covering all aspects of Jewishgen.  As a followup to those of you who are interested, and whether or not you attended the program, you might be interested to learn more about the JewishGen education programs that are online.  The link can be found at JewishGen online education.  Their courses are updated regularly and over a wide range of topics.  
Colorado Synagogue Memorial Plaque Database
Volunteers always needed - special request for help for Temple Emanuel
The JGSCO continues to index memorial plaques at Colorado synagogues as part of an international project to create a memorial plaque database. We have completed plaques at Har HaShem, Bonai Shalom in Boulder, and at Har Shalom in Fort Collins.

This month, we particularly need some help in data entry (to an Excel spreadsheet) from some photos, for Temple Emanuel.  

Additionally, we are ready to schedule dates in January to go into Rodef Shalom in Denver to photograph and index.  No translation is necessary (English is the language used).  If you're willing to help, please contact Ellen Kowitt at

And if your Colorado synagogue has memorial plaques, we could use your help in identifying and contacting the right synagogue employee or board member to authorize JGSCO by signing paperwork to get another volunteer-led day of indexing memorial plaques going.
Membership Dues Renewals for 2016
With 2016 upon us, it's membership renewal season for the JGSCO!
Quite a few of our members have already paid their 2016 dues, and we really appreciate the early payments!  If you are one of them, we thank you and you can feel free to ignore the remainder of this note.
Note that if you are new member as a result of registering and attending our seminar this past October, 2015, you are already paid up through 2016!  
We're pleased to let you know that our membership fees remain the same for the 2016 membership year!
The categories and fees for membership are:
     *       Single: $30
     *       Household: $40
     *       Out of State: $15  
The Jewish Genealogical Society of Colorado is a Non-Profit Corporation as accredited by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Your contribution is tax deductible.
We would really appreciate your renewal by January 30th!  That simplifies our bookkeeping, and will keep us from calling you to remind you if you haven't paid by then.  There are two options for paying--by credit card or by check. 
To pay by credit card, follow this link to pay online:  membership dues.  We use "PayPal" for processing your credit card, but you do not need a PayPal account to pay through PayPal online. You will be able to use the credit card of your choice. 
To pay by cash or check (payable to "JGSCO"), please send by January 30th to:
c/o Susan Berson, Treasurer
PO Box 460442
Denver, CO 80246
If you have any questions about your membership, please feel free to contact either Elaine Levy or Barry Halpern.
Jewish Film Festival at the MACC
JGSCO-JCC Partnership Continues

Volunteers needed to staff the JGSCO exhibit table!

The 20th Denver Jewish Film Festival takes place from February 10 - 21, 2016 at the JCC.  This year the festival features three films which have a genealogy theme and JGSCO will be staffing an informational table for these films.  To find out more about the film festival, including the full schedule, go to Denver Jewish Film Festival.
We need volunteers to help staff our tables at these three films. If you'd like to help or any or all the three days, please contact Gail Marcus at or 303-393-6154.
JGSCO will supply information pamphlets, copies of our programs for 2016, a map of the Pale of Settlement and email sign-up sheets.
Orange People - Monday, February 15 at noon
Traditions clash for three generations of Moroccan Israeli women in this earthy directorial debut from acclaimed actress and screenwriter Hanna Azoulay-Hasfari (Sh'chur).  A colorful, imaginative and sensual film that looks at cultural identity and personal creativity. Grandma Zohara, a much respected fortuneteller within the Moroccan community in her Israeli beachside town, wants to retire.  Will her place be taken by daughter Simone, who wants to open a gourmet Moroccan restaurant, or by her teenage granddaughter?  The unexpected arrival of Simone's estranged sister brings old tensions to the surface and opens new possibilities.
Tension, humor, and drama ensue in this mother-sister-daughter clash of traditional and modern values. Colorado Premiere
The Polgar Variant - Tuesday, February 16 at 5:30 p.m.
In Budapest during the 1970s, Lazlo Polgar decided to test his theory that "geniuses are made, not born" by raising his three daughters, Susan, Sofi and Judit, to be chess champions.  Isolated from the world outside their apartment, the girls spent all their time studying and practicing chess.  Despite opposition from Communist authorities, Laszlo continued his 'experiment' with remarkable results.  This fascinating documentary vividly traces how these Jewish-Hungarian sisters took the chess world by storm, breaking down gender barriers as they rose to the top. Going head-to-head with male Grandmasters, they proved, as their father believed, that gender isn't an obstacle in chess. Colorado Premiere
Morgenthau - Thursday, February 18 at 7:45 p.m. Centerpiece Film
Morgenthau, winner of the New York Emmy Award for Best Historical/Cultural Program/Special, tells the epic story of one American family whose careers brought them to the forefront of some of the most dramatic events of the last hundred years. The dynamic arcs of their exemplary public service - Henry Morgenthau Senior as United States Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire; Henry Morgenthau Junior as United States Secretary of Treasury under President Franklin Delano Roosevelt; and Robert M. Morgenthau as District Attorney of New York County for over 30 years - reveal new perspectives on the social and political shifts in twentieth century history.
From fighting for international action against the genocide of Armenians on the cusp of WWI, through the efforts to rescue Jews during the Holocaust despite American political obstruction, and on to the struggle to reduce street crime and pioneer the prosecution of white collar corruption in the financial capital of the world, New York City, the trajectory of the three Morgenthau generations epitomizes the American experience and the continual fight for justice. Colorado Premiere
In Case You Missed It: 
To our readers:  
This members only section of our monthly newsletter contains bits and pieces from around the web.  Some of these items are repeated for two or more months because of their general level of interest and importance.  Note that we're now highlighting which items are "new" this month so you don't have to re-read previous postings. Look for items that are highlighted by three stars "***" for new items.  Most items are directly related to Jewish genealogy though some are not.  If YOU have something you think would be of interest to other members, please send them along to Barry Halpern, our enews editor at:  Barry Halpern.  We also want to offer continued thanks to Jan Meisels Allen of the IAJGS who has constantly been providing many of the fascinating items that are reported here.  Jan also provides updates and reports on the "Records Access" topics that are occasionally repeated here but can be found at their website (referenced elsewhere in this enewsletter).


