Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma
Diocese Welcomes New Senior Accountant

Adult/Young Adult Interfaith Tour

Cursillo #124 Scheduled

Casady School Open House

Youth Group Looking for Mission Work in Diocese

New Hope Names New Executive Director

Saint Simeons

Ashes to Go

St. Bede's, Westport

St. Mary's Chancel Choir Candlelight Dinner and Concert

Lent Madness is Back

Celebrate Summer Camp in the Middle of Winter

Mind, Body, and Spirit in the 2nd Half of Life II

Becoming a Wise Elder

Summer Camp Registrations Now On-Line

Whole Creation Community

Make My Mission - St. Crispin's

Episcopal Men's Retreat

Episcopal Church Women Sponsor Women's Retreat

Safeguarding God's Children

Important Dates for Youth

Young Adult/Campus Ministry News

Resources for Disaster

Five Finger Model of Prayer

Bishop's Schedule



February 10

St. Paul's

Holdenville Centennial Celebration


February 17

St. Timothy's

Pauls Valley


February 24

St. Thomas



Save the Date


April 15 - 16

Retired Clergy and Spouses Retreat

St. Crispin's


April 26 - 28 

Altered (formerly Vocare)

St. Crispin's


August 2 - 4

Happening 10th - 12th Graders

All Souls' Church

Oklahoma City, OK


August 15 - 17

EFM Mentor Training

St. Crispin's


Upcoming Diocese Events


To register or for more information please go onto the Dicoesan Web Site  below or call the local congregation:


February 26

Safeguarding God's Children

Diocesan Offices

10 - 12:30


New Web Sites and Links

Kevin Martin, Diocesan Congregational Development Officer's Blog


Companion Diocese Uruguay


     two bishops



Holy God, source of healing and of peace, bless with your grace the companion dioceses of  Oklahoma and Uruguay. Through our partnership one with another may we grow in mutual affection and communion, seek a more profound experience of truth, build up the Church in unity and give glory to Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.



New Web site:




The Next Issue of this Newsletter will be on Friday, 
February 15, 2013.

We Are Epiok.org

February 8, 2013

Issue 6

TopNews, Events, and Offerings  
Diocese Welcomes New Senior Accountant
Tonda Walker

We are pleased to announce that Tonda Walker has joined the Diocesan Staff as Senior Accountant. She is from Oklahoma City. Her mother is from Paul's Valley (Peters) and her dad was from Watonga (Walkers).  She is only child and has one child.  She is a graduate of University of Central Oklahoma and has an Accounting Degree.

Her daughter, Courtney, just recently graduated from Edmond Santa Fe and is now attending Texas A&M University on a basketball scholarship, as a computer engineering major.  

Tonda's hobbies include attending her daughter's basketball games and taking care of their family dog, Reeci, a chocolate dapple dachshund.               
Adult/Young Adult Interfaith Tour - March 3, 2013

By request, the Religions United Committee of OCC is again offering an Interfaith Tour for Adults/Young Adults. Attendees will visit three different houses of worship in the Oklahoma City area. The tour will begin at Holy Temple Baptist Church with check-in at 1:00 p.m. Also on the tour will be a visit to The Dharma Center (Buddhist) and the Edmond Baha'i Center.

Transportation between tour stops will be provided, with light refreshments served. Registration fee is $15 per person. Details and registration are available on the OCC website at www.okchurches.org.

For GROUP RESERVATIONS, please contact the OCC office at (405) 525-2928.

Deadline to register is Wednesday, February 27. 
Cursillo #124 Scheduled for April 4 - 7

cursillo Cursillo is a movement of the Episcopal Church designed to renew and deepen Christian commitment. Its goal is to help those in the church to understand their individual callings to be Christian Leaders by equipping and encouraging them to live out their Baptismal Covenant to serve Christ. To participate in the April 4-7 weekend at St.Crispin's, please consult with your clergy about sponsorship, and submit the attached application at least two weeks prior to the weekend.
Casady School Open HouseCasady School

Lower Division Open House - March 3, 2013 2 - 4 pm

Primary Division Open House - March 3, 2013 2 - 4 pm

Screening Dates

Primary Division - March 9th, 2013 - 9 a.m. -12 p.m.

