# 1 in News - Hate Crime Updates
Kentucky Equality Federation's success stories have been hard to miss in the news. After President Jordan Palmer successfully lobbied the federal government into convicting the first hate crime in U.S. history, a federal judge dismissed a challenge to the 2009 Federal Hate Crime Law. The Kentucky also has a hate crime law which includes sexual orientation. The Commonwealth's law is very different from the federal law; the federal law makes a hate crime based on sexual orientation an arrestable offense, Kentucky's law makes a hate crime based on sexual orientation a post-conviction elevator (meaning you must be convicted of assault, battery, criminal mischief, etc. and if you are found guilty the Commonwealth's Attorney can request the presiding Judge classify the crime as a hate crime and impose significantly longer prison sentences). This past Tuesday, October 16, 2012, two major national stories include Kentucky Equality Federation cases:LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) - A federal judge will allow a hate crime case to proceed in turning away a challenge to a federal hate crimes law. The ruling allowed jury selection to start for two Cumberland men charged under the statute. They have pleaded not guilty. Prosecutors say Kevin Pennington was attacked in April 2011 because he's gay. LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) - An incarcerated gay man is suing the Warren County jail and his alleged attacker. Brandon Milam (MY'-lehm) claims a fellow inmate bit off part of his nose in July. An attorney says Milam is now on home incarceration. Kentucky Equality Federation posted a photo showing a hole on the left side of Milam's nose. After bring warned by President Jordan Palmer and Vice President of Legal, Attorney Jillian Hall, of "significant civil liability," the Warren County Jail refused to treat Brandon Milam for the brutal assault he suffered while in the custody of the Warren County Jailer. Jail is not a prison, it is a jail, a temporary hold place for people who cannot make bail or awaiting arraignment. - Read Kentucky Equality Federation's Press Release- Read the updated Bowling Green Daily News story (the most detailed)- Read the Associated Press story- Read the The Washington Post story- Read the New York Times story Kentucky Equality Federation President Jordan Palmer refused all on-camera interviews though major television stations still covered the story. Because of his disfigurement, Mr. Milam does not want to be seen until his reconstructive story is complete. President Palmer saw no reason to appear without Mr. Milam so all requests received by the Public Relations Department were denied. President Palmer stated: "As I told the Bowling Green Gray Communications Station, I see no reason for me to appear on television without Mr. Milam. I urge you to run the story, but I'm not the story, the brutal assault against Mr. Milam is your story so show your viewers what happened to him in jail when his nose was bitten off. I'm not a person who jumps in front of a camera just to see myself on television."
--> Because of pending litigation, Kentucky Equality Federation cannot comment further. The Brandon Milam and Kevin Pennington Hate Crime cases remain under a Stage I Media Blackout, the highest media blackout issued by Kentucky Equality Federation. A Stage I Media Blackout can only be issued by the President or the Chairman of the Board.
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Since 2005 Kentucky Equality Federation has served as public advocate for people discriminated against and disenfranchised.
Discovery Channel
| Kentucky Equality Federation President Jordan Palmer and Treasurer Trevor Ashley are again in negotiations with The Discovery Channel to talk about human sexuality, hate crimes and school bullying. From Jordan Palmer's ex-gay therapy (as a juvenile) to his suicide attempt (as a juvenile), this will be the second time they have asked Jordan Palmer to appear. Mr. Palmer declined last year when asked, simply saying he didn't live his life in the past and didn't want to think about his lowest moments, "I wrote about them and they helped a lot of people, it isn't something I want to discuss since I have shared it publicly already." Mr. Palmer's story received thousands of comments on MySpace. He transferred the story to his personal Facebook account last year which has received "a lot of comments and daily emails."
They have also asked straight ally Trevor Ashely to get a heterosexual point of view on having LGBTI friends and a gay son.
More will follow soon!
| The Kentucky HIV/AIDS Advocacy Campaign today announced a new managing director, Mr. Gary Fowler, PsyD, CDC/ASPH Fellow. Mr. Fowler served as president of the Kentucky HIV/AIDS Advocacy Action Group, an organization that originally began in 2002 but folded when Mr. Fowler stepped down as president. Mr. Fowler also served on the Governor's HIV/AIDS Planning Committee during his term as president, and remains the Kentucky board member and representative for Kentucky with the Southern AIDS Coalition (SAC).
- Read the press release - Visit www.KentuckyAids.org
Thank you for your time, attention, and dedication to equality!
Please forward this email to as many people as possible! We need them on our email list!
For Equality,
Brandon Combs
Chairman of the Board
Gary Fowler
Vice Chairman of the Board
Jordan Palmer
Joshua Koch
Vice President of Policy & Public Relations
Attorney Jillian Hall
Vice President of Legal
Fran Everage
Secretary of the Corporation
Dean Byrd
Assistant Secretary of the Corporation
-> Click here for a complete list of management and volunteers.
Public Advocate
| Part of Kentucky Equality Federation's Mission is to act as public advocate for citizens of the Commonwealth who suffer from discrimination, hate crimes, school and workplace bullying. If you or someone you know needs our assistance, please contact our Discrimination, Hate Crimes, and School Bullying Committee directly. Kentucky Equality Federation will be your advocate!
Financial Help
| Kentucky Equality Federation also offers financial assistance to qualified individuals who need help paying for rent, utilities, life-saving medications, and other essential items as our budget permits.
| Kentucky Equality Federation President Jordan Palmer wrote an editorial to the Louisville Courier-Journal and the Lexington Herald-Leader. Both editorials have been published. (more) |
Governor Beshear, DADT, and Love is Love:
- Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear responds to Kentucky Equality Federation about the Equality Bill currently being considered by the Kentucky House and Senate. (more)
- Artist shares "Love is Love" music video with Marriage Equality Kentucky. (more)
Support Equality
Show your pride and support for equality by visiting our online store or making a donation below. A portion of all purchases from our online store benefit Kentucky Equality Federation and we have hundreds of selections!