***IAJGS Conference in Seattle Banquet Speaker:   Acclaimed Legal Genealogist Judy Russell will be the banquet speaker on the final night of the conference (Thursday, August 11). Judy has
enthralled audiences nationwide with her fascinating blend of legal and
genealogical expertise and it is truly thrilling to have her join us at
our conference.
*** to retire Family Tree Maker Software:  This was certainly a very prominent story this past month.  Ancestry promises to support the software at least until January 1, 2017.  They've provided a link to their blog on the subject, at Family Tree Maker software.  Note that the software will continue to work (even after Ancestry stops supporting it).  Also, you will still be able to upload and maintain your family trees on the website.

***75 Best Websites for US State Research:  Family Tree Magazine has published their annual list of websites that are best for various state research.  The article and list can be found at Family Tree Magazine.

***Jewish Community in Myanmar/Burma:  There are many very small Jewish communities in parts of the world where they might not be expected to exist.  This is a link to a story about just such a community in Myanmar:  Myanmar Jewish Community.

***JOWBR is up to 2.77 million records:   JewishGen is proud to announce its 2015 year end update to the JOWBR
(JewishGen's Online Worldwide Burial Registry) database. The JOWBR database can be accessed at  JOWBR.  This update, our largest ever, adds approximately 335,000 new records and 15,800 new photos.  The database is adding and/or updating 691
cemeteries.  This update brings JOWBR's holdings to 2.774 million records from almost 6,000 cemeteries / cemetery sections representing 121 countries!

***The Cotopaxi Colony - the Jewish immigrants:  Jennifer Lowe (JGSCO member and former Board member) will be presenting a program in Pueblo for the Southeastern Colorado Genealogical Society.  The following information was provided to us by Jen Lowe:

In this presentation, we will learn the history of the Jews who arrived in Cotopaxi in 1882.  We'll look at some interesting research techniques like how to use land maps to build a story and how to drag information out of local government offices.  We'll create our own version of "yiddish" in order to do better research.  All the while, we'll talk about the true story of Cotopaxi and how that's been altered over the last 133 years to meet the needs of whoever is telling the story.

Was Emanuel Saltiel a "good guy"?  or did he wear a black hat?  Were the Russian immigrants really mistreated?  or was it just a matter of circumstances....the wrong place at the wrong time?  We'll talk about creating fictional history and what that does to actual history.

This presentation will be very interactive, so come prepared to ask your questions and discover the still unresolved murder/mystery that will give you new insight into what it was like to live in the wild west in 1882!!!

The program will take place on January 9th at 12:30 pm, and more information can be found at Colorado Cotopaxi.

