AlumNotes Masthead May 2013
In This Issue
Spring Fling
Class Reunions
Win a $100 Visa Gift Card
Contact Us

Collingwood School Alumni

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Upcoming Alumni Events in June

Cavs Forever banner
All alumni field hockey players are invited to our alumni field hockey game and social on Saturday, June 8. Game at Rutledge Field in Ambleside from 7 - 8pm; social to follow. Click here for details and to register 

All rugby alumni dads and lads are invited to our alumni rugby game and social on Saturday, June 15. Games at Klahanie Park from 3:30 - 5pm, social to follow.Click here for details and to register 
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Spring Fling


Despite some stiff competition from Game 4 of the hockey playoff series, over 50 people turned out for Spring Fling on May 7th. Whether they were catching up with each other, taking in the game on the big screen, or touring the school to see the construction, guests clearly enjoyed coming back to Morven for the visit.


 As we watch the new Morven being built, this is an exciting time for all of us at Collingwood and we're always happy to share the construction progress with our alumni families. If you're in the area, please feel free to stop in for a visit and get a glimpse of the new Collingwood!

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Class Reunions banner

Class of 1993 20 Year Reunion - September 21
The Beach House Restaurant in West Vancouver.
 Join our Grad 1993 Facebook Group here

Class of 1998 15 Year Reunion - October, date and location TBA.
 Join our Grad 1998 Facebook Group here

Class of 2003 10 Year Reunion - November 2013, date and location TBA
 Join our Grad 2003 Facebook Group here

Class of 1989 25 Year Reunion - Spring 2014, date and location TBA    
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Win a $100 Visa Gift Card  -  a new contest! 

Visa Giveaway

Over the past few months we've been running a contest to encourage alumni to register/login/update their profiles in our Alumni Directory.  We're keen to stay in touch with you, whether it's through our email communications or when we're organizing out-of-town events, so we really need and appreciate your updates.

Thank you to everyone who took a few minutes to login and update their profiles, and congratulations to Chris Baggott '00 on being the lucky winner of our draw on May 3rd. 


Our Alumni Directory Contest has been so popular that we're running another contest. To enter, just visit the Alumni Directory to login or register, complete all required information by August 31, 2013 and you could be the lucky winner of our draw for another $100 Visa Gift Card!

The next draw will take place on September 1st, 2013. The winner will be notified by email and the winner's name will be published in the September edition of AlumNotes and on the alumni website. 


All alumni who login/register and complete the required information by August 31, 2013 will automatically be entered in the contest. 


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Contact Us

Collingwood School Alumni Association 


Shelley Williams  

Director of Alumni & Parent Relations
(604) 925-3331 x 2041


Roger Hatch

Senior Master

(604) 925-3331 x  2606


 alumni crest 


AlumNotes is published by the Collingwood School Alumni Association
 70 Morven Drive  West Vancouver BC  V7S 1B2 
 Editor:  Shelley Williams