Lower Division - March 9th, 2013 - 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Youth Group Looking for Mission Work in Diocese
If you are a rural congregation and would like to have some ready, willing, and able "extra hands" with a VBS, painting, cleaning, organizing, or working in your food pantry, etc., we have a youth group for you! A congregation is trying to keep it local (in the diocese) the week of June 16 - 22. If you have the projects, they have the talent. Please contact Sabrina Evans at the Diocesan Offices for further details. 
New Hope Names New Executive Director

New Hope is pleased to announce that Lindsay Fry-Geier has accepted the post of Executive Director. Lindsay has been Program Director for the past two years, and she brings excellent credentials to her new position, as well as energy and enthusiasm for working with the children New Hope serves.

New Hope provided a summer camp experience for almost 200 children of incarcerated parents from across the state in 2012, and we are in the midst of our plans now for the 2013 camps.

If you would like to make a donation that will assist with ongoing after-school programs in the Tulsa area as well as with our preparation for the summer camps, please go to www.newhopeoklahoma.org or mail a donation to P.O. Box 3243, Tulsa OK 74101-3243. 
Saint Simeon's

Over the last couple years, Saint Simeon's Episcopal Home has received Oklahoma Magazine's "Best of the Best" award for Best Nursing Home. Saint Simeon'sSaint Simeon's  desires to continue to be known as "the Best of the Best" in Northeastern Oklahoma, not just as a Nursing Home, but for all areas of outstanding senior living.
Saint Simeon's would appreciate your help in voting for Saint Simeon's in Oklahoma Magazine's "Best of the Best." Simply visit bob.okmag.com  and complete at least 75 percent of the ballot in order for your votes to count. Cast your vote for Saint Simeon's in the following areas: Assisted Living Center, Nursing Home, and Retirement Community. Also, Saint Simeon's Western Days would be a great nominee for the "Charity Event" area!

We appreciate your nominations and for letting your friends and family members know about this great opportunity as well! The last day to cast your vote in the Oklahoma Magazine's Best of the Best Awards is March 15. 
Ashes to Go 

Ashes to Go Can't make it to your church on Ash Wednesday but will be in the Oklahoma City area? St. Augustine's of Canterbury, 14700 North May Avenue, will be offering Ashes to Go from 1:30 - 2:30. 
St. Bede's, Westport
st. bede
Pictured are three from Uruguay who attend St. Bede's in Westport and were there last Sunday for the Bishop's Visitation. Virginia Gravina is working on a PHD at Oklahoma State.  She is on Bishop's left.  Her Daughters, Lucia (on the bishop's right) and Maria (far right) are with us when visiting here. Their presence has helped us come to know our companion diocese and their home country.       
St. Mary's Chancel Choir Candlight Dinner and Concert

The Chancel Choir Candelight 4 course gourmet dinner will be
provided at 6:00 pm on Sunday, March 3. Tickets are $50 each. dinner party Reservations may be made by calling the office at 341-3855 or contacting Linda Mason at lmason31@cox.net or 340-0612. 

Concert - Following the dinner an all-Brahms concert will be provided by UCO faculty for free. The Brahms concert begins at 7:30 pm.

There will be a light reception following the concert so you can mingle with the musicians.

All food is provided by choir members. All proceedes from the dinner will go toward the Chancel Choir UCO Student scholarships. Four UCO students join the choir each year, and are supported by our scholarships. We share love and gorgeous music, too! 
Lent Madness is Back!

Lent Madness
Who will win the Golden Halo? It's anybody's vote! Check out Lent Madness 2013: The Saintly Smack Down! 
http://networkedblogs.com/HGG2F will give you the overview of the event and how it is played. Daily saints will appear at: www.lentmadness.org
Celebrate Summer Camp in the Middle of Winter!

