Collingwood School Alumni
Collingwood School Network


Alumni Website |
All alumni and alumni faculty are invited to join us at Gastown's
Lamplighter Pub for our annual winter party. Guests are welcome.
Back by popular demand . . . the photo booth and great door prizes!
For more details and to RSVP just click on the graphic above.
Senior School Christmas Concert - December 11
Please join us for Collingwood's Senior School Christmas concert on Wednesday, December 11 at 7pm at The Kay Meek Theatre in West Vancouver.
It's the perfect way to start off the holiday season . . . comfortable seats, great music, and tickets are just $10!
Like Us . . . Join Us . . . Follow Us . . . !
If you're not already, please follow us on our various social media platforms.

Our Collingwood School Alumni Facebook page will keep you up to date on events and activities. We're trying to get over 500 Likes!
Please also join the Facebook group for your class. Just search for Collingwood School Grad
and add your class year (eg. Collingwood School Grad 2013)
Join our Collingwood School Network to connect with other alumni, alumni parents and Collingwood faculty.
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Follow us on Instagram @Collingwoodalumni. We'll be posting more pictures more often, and invite you to share your photos with us.
Follow us on Twitter @CollingwoodAlum.
And don't forget - we still maintain our Alumni website on the School's website. It contains information about the Alumni Directory, events and activities, and a great photo gallery of past events and reunions. |

We're Coming to Victoria!
All Vancouver Island alumni, alumni parents and alumni faculty are invited to our Victoria Alumni event on Thursday, February 6, 2014 at the University Club of Victoria. Please join us for wine and cheese from 5 - 7pm. Spouses or guests are welcome. This is a special event. We will be honouring Roger Hatch, who will be retiring at the end of this school year after being a coach, teacher, mentor and friend to Collingwood students, parents and faculty since 1985. Don't miss this oportunity to say goodbye to him! Please let us know if you're attending by January 25. Click here for details and to reply.
Grad 2003 10 Year Reunion

Approximately 40 Grad '03 alumni, guests gathered at The Granville Room on November 16th to celebrate their 10 Year Reunion. Faculty members included Lisa Evans, Duncan Fraser and Roger Hatch. Click here for more pictures.
Thank you to our 2012-2013 Alumni Association Executive Committee
As the year draws to a close, we wish to take this opportunity to express our appreciation to the members of the 2012-2013 Executive Committee.
These alumni have dedicated many hours in service of the Alumni Association. On behalf of the School and the Alumni Association, our sincere thanks to all of you.
Shelley Williams Director of Alumni & Parent Relations
2012 - 2013 Executive Committee
Kirsten Morrison '91, Malcolm Ert '05, Shannon O'Neill '99 (Chair), Christopher Daniel '07, Sara Pedlow '03, Nikos Kallas '97
Alumni Executive Committee for 2013 - 2014
There are some changes on the Executive Committee for the coming year.
Shannon O'Neill '99 is retiring as Chair after serving three years as Chair of the Alumni Association and Executive Committee, as well as serving on the Board of Governors in that capacity. She will remain on the Executive Committee as a director. Our thanks to Shannon for her exceptional leadership of the Alumni Association and the Executive Committee over the past few years.
Sara Pedlow '03 is the new Chair of the Executive Committee and will sit on the Board of Governors in that capacity. Sara has been on the Executive Committee since 2010. Our thanks to Sara for taking on the Chair's position and all the meetings that go with the job.
Christopher Daniel, CA, '07 is retiring as a director after serving on the Executive Committee since 2010. Our thanks to Christopher for his years of service to the Alumni Association. He will be missed at the Executive Committee meetings.
Current directors Kirsten Morrison '91, Nikos Kallas '97 and Malcolm Ert '05 and will remain on the Executive Committee.
Cyrus Navabi '07 has joined the Executive Committee, shortly after his move back to Vancouver. He and his sister, Sara Naz, are both proud Collingwood lifers. Cyrus graduated from Stanford University in 2011 with a degree in Management Science & Engineering. After graduation, he spent two years in Dallas, TX working with The Boston Consulting Group. He is excited to be home in Vancouver with his new fiancee and to be working with his dad in real estate development.

December 31 is the deadline to Win a $100 Visa Card in Our Contest!
Our Alumni Directory Contest has been so successful that we're running another contest. To enter, just visit the Alumni Directory to login or register, complete all required information (marked by an *) by December 31, 2013, and you could be the lucky winner of our draw for another $100 Visa Gift Card! We're keen to stay in touch with you, whether it's through our email communications or when we're organizing out-of-town events, so we really need and appreciate your updates. The Alumni Directory also provides great networking opportunities within its Business and Mentorship directories. The next draw will take place on January 4, 2014. The winner will be notified by email and the winner's name will be published in the January edition of AlumNotes and on the alumni website. All alumni who login/register and complete the required information by December 31, 2013 will automatically be entered in the contest. |

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