***MyHeritage makes available free collection of digitized books:  These are related to family history and may be worth browsing through to see what's available.  The article and link to the books can be found at digitized books.

***Jewish and Other European Refugees Saved by Japanese During WWII:  Read about this fascinating story, which includes a Jewish genealogy colleague that some readers may know, Mark Halpern, from Pennsylvania.  The story can be found at Japanese rescue.

***Top Ten Genealogy Myths:  You've probably heard most of these, but just in case....Check out this link to read about the most common ones (e.g. "our family surname was changed at Ellis Island"):  Mythbusters.

***Citizens History Project through the USHMM:  The Holocaust museum in Washington is conducting an online project related to the question of how much Americans knew about the Holocaust as it was happening.  For more information, please go to citizen history project.

"In Case You Missed It" 

IAJGS Conference in Seattle Keynote Speaker:  University of Washington Professor Devin E. Naar will deliver the keynote address at the meeting in August next year.  Dr. Naar is a brilliant scholar and a spellbinding presenter who has received national attention for his work in Ladino language and literature. "The Sephardic Experience in the United States" will be one of the key topic tracks of the 2016 conference in Seattle, which has the third largest Sephardic population in the United States after New York and Los Angeles.  Presentations, panel discussions and other events at the conference, expected to draw upwards of 1,000 attendees from around the world, will take in the full global sweep of the Jewish experience, including European migrations, Jewish families in South America, Australia, South Africa, and Israel, as well as Jews in the Western United States. For more information, go to

Ellis Island Immigration Facts:  Genealogy in Time magazine has published an article on Ellis Island facts.  It can be found online at Genealogy In Time.

Jewish Council Archives in Europe Digitization Project:  
This is a two year project that has just been announced.  During the Second World War, Jewish Councils or Associations were established throughout Europe. They functioned as representative bodies for local, regional and national Jewish communities and, as such, were sometimes closely involved by the German occupier in the execution of the extermination policy of the Nazis.  The Jewish Council Archives is one of the most important sources of information about the Jewish community life during the Second World War and contain valuable information about the day-to-day proceedings of the Holocaust. For more information please go to digitation project.

European Jewish Cemeteries Initiative:  The European Jewish Cemeteries Initiative was set up as a German-based non-profit organization in early 2015 with the core objective of protecting and preserving Jewish cemetery sites across the European continent through delineation of cemetery boundaries and the construction of perimeter walls and locking gates.  For more information, please go to:  ESJF.

National Archives Virtual Genealogy Fair:  If you missed the online program that was held in October, you can still find it on YouTube, both the lectures and the handouts.  Check out these links:  Info and Handoutslectures part Ilectures, part II.  The lectures are lengthy but the first link gives you a program guide to make it easier to find the material you're looking for.  It's all free.

Jewish Genealogy Society of Long Island has a YouTube video channel and you can access it for free.  Check this out at JGSLI YouTube.  Or go to their society webpage at

The International Tracing service (ITS)  has begun putting its Holocaust-era archive online, including photos from concentrations camps and other historical documents.  Thus far only 50,000 images out of 30 million documents have been posted.  To find out more, go to ITS archive online.

Genealogy on TV:  "Finding Your Roots", the PBS show hosted by Henry Louis Gates, will be returning on January 5th.  For more information, look at Finding Your Roots.  The "Genealogy Roadshow", also on PBS, will be returning on May 17th.  Their website is at Genealogy Roadshow.
Historic Jewish Newspapers Online:  While limited to pre-1950 papers, you might find this free sight of interest at Jewish papers online.
Tracing Children of the Holocaust:  The BBC recently did a report on trying to find relatives of children who survived the Holocaust but were separated from their families.  The story can be found at Tracing the Children of the Holocaust and the actual broadcast can be found at BBC broadcast.

Why Doesn't "Search" Produce the Records We're Looking For?  Thanks to Jan Meisels Allen of the IAJGS for leading us to this blogpost at - makes for interesting reading:  How to find records that aren't showing up via search.
Yizkor Book Translation Project:  If you haven't checked out the Yiskor Book project activity lately, take a look at their site on JewishGen at Yizkor Book Project.  The website contains an update on the latest translations as well as what's coming up!

For Polish Researchers:  If you're not already familiar with it, check out the "Virtual Shtetl" website at Virtual Shtetl.  They also have a newsletter (enews) that you can sign up for via email.
Preserving Jewish Religious Heritage in Europe:  For a good article on this, read European Jewish Heritage.