Sing camp songs - make camp crafts - participate in a youth led Eucharist - share lunch with your friends.

February 10, St. John's, Norman, 10:30 a.m.

Wear your favorite camp t-shirt!

Please RSVP to stcrispinsdirector@gmail.com so we may have sufficient food for lunch.
Mind, Body, and Spirit in the 2nd Half of Life II

We're doing it again. The Diocese of Oklahoma and the Senior Ministries Committee is offering a great opportunity to gather with your friends to learn about issues specifically tailored for those in the 2nd Half of Life. 

The date is April 4, 10 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. and will be held at Church of the Resurrection Episcopal Church, 13112 North Rockwell, OKC. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE REGISTRATION BROCHURE THAT CAME IN THE MAIL HAS THE CORRECT DATE AND NOT THE CORRECT DAY. IT IS ON THURSDAY, APRIL 4.

Program will include: Plenary Panel Session "Getting It All Together: The Messy Paperwork of Life." The Rev. Michael A. Jasper, Rector at Church of the Resurrection and Shirley Cox, Legal Services Developer, OK Department of Human Services will share their knowledge and the session will be mediated by The Rev. John Belzer.

Four workshops will be offered, of which you may choose two: Laughter Yoga, Driving Safely and Safety, Scripture, Aging, and Lectio Divina, and Being a Grandparent in Today's Society.

For Registration forms Click here . If you have questions now, contact Sabrina Evans, sevans@epiok.org, or call 405 232 4820.
Becoming a Wise Elder 
February 18 - March 29
Led by Angeles Arrien, Mary Ann Brussat
Subscribe to this E-Course

More of us are entering the second half of our life than at any other time in history. As life expectancy continues to rise, more of us will find ourselves living much longer as elders than did our parents and grandparents.

These extra years, even decades, extend the blessings of life, yet in many ways we are not prepared to live them fully. We have forgotten the rites of passage that help us transition into being wise elders, living deep and fulfilling lives. Unfortunately, a dominant cultural perspective is that the second half of life offers only decline, disease, despair, and death. Elders are not acknowledged and valued the way they are in traditional cultures around the world.

If we each are to live our best second half of life, to embrace these years and flourish in them, we need to consciously shift our perspective. We can no longer ignore the wisdom that is irrevocably lost to future generations when elders are marginalized or rendered invisible. The more challenging our world, the more we need our elders to share the lessons they have learned, to lend us their problem-solving skills, and to enhance our lives by imparting their unique gifts. And as elders ourselves, we need to embrace this role for ourselves, our families, and our communities.

The rites of passage from birth to fifty years of age are well defined. We may go to school, get our first job, find life partners, raise a family, develop a career, and contribute to our communities. But the skills we develop during the first half of life are not adequate, nor are they appropriate, for the frontiers we will cross as we age; the tasks and requirements for growth and change are completely different.

Becoming a wise elder demands from us very different attitudes, disciplines, and life skills, many of which have not yet been clearly associated with increased longevity. This new terrain promises to be both daunting and exciting, and we will need to be courageous in the face of our fears and uncertainties.

Many world tales and perennial wisdoms point to eight frontiers through which we must pass in order to fully develop into wise people. These frontiers include:

* facing new experiences and the unknown
* discovering one's true face or authentic identity
* exploring relationships from the crucible of love, intimacy and forgiveness
* approaching service, creativity and generativity from a place of legacy
* developing character and deepening wisdom
* opening to the presence of grace
* moving into surrender, acceptance, and equanimity
* practicing non-attachment and letting go

Each of these frontiers has its own gift, its task, and its challenge, which we will explore during this six-week online course.

Our leader will be Angeles Arrien, Ph.D., a cultural anthropologist, award-winning author, educator, and consultant to many organizations and businesses. She is the President of the Foundation for Cross-Cultural Education and Research and regularly lectures and conducts workshops worldwide, bridging cultural anthropology, psychology, and comparative religions. She is the author of seven books including The Second Half of Life: Opening the Eight Gates of Wisdom, winner of the 2007 Nautilus Award for Best Book on Aging. She is profiled as one of the Living Spiritual Teachers at Spirituality & Practice.

