Month Year Vol 1, Issue 1


Fall 2013    

2nd Annual  
Recycling Extravaganza 
750 Cars/Walk-Ups Participate! 
The Green4Good Committee would like to thank the more than 70 volunteers who helped with last May's Recycling Extravaganza. Thanks also go to District 90 for their support; the Village of River Forest Police and Public Works Departments; Eric Palm, Village Manager; the River Forest Citizens' Corp; and Pastor Greene at First United Methodist Church for the use of the church's parking lot and facilities.  

750 cars/walk-ups up were unloaded by volunteers - 150 more than last year. Over 42,000 pounds of electronics  and 1,500 pounds of batteries
were recycled. In addition, the Cook County Sheriff's Department reported that the 240 pounds of pills they collected was their largest single day collection. To volunteer for next year's event or for more information, contact Julie Moller at


Save the date  
May 3, 2014
3rd Annual District 90
Green4Good Recycling Extravaganza


Biology Garden Underway for 2nd Year
Mr. Kadlec's 7th grade biology students were busy in the Roosevelt garden in October. They tasted the fruits of last year's 7th grade class's labors - arugula, kale, cherry tomatoes, and unexpected cantaloupes that grew from the lunch room compost! 

The hands-on scientists cleared the land, worked  more compost into the soil, and planted winter rye and garlic bulbs. Next spring, they will plant new crops for the classroom tortoises. The Green4Good team provided tools and volunteers who gave their time to oversee the planting.

Recycle Your Turkey Oil

Did you know that 83% of U.S. households make a turkey at Thanksgiving, and 1 in 20 of those fry their turkey in 4.5 gallons of oil? Restaurants have disposal systems to keep the oil from entering the water system, but sending it down the drain at home can disrupt water sanitation facilities, clog drains and pipes, and cause damage requiring expensive repairs.

You can dispose of your oil in a safe and eco-friendly way! Green Grease Environmental will recycle it into biofuel. More than 17 locations will accept oil.You can recycle your oil at River Forest Village Hall, 400 Park, from 9 a.m.-noon on Saturday, November 30. Visit for more locations
In This Issue
Roosevelt Biology Garden
Recycle Turkey Oil
Waste-Free Wednesdays
Bike Safety Training and Survey
Recycle Holiday Lights
One Earth Film Contest
Be Part of G4G
About Green4Good  
In Brief
The new water stations by the Roosevelt gyms have filled the equivalent of 8,794 reusable bottles since being installed.

Biodegradable, recyclable or reusable party supplies are now available for PTO events in all three schools.

In 2013, all three schools offered bike safety education programs.

960 silly string containers and 72 colored hair spray containers were recycled at the 2014 Roosevelt Fun Fair.

Waste-Free Wednesdays at Lincoln


Beginning in October, the Green4Good Committee at Lincoln began giving hand stamps to all students who bring a zero-waste lunch to school on Wednesdays. The children learn why their lunch is waste-free or why it isn't, and the G4G volunteers give helpful suggestions for ways they can cut the amount of waste their lunches produce. Our hope is that by educating the students on a weekly basis they will be prepared for the "Waste-Free Lunch Challenge" during Earth Week in April.  The WFL Challenge pits the 1st and 2nd grade classes against the 3rd and 4th graders to see who can bring more zero-waste lunches. We can't wait to see who wins this year!

Bike/Walk to School Survey and
Bike Safety Training

Walk & Bike to School Survey - On international Walk to School Day, October 9, Roosevelt students took a survey about their transportation choices and experiences. In a typical week, more than 65% of Roosevelt students walk home from school at least one day (and many walk or bike every day). The top two reasons students love to walk and bike to school?  1. Being outside. 2. Spending time with friends. Bike and helmet use data were also collected to better inform future bike safety education programs at the school.


Willard 3rd and 4th Graders Learn Bike Safety from Green Line Wheels - Students participated in a bike obstacle course during their scheduled P.E. class, with the help of G4G volunteers. Green Line Wheels is an advocate for bike safety by facilitating in-school and out-of-school safety training programs.   


Recycle Holiday Lights 


December 1 through January, Green4Good will be partnering with the Village of River Forest to collect holiday lights and extension cords. Please drop off your lights/cords on Central Avenue in the container behind Village Hall. No CFL or flourescent bulbs - only holiday lights please.

One Earth Film Festival Filmmakers Contest

Entries are now being accepted for the 2014 "One Earth...Our Earth!" Young Filmmakers Contest. This contest is part of the One Earth Film Festival, March 7-9, 2014, and is open to students from grade school through college. The goal is to invite students to use the creative medium of film to address the issues surrounding climate change and sustainability. 


Students are invited to make a solution-based, 3-8 minute film or 45-second animation. Films are judged by industry professionals and leaders within the environmental community. Winners from each age category will have their films shown throughout the festival and/or at the Green Carpet opening event, in addition to being awarded a cash prize with matching grant. We invite you to share this opportunity with your students. For details, see the One Earth Film Festival website.

Be Part of G4G at Your School!

Do you like living Green? Want to share Green ideas or learn how to compost? Then Green4Good is for you. Activities vary per school, but include Earth Week and Recycling Extravaganza planning. We hope you will join us!

Please contact the Green4Good Committee member at your school.

    Willard:   Barbara Stoldt -  
                   Judy Deogracias -
    Lincoln:  Laura Maychruk -
                   Molly Quinn -
Katarina Berin -
                   Keary Cragan -