River Forest
District 90  
March 2014    

Superintendent's Message
D90 Withdraws From PARCC Assessment
Field Test

Dear Parents, Staff, Students, and Community Members,


The weather has certainly been challenging this winter, to say the least!  Please know that we appreciate your understanding and support as we've dealt with these historic weather conditions over the past couple of months. Thank you for your patience in these unusual circumstances.

As you are likely aware, District 90 intended to participate in field testing the  new Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Career (PARCC) assessment that is scheduled to replace the ISAT in 2015. The District's participation this year was voluntary, and offered us a means to become more familiar with the nature of the process. The field test would have involved only some of our students at each of the D90 schools. However, after extensive consideration, we have determined that participating in the PARCC field test at this time is not in the best instructional interest of our students.
Many factors went into the decision to forego participation in the field test. Among the considerations was that it would create a loss of instructional time for the selected students at a point when we are already addressing changes to instructional plans based on the four emergency closure days. Teachers and administrators also share a concern about the need to maintain balance in the number of student assessments administered, since our students are still required to participate in the ISAT this year. The loss of instructional time for the additional testing would also have an impact across affected grade levels that are working hard to collaborate toward the implementation of the Common Core standards. Finally, we confirmed that the District would not receive any student performance data from the administration of the field test.

While we will not be administering the test, our initial preparations to do so reaped a number of benefits. We learned that our technology capacity to administer this electronic assessment is quite robust. We also gained valuable insights about test administration, and the evolving and changing implementation guidelines. Fortunately, PARCC has started making sample assessment materials available online through its website. For staff members and parents who would like to review the nature of the assessment, these resources now provide helpful vehicles by which to do so.

If you have any questions about this decision or the PARCC test in general, please don't hesitate to contact me or Martha Ryan-Toye, Director of Student Services, at any time.   



Supt Signature  

Edward J. Condon, Ph.D. 

District News
Emergency Make-Up Dates Reminder:
School in Session Monday, March 3

As was previously announced, District 90 will be using three of its designated Emergency Days on June 9, 10 and 11 due to the four days of school closings in January.
The fourth day will be made up with a student attendance day on Monday, March 3, which was previously designated as the Casamir Pulaski holiday.
Summer School Registration Begins April 1

Summer School registration for River Forest residents begins on April 1. Registration for all interested students begins April 15. The last day of open registration is May 23.

First Day of Summer School: Tuesday, June 17
No School: July 4
Last Day of Summer School: Friday, July 11

The 2014 Summer School Brochure will be posted on the District website prior to Spring Recess. 
District 90 Climate Survey

Do you value and appreciate the rewards of education? Do you feel it's important to provide feedback and share essential information? Are you an agent for change?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, we hope you will participate in District 90's climate survey this spring. The survey will provide an opportunity for parents, staff, and community members to share their opinions, perceptions, and suggestions related to the District and the educational process.

With the ongoing objective of continuous improvement, the District plans to administer the survey in an electronic format in the weeks ahead, analyze the results, and make the data available to the community for review and consideration. The survey results will be particularly significant this year as we begin to embark upon a new five-year strategic planning process in the fall. Our goal will be to use the results to help ensure that the District continues to provide the highest quality education, superior learning conditions and environments, and a safe community that is welcoming and inclusive to all. Watch for more information in the coming weeks!

Early Childhood Screening Begins April 9

All River Forest children between the ages of three and five who are not currently attending the public schools are eligible for free screening services offered by District 90. The screenings will take place at Lincoln and Willard Schools from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on April 9.

Children living north of Chicago Avenue will be screened at Willard School. To schedule an appointment, call 708-366-6740.

Those living south of Chicago Avenue will be screened at Lincoln School. Please call 708-366-7340 to schedule an appointment.

Children ages birth to three who have suspected delays in gross-motor, fine-motor, communications, cognition, self-help or social development may be screened by Oak/Leyden Developmental Services. Call Krissie Russell at 708-524-1050, ext. 136, to schedule a screening.

For more information about the Screening Program, download the flyer by clicking here
Reminder to Use Short-Term and Street Parking at Roosevelt During the Day

An analysis of current traffic patterns in the Roosevelt Middle School north parking lot conducted in February revealed a significant number of drivers double parking or parking in restricted zones when temporarily visiting the school. Double parking causes additional congestion in the lot, makes it difficult to pull in and out, and causes an inconvenience for those people whose cars are blocked.

We'd like to remind all Roosevelt visitors that there are four temporary parking spaces (30 minutes) in the middle lot off Lathrop, just south of the north lot and only a short walk from the main entrance. There are also  street parking spaces on Lathrop which should be used in lieu of double parking.

Thank you for your consideration in using the available parking spaces. We appreciate your assistance in helping us to maintain optimal conditions for this parking lot.
Curriculum Spotlight

Learn more about student assessments administered in District 90 in this month's Curriculum Spotlight.  
In This Issue
Emergency Make-Up Dates
Summer School Registration
Climate Survey
Early Childhood Screening
Roosevelt Parking
Curriculum Spotlight
Important Dates
March 3

School Attendance Day  


March 3-7
ISAT Testing  
Grades 3-8 


March 4

Committee of the Whole Meeting 

7:00 p.m.

Roosevelt Middle School Library Learning Center 


March 17  

Superintendent's Open Office Hours 

5:30-6:30 p.m.

District Office


Board of Education Meeting

7:30 p.m.

Roosevelt Middle School Library Learning Center   


March 24-28   

Spring Recess 

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To deliver excellence in education through an unwavering commitment to the whole child.