For this e-course, Angeles Arrien will explore the eight gates to becoming a wise elder in 18 emails, sent on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Each will contain a short essay and suggestions for applying this wisdom in your own spiritual journey, including:

* practices in how to trust the new and unfamiliar
* how to create openings and initiate ways to collaborate and unify
* how to resolve inner and outer conflict
* universal practices and time honored skills that foster a clear mind, an open heart, a strong spirit, and courageous action in the world

Participants from our worldwide community will then be invited to come to an online Practice Circle (a forum open 24/7) to post responses to the readings and their own experiences on the journey to becoming wise elders. To join, click here to go to Spirituality & Practice homepage.

Monday, February 18 - Friday, March 29

6 CEHs for Chaplains available.
Summer Camper Registration Forms Now On-Line

Summer Camp 2013 logo

Yes, everything you need to register for Summer Camp 2013 is now on-line. Camp sessions are as follows:
May 31 - June 1 ABC (overnight camp for children who have finished Kindergarten through 2nd grade) and a parent/guardian. This gives the child and parent a taste of the camp experience. Campers stay in cabins with other campers, swim, make crafts, and play like big campers!
June 2 - 8 Sr. High (10th - 12th graders) 
June 9 - 15 8th and 9th graders 
June 16 - 22 3rd - 5th graders 
June 23 - 29 6th and 7th graders 
June 30 - July 6 8th and 9th graders 
July 7 - 13 3rd - 5th graders 
July 14 - 20 6th and 7th graders
Whole Creation Community - Caring for Creation
whole creation community
The following meditation written by Mother Tammy Wooliver of St. David's in OKC was posted the week of February 4, 2013 on the Whole Creation Community Facebook page. Please continue to join Whole Creation Community in daily devotion http://stpaulsokc.org/whole-creation.

The sound of rushing water, falling over a cliff. Ever feel like you are rushing, in a hurry, to somewhere or time...pushed to and fro by the forces around you and suddenly you find yourself falling, falling, falling...landing forcefully into calm stillness...where the pace of life invites you to move with the flow rather than resist the movement that inevitably will have its way as you journey towards the place where all rivers end? Tammy

Focus Story
Whole Creation Community and the St. Paul's Green Team will be hosting a Lenten series on Caring for Creation during the 10:10 forum on Sundays. Topics will encourage us to think about our own faith stories and how our life experiences shape our relationship with Creation. Topics will focus on our commitment as fellow workers in God's creation to each other and to our environment. Forum sessions will include, discussions on spirituality, crafting something reusable from plastic bags, a film on "stuff", an introduction to Cool Congregations, becoming an everyday environmentalist, and an introduction to the book, Of Wolves and Men by Barry Lopez which will be studied in greater detail during the Easter Season.

Perhaps your congregation is doing something special during this time of discipline. Please share with us on facebook by going to the WCC wall at http://www.facebook.com/wholecreation. 
Make My Mission - St. Crispin's - 2013 Mission Camp  
Mission CampMission Camp is looking for a few good young men to help serve as leader's at this year's event. We will be at St. Crispin's starting Sunday, March 17 - Tuesday, March 19. Lots of projects to make St. Crispin's a better place for all. College students who are interested in serving as staff, please contact me at sevans@epiok.org. 

Youth, registration forms are located on the diocesan web site at: http://www.epiok.org/Christian%20Formation/youth.html. 
Episcopal Men's Retreat

The Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma

Men's Retreat

St. Crispin's Conference Center

May 2-4, 2013

Thursday Supper-Saturday Lunch

The Right Reverend Dr. Edward Konieczny

 Bishop Ed 

Retreat Chaplain


2 nights/6 meals

$135 double $170 single

Click here for Registration form

Episcopal Church Women Sponsors Women's Retreat

February 22 - 23

God Bless the Work of our Hands:

an Introduction to Benedictine Spirituality


hands women's retreat


St. Crispin's Camp and Conference Center

Facilitator: The Rev. Debora L. Jennings

Click here for Registration Form. 