Colorado Lineage? First Families of Colorado is offering recognition to those Colorado descendants who qualify, reviewed by the Colorado Council of Genealogical Societies.  For complete information, please look at their website at Colorado Council Family Recognition.

Colorado Springs Death Register Now Online:   The Pikes Peak Genealogical Society has just completed indexing 19,187 individuals from the Colorado Springs, Colorado, Death Registers, 1872-1920, making them freely available in the online, searchable Pikes Peak NewsFinder index, which is available at  Colorado Springs Death Register. The indexing project was a collaboration between PPGS and the Pikes Peak Library District Special Collections.

Yizkor Book Project:  While many readers are already aware of this project and what's being done, you may not be aware of the latest goings-on.  To find out more, check out their web page on JewishGen at Yizkor Book Project and a recent article at Insights.

Find Your Ancestors in Historical Jewish Newspapers:  Ken Marks on his blog The Ancestor Hunt has an area on Jewish American Historical Newspapers. Most are free sites, some require registration, some may only be used through a library that has a ProQuest Historical Newspaper subscription, and he mentions a few that are available only with subscriptions to paid sites.  Click here for more information: The Ancestor Hunt.
Genealogical Records Access Is Under Ongoing Threat: If you haven't already, you should consider registering to receive updates regarding records access.  The link can be found at IAJGS records access.  You need to provide them with your email address, name and organization (JGSCO).
JGSCO on Facebook:  While we always run a link to our Facebook page in the left sidebar, we wanted to run it here to be sure you've connected to our Facebook page.  If you are a Facebook user and haven't yet joined our "group", you can do so by clicking on:  Jewish Genealogy in Colorado.
Colorado Jewish Obituaries now indexed and available online. Intermountain Jewish News obituaries from 1918 through mid-2011 have been indexed and can be reached by clicking on Intermountain Jewish News on Jewishgen. 
Genealogy Classes and Events in the Colorado Area and Online 
This may be of interest to those of you who may be relatively new to genealogical research, though it always helps to refresh your skills.  We've also added a reference to some courses ("Webinars") that can be viewed online so you don't even have to leave your home to attend!  In the Denver/Boulder area, there are numerous classes, lasting a few hours or sometimes a full day.  We can't publish all of them here, but some are worth searching for online or at your local library.  

1.  The Denver Public Library holds monthly classes on genealogy, sponsored by the Colorado Genealogical Society.  These classes are normally on Saturdays (not so good for our members perhaps) but there are other classes as well.   A more complete description and a complete schedule page can be found by clicking on DPL genealogy classes. They also provide information on other genealogy-related programs in the area - find this at DPL Genealogy Page
2.  The Boulder Genealogical Society is presenting a new series of beginner workshops about once a quarter in Boulder. The link to the regular programs and the beginner classes can be found at
3.  The "Computer Interest Group" of the Colorado Genealogy Society has monthly classes and meetings.  They also will be cosponsoring a seminar on March 5th, 2016. Detailed information can be found by clicking on this link:  CIG.  
4.  The Aurora Genealogical Society of Colorado conducts programs at the Aurora Public Library. Check out their program website at:  Aurora genealogy classes.   
5.  The Castle Rock Colorado Genealogical Society (CRCGS) offers sessions on various topics.  Click on CRCGS for more information. 
6.  The Columbine Genealogical and Historical Society offers programs on a regular basis.  For more information and the full program schedule, click on  Columbine Genealogical and Historical Society. 
7.  The Denver Family Search Center (South Monaco Street)  offers classes throughout the year (with the exception of July and August), in several locations in the Denver area.  Keep checking their web site for the latest info atFamily History Classes.   Note that the Auroro Family Search Center DOES have classes in August and September coming up, so please check out their website at 
8.  The Colorado Genealogical Society offers a variety of classes.The CGS and the CGS/Computer Interest Group are pleased to announce that CeCe Moore has accepted their invitation to be the speaker at the joint CGS and CIG seminar on 5 March 2016 at the Denver Public Library. For more information and more programs, click on Colorado Genealogical Society.  

.  NARA Denver (National Archives):

  NARA in Broomfield offers occasional workshops and you need to check their website for the latest information. The facility is less than five minutes off of I-25 at Exit 229.  Their website can be found at NARA Broomfield.

