River Forest District 90
November 18, 2013 
Upcoming Meetings
Roosevelt Middle School

Library Learning Center
2nd Floor  


Committee of the Whole
December 3, 2013
7:00 p.m. 
Business Meeting
December 16, 2013
7:30 p.m.  
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Board of Education
Meeting Highlights

Presented by: 
Mr. Patrick Meyer, District 90 Board President
Dr. Edward Condon, Superintendent

The meeting was called to order by Patrick Meyer at 7:32 p.m. in the Roosevelt Middle School Auditorium. All members were present. The meeting adjourned at 9:18 p.m.

Below is a summary of meeting highlights. Board Packets containing meeting details are posted on the District 90 website prior to each meeting. Full meeting minutes will be posted on the website once approved.
Freedom of Information Act Request

A FOIA request was received by the District on November 5, 2013, related to negotiated contracts between the Board of Education and the River Forest Education Association. The response was emailed on November 7, 2013.  

Student Presentations

Mena, a 4th grade student at Willard Elementary School, presented information about social emotional programs at the school and how they impact students. She discussed The Willard Way, Second Step, social awareness groups and other programs and clubs designed to help students understand behavior expectations at school.


Zoe, a 7th grade student at Roosevelt Middle School, talked about how the friendly environment at Roosevelt helped her settle in after moving to River Forest from out of state. She also reported about classroom activities at each grade level, the Variety Shows for all grade levels, recent field trips, as well as extra-curricular programs held recently.

Board Committees

Education, Anne Gottlieb, Chair: The new Instructional Specialists will provide a presentation about their work and objectives at the December 16 Board Meeting.


Personnel, James Weiss, Chair:Information was communicated regarding a staff disciplinary issue.


Facilities, Roman Ebert, Chair: Mr. Ebert attended both Roosevelt Exterior Committee meetings during the week of November 11. Additional meetings are scheduled November 19 and 20, and December 4.


Communications/Technology, David Latham, Chair:

Mr. Latham will be meeting in January with District staff to discuss the status of the iPad program.
Outside Organization Meetings

OPRFHS Citizens' Council

Anne Gottlieb attended the November meeting. District 200 Board of Education member Jeff Weissglass presented a financial report indicating that the district plans to make a recommendation regarding its fund balance by the end of 2013. District 200 Superintendent Steven Isoye presented an overview and summary of the district's Strategic Plan and indicated that they are working to complete a 5-year plan in January.   


District PTO Council  

Liz Fischer attended the November 15 Council meeting. Members discussed the STEM program, the Roosevelt Exterior Project, and diversity initiatives in District 90. She commended Ed Condon for the way he "elevates" the conversation for the group. Dr. Condon emphasized the tremendous value of the activities supported by the PTOs and that the District is very fortunate to have strong support from parents.


River Forest Service Club  

David Latham attended the meeting where Ed Condon and District 200's Jeff Weissglass addressed the group.  Dr. Condon spoke about "The State of District 90," and Mr. Weissglass discussed the work of the District 200 Financial Advisory Committee.


Citizen Corps Council 

Roman Ebert reported that the Council's chair was invited to speak at Roosevelt Middle School's Robotics Club on the topic of dealing with natural disasters.   


IASB Governing Board and ED-RED  

Ralph Martire reported that both organizations continue to be concerned with pension reform. He will be testifying on December 2 about what an evidence-based model can do for the State. He indicated that current Illinois school funding levels are considerably less than what is needed for Illinois students to gain the education necessary to pass required tests. 

District Meetings

Teacher's Leadership Council

The discussion at the November meeting included Common Core, Summer School, and information about the District's work toward revising the teacher evaluation process.

Superintedent's Report
Action Items


1. 2013 Estimated Tax Levy: The Director of Finance and Facilities, Anthony Cozzi, presented a detailed report. The District is requesting an estimated levy of $19,978,000, or a 2.1% increase over the prior year. With less than a 5% increase, there is no public hearing requirement. Approved. The final tax levy will be presented for adoption at the December 16 Regular Board Meeting. 


2. FY2014 School District Library Program Grant: Ed Condon thanked Marcia Ryan for preparing this State grant for $983, which required Board approval prior to submission. Approved.


3. Policy Adoption, July 2013 - Second Reading: Proposed edits were approved as presented.

Superintendent's Report
Informational Items

School Board Member Appreciation Day - Novembe
r 15 
Dr. Condon presented thank you cards created by District 90 students for the Board. He also read a letter from teacher David Wuersig, thanking the Board for their time, effort, and talents. He commended Ralph Martire for receiving Master-level recognition from the Illinois Association of School Boards.


2013 SchoolSearch Bright A+ Award 

Dr. Condon reported that this is the 15th year that District 90 has received this award. It is based on student achievement test scores, and  is presented to the top 5% of school districts statewide. Out of 866 school districts in Illinois, District 90 was one of only 60 recipients. Dr. Condon congratulated the students, staff, parents, and administration for their roles in supporting such strong student achievement.


Operating Fund Financial Projections 2015-2018 

Anthony Cozzi presented the financial projections. To review the presentation, click here.


Roosevelt Exterior Design Expanded Committee Update 

Anthony Cozzi reported about the first two meetings of the expanded committee, which includes six new members representing parents, community residents, and a Roosevelt student. Three additional meetings are scheduled.


The first meeting was planned for new committee members only, to provide them with the project background. The second meeting involved the full committee and focus on prioritizing the "needs and wants" identified by the committee members. The civil engineer was in attendance and will be present for future meetings as well. Mr. Cozzi said that there was discussion related to removing or delaying elements of the proposal in order to improve the quality and durability of materials at a higher cost. He noted that the primary area of disagreement within the committee lies with the North Parking Lot area.

Personnel Report

Jim Weiss indicated that he and Pat Meyer had completed Ed Condon's formal evaluation as Superintendent. Ralph Martire commended Dr. Condon for his work in the District.