SafeguardingSafeguarding God's Children


February 24

All Saints, McAlester

12 - 3:30 p.m.

Contact Karen Askew to register: karen.askew@gmail.com


February 26, 2013

Diocesan Offices

10 a.m.

email sevans@epiok.org to register.

Oklahoma Episcopal Youth Events 



Important Dates for Youth - Diocese of OK


Mission Camp - March 17-19, 2013. Make our Mission - St. Crispin's! Several changes are being made to this year's mission camp. (1) It will be held at St. Crispin's; (2) It will be Sunday - Tuesday; (3) It will be open for 6th - 12th graders; (4) You will be one of the first groups to use the new ropes course! Mike and Joanne Roberts will direct us to meaningful work projects to help make the place we all love so much that much better! Registration forms can be found here!


Province VII Mission Week in Dallas - July 8 - 13. Arriving on Monday, Mission Service will be Tuesday - Friday, with a closing service on Friday night. Mission service can be with children, the elderly, in food (food bank, soup kitchen, etc.) or the environment.Then, Saturday morning - 6 Flags! Back to OK Saturday night. This opportunity is for high school students only. Check out the Facebook page at: http://province7youth.org/ 


Happening - 10th - 12th graders - August 2 - 4, All Souls' Episcopal Church, OKC.

Young Adult/Campus Ministry News
Young adults
Here are several events for Young Adults:

Episcopal Peace Fellowship Urban Pilgrimages 2013
Various Locations
March 1 deadline for registering
March 9 - 14 Austin, TX

Discernment: Finding Lives of Meaning and Purpose
April 5 - 7
Turkey Run, IN

U2 Conference - Exploring the music, work, and influence of U2
April 26 - 27
Cleveland, OH

Taize Pilgrimage of Trust
May 24 - 27
Red Shirt, ND

Why Serve
June 5 - 9
For Young Adults of color 18 - 30
Virginia Theological Seminary

Young Adults and Campus Missions Conference
June 26 - 29
Loyola University
Chicago, IL
Want to keep up with the latest for Young Adults and Campus Mission information? Friend Episcopal Young Adult and Campus Ministries at http://tiny.cc/6ly1rw 
Christian Formation Resources
Resources for Disaster

Episcopal Relief & Development has just released new resources for ministry to children, younger youth, and older youth immediately after a disaster. These are all free and available for immediate download at www.er-d.org/formation or www.er-d.org/resourcelibrary .

Included are lesson plans for use after a disaster, tragedy in your community, or other serious event. Also included are tip sheets for parents and volunteers, a list of books for use with young people, prayers, and tip sheets on praying with children after a disaster. Chances are, at some point in our ministries, we will all have to deal with a weather related disaster, a tragedy, or some other traumatic event in our communities.

After 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, and other events in recent years, a wealth of helpful information and research has become available on how to best help children and youth after such an event. The purpose of these new resources is to share this information with you , and in a way that is highly accessible and can be used on very short notice. Please take note of these resources; you may even want to download, print, and keep these in a file folder for "just in case" use. 
A Five Finger Model of Prayer

five finger prayer Here is a way of praying for others by using your fingers to trigger you into thinking about different groups of people. Thumb: Those furthest away - missionaries, persecuted Christians, friends and families overseas. 1st finger: Those people who lead and guide us, pointing the way (ministers, teachers etc.) 2nd finger: The strongest finger - those people with power and responsibility (governments etc.)Ring finger: Those people we love - family, friends. Little finger: Those who are ill, weak, infirm, old, poor, helpless... Whole hand: Pray for yourself finally, offering your hands to God to serve Him as praying and serving hands for all the people you meet.

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Contact Information

Sabrina Evans


(405) 232-4820