10. (owned by offer free webinars about the US Census.  Every Wednesday at 11:00 am Mountain time.  For detailed information, click on livestream.
11. Foothills Genealogical Society: for information, click on this link:  
12. offers online genealogy education courses throughout the year.  This link will provide you with the latest information: education information.
13.  The Broomfield Genealogical Society offers programs throughout the year.  For more information, click on Broomfield Genealogical Society.  

14.  An Age of Splendor: Vibrantly Engaging Jewish Elders will be a workshop led by Rabbi Dayle Friedman, following the Jewish Conference on Aging Well. For more information on the conference, click on You Only Live Once.  Rabbi Friedman is from Philadelphia and the founder of Hiddur: The Center for Aging and Judaism of RRC.
15.  Highlands Ranch Genealogical Society meets on the first Tuesday of every month from September to May, at 7 pm at the Highlands Ranch Library on Ridgeline Boulevard.  For more information, go to Highlands Ranch Genealogical Society.
16.  Longmont Genealogical Society meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 1:00 pm except for July and December which start at noon and feature a pot luck luncheon.  Their website can be found at Longmont Genealogical Society.  

17.  Legacy Family Tree/Millennia Corporation offers a series of online courses.  Information can be found at Family Tree webinars.  Archived webinars can be found at archived webinars.

18.  The Southern California Genealogical Society offers free webinars to anyone, anywhere.  You need to be a member to access the archived programs, but nonmembers may access them for free when the are "live". For more information go to:  If you want to register go to the session that you are interested in and click on the name of the program and it will take you to the appropriate page at GoToWebinar.

19.  Southeastern Colorado Genealogical Society will be presenting a program about Cotopaxi led by Jen Lowe (JGSCO member and past Board member) on Saturday, January 9 at 12:30 pm, located at the Rawlings Library, 100 E Abriendo, Pueblo CO 81004.  For more information, go to Southeastern Colorado.
The JGSCO Library

Need help with your research?  The JGSCO has a fantastic library collection which is housed at Temple Emanuel in Denver.  The members area of our website contains a list of our books, which are available for free borrowing by our members!  At many of our regular program meetings, we will have one or more our library books for you to browse and/or borrow.  

Books that have been borrowed from the JGSCO Library (either at the library location itself or during a program meeting) may be returned to the library, the front desk of Temple Emanuel, or during a future program meeting.  The library itself does not need to be open in order for you to return a borrowed book.

Our collection contains many books for research on surnames from various countries such as Poland, the Russian Empire, Hungary, Ukraine, etc.  We also have books covering Sephardic research.

Printed copies of Gesher Galicia Family Finders and Gesher Galicia newsletters for multiple years are now available in the JGSCO library. These were donated by Barb Steinmetz and were from Howard Steinmetz' z''l personal collection.  

If you're intending to visit the library and/or take out a book, please be sure to call the Temple Emanuel Library before venturing out.  The librarian, Rita Dahlke can be reached at  303-388-4013 x 345, or Here are the published library hours:

Monday - 10:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday - 10:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday - 10:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Thursday - 10:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Friday - open after services on certain dates
Saturday - 9 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Sunday - 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. (possibly with the exception of dates when the Religious School is not in session; call first)

In addition, if you have any difficulties with access to the library, please feel free to contact the JGSCO at library questions.  We're pleased to let you know that Rosalyn Kirkel has agreed to take over the Librarian responsibilities so if you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with Rosalyn.

Please note that our Library is a "member benefit" and therefore access to the Library is only available to JGSCO members.

The Jewish Genealogical Society of Colorado is a nonprofit organization run entirely by volunteers. Monthly lectures are free and open to the public.  

Please note that if you're interested in becoming a member, renewing your membership, or have any other questions, but cannot access our website, please feel free to contact us at  

We welcome your attendance at monthly meetings and workshops, but we need your help too. One-time and ongoing volunteer opportunities are available at meetings as well as behind the scenes. Offer your time and talents by contacting us at I want to volunteer! 

This newsletter is produced monthly and sent to all existing members as well as many interested parties.  If you have any comments, suggestions, requests, etc., please feel free to contact the editor, Barry Halpern.  Also, if you come across any "broken links" (i.e. if you click on a link and you don't get to where you're supposed to), please do let me know!  Note that sometimes a "link" provided within the enews won't work on one browser but will work on a different browser (Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, etc) - so if you're having trouble, please try that first.


If you have a change in contact information (i.e address, email, telephone, etc.), please let us know at