Michelle A. Riklan
Certified Resume Writer, Career Coach, LinkedIn Profile Writer, Trainer, Facilitator, Author, Columnist, Speaker
Career Newsletter
Volume III, Issue 4                                                          April 2014
Riklan Resources, LLC
(800) 540-3609
A leading resume and career services company assisting clients in the 
New Jersey/New York metropolitan area and globally
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Welcome to April's career newsletter! 


Please feel free to send suggestions for improvement and additional areas that you would like to see covered in future issues to michelle@riklanresources.com.

Kind regards,   








Our list is growing! If you would like to advertise in future issues, please send an e-mail to robin@riklanresources.com.



5 Tools to 'Spring Clean' Your Resume

by Michelle A. Riklan, ACRW, CPRW, CEIC


Read my article, "5 Tools To 'Spring Clean' Your Resume" that was published on Careerealism.com: http://www.careerealism.com/resume-tools-spring-clean/



Are You Ready to Energize Your Engineering Career?
Do you love your job? Do you look forward to going to work every day? Or do you have to drag yourself out of your home to go to work every day?

If you are not happy with your job, you are not alone! Many professionals from the engineering and architectural background do not like their jobs but take no action. They daydream about a great job that would bring them the job satisfaction and the high salary they deserve, but still take no action. As you know, daydreaming does not solve your problem. Action is needed to turn that dream job in to reality.

So, are you ready to energize your career? If the answer is YES, I have the solution for you. Take the first step and attend a unique but free of charge 5-day, on-line telesummit called "Go Global" Career Telesummit. Click on the link below to see the details and sign up:

Go Global Career Telesummit<http://www.easywebautomation.com/app/?Clk=5257909>

I am so excited to be a speaker at this event, because I will be working alongside a group of experts that can truly help you take your career to a whole new level. Click on this link and see the impressive list of speakers, their bios and the topics they cover.

So many of us are curious about (or are fascinated by) the career opportunities that exist outside our home countries, but don't know where to start. So, by attending this priceless telesummit, you will learn how to "Play Big and Go Global" with your career. In this telesummit we will equip you with the strategies that you need to land the expat job that will truly energize your career. So, go ahead, click on the link below and take the first step toward a career that is truly rewarding.

Go Global Career Telesummit<http://www.easywebautomation.com/app/?Clk=5257909>

See you on the other side.

Michelle A. Riklan

PS: The first session is on May 12th at 12 pm EDT; but if you can't make this or any of the sessions, don't worry, we will make the recordings available to you for the duration of the 5-day event.


Suggested Reading: Ultimate Guide to Job Interview Prep
By Peggy McKee, CEO Career Confidential

This is NOT "Interviewing 101." This is professional-level job interview prep that will put you on top:
  • What's important when "researching the company"
  • Insightful questions to ask that uncover what you really need to know
  • Powerful ways to answer common interview questions
  • Most critical Interview Do's and Don'ts
This is the guide to everything you should be doing BEFORE the interview. Our Interview Prep Kit will turn you into the confident, prepared candidate who gets the job.
(And it's free.)
Download your copy now!


If you have a favorite career book to suggest or an article that you'd like to submit for our upcoming issues, please send your information to newsletter@riklanresources.com.



In the News

Arianna Huffington's advice to new graduates:

101 Great Ways to Enhance Your Career
As featured on ABC News--Get your copy today!

Receive up to $1500 worth of free bonuses with your purchase
101 Book

-  7 Steps to the Job You Want
-  Mastering the Job Interview
-  One-on-One Career Coaching Session
-  Check Your Resume Before You Send It
-  101+ Job Search Tips
-  21 Body Language Tips for Career Success
-  7 Secrets to Financial Freedom
-  MORE on the Art of Cultivating Professional References
-  Flip on Your Success Switch! How to Start Creating a Successful Life
-  Success Tweets eBook
-  Successful Business Strategies eBooke
-  The 10 Best Kept Secrets for Remembering Your Dreams
-   From Impossible to Possible is a Quest
-   5 Critical Mistakes You Are Making in Your Career


Click here to order the complete collection of 101 insider secrets that show you how to instantly and positively enhance your career

Join our LinkedIn Group!



Do you have a career related product or service that you would like to promote in our upcoming newsletters? Contact us at  robin@riklanresources.com for more information.
What's Happening at Riklan Resources

Speaker at American Society of Training and Development International Conference and Expo in May
Session 1:  LinkedIn and Networking for the 21st Century
Session 2: LinkedIn Profiles and Resumes: How to make sure you have the competitive edge (Co-facilitated with Laura Labovich)

Featured Futurist Presenter at the Career Thought Leaders Conference, Baltimore, MD
Michelle's topic, "
Career Communications for the Human Eye, Technology, and What's to Come" guided attendees at last week's conference on a path of discovery so that they can continue to write career communications that will give their clients a competitive advantage and position them for lifelong career success.

Named One of the Top 25 Women to Follow on Twitter for Job Search

In This Issue
5 Tools to 'Spring Clean' Your Resume
Are You Ready to Energize Your Engineering Career?
Ultimate Guide to Job Interview Prep
In the News
101 Great Ways to Enhance Your Career
What's Happening at Riklan Resources
Quick Links

In the Media

Inspirational Thought
Being busy does not always mean real work. The object of all work is production or accomplishment and to either of these ends there must be forethought, system, planning, intelligence, and honest purpose, as well as perspiration. Seeming to do is not doing.
-- Thomas A. Edison
2013 2nd Place Award 
Best New Grad Resume
2013 Tori Award

2011 2nd Place Award 
Best Creative Resume

2010 3rd Place Award 
Best Creative Resume

How Can We Help You?


Are you looking for a leading resume and career services company to assist you with: 
  • Resumes that land on the top of the pile?
  • Coaching that puts you ahead of the competition?
  • Training that ensures career advancement?   

We want you to reach your top potential! Contact us today to get started or click here to schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation with Michelle Riklan

Riklan Resources, LLC.