AlumNotes banner April 2013
In This Issue
Win a $100 Visa Gift Card
Alumni Class Notes
Upcoming Events in June
News from Collingwood
Contact Us

Collingwood School Alumni

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All alumni, alumni parents and alumni faculty
are invited to our Spring Fling!
With the construction of our new Morven campus well underway, we won't be holding a Spring Fair or an Alumni Summer Party this year - so we're having an Alumni spring party at Morven instead! 

Please join us for a nostalgic return to the Morven campus, catch up with faculty and friends, check out our progress and hear about our exciting plans for the new campus. No charge for admission and guests are welcome! 


Wine & beer  Hot & Cold Appies  *  Photo Booth  Door Prizes   


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Less than One Week Left to Enter our Contest to Win a $100 Visa Gift Card!  

Visa Giveaway Our Alumni Directory Contest has been so popular that we're running another contest in 2013. To enter, just visit the Alumni Directory to login or register, complete all required information by April 30, 2013, and you could win a $100 Visa Gift Card!   


All alumni who login/register and complete the required information by April 30, 2013 will automatically be entered in the contest. 


The winner of the $100 Visa gift card will be selected in a random draw on May 3, 2013. The winner will be notified by email or phone and the winner's name will be published in
AlumNotes and on the alumni website.

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Calling for Alumni Class Notes for Bridge Magazine

We'll be publishing our annual alumni magazine, Bridge, later this spring, and we're looking for Class Notes. They're one of the most popular areas in any alumni magazine, and we'd like to include LOTS of them!


Marriages . . . births . . . educational or employment news . . . moving to a new city or country . . . let us know what you're up to!


In order for us to include your notes in this year's Bridge, please send us your news (and photos too!) to by May 10, 2013.
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Field Hockey and Rugby Alumni Events in June - Save the Dates! 
We'll be holding our Alumni Field Hockey event on Saturday, June 8 from 6 - 7pm at Ambleside, followed by a social at a location to be announced shortly.

Our annual Dads, Lads& Grads rugby event and social will be held on Saturday, June 15 at Klahanie Park from 3:30 - 5pm, followed by a social at Earl's. 
Stay tuned for more details! 
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News from Collingwood


Great progress continues to be made with the construction site at Morven changing daily! While the school was enjoying Spring Break our construction workers were busy each day, rain or shine.



As we watch the new school being built up, we are also witnessing the 'de-construction' of our 'old' gymnasium! Heatherbrae, our construction company, has been working diligently over the March Break to transform our old gym and incorporate it into the new building plan. The project continues on schedule, with a focus to ensure that disruption to our students and teachers is at an absolute minimum.



Building Excellence: The Campaign for Collingwood

is focussed on the redevelopment project at the Morven Campus. The funds raised from our Capital Campaign go directly to supporting the building of the new school and will have a profound impact on the future of Collingwood School. The campaign goal is $10 million, of which over $4 million has been raised to date from Collingwood families, alumni families, faculty and staff.    


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Contact Us

Collingwood School Alumni Association 


Shelley Williams  

Director of Alumni & Parent Relations
(604) 925-3331 x 2041


Roger Hatch

Senior Master

(604) 925-3331 x  2606


 alumni crest 


AlumNotes is published by the Collingwood School Alumni Association
 70 Morven Drive  West Vancouver BC  V7S 1B2 
 Editor:  Shelley Williams