Collingwood School Alumni
Collingwood School Network

Alumni Website
Win a $100 Visa Gift Card!
Our Alumni Directory Contest has been so popular that we're running another contest in 2013. To enter, just visit the Alumni Directory to login or register, complete all required information by April 30, 2013, and you could win a $100 Visa Gift Card!
All alumni who login/register and complete the required information by April 30, 2013 will automatically be entered in the contest.
The winner of the $100 Visa gift card will be selected in a random draw on May 3, 2013. The winner will be notified by email or phone and the winner's name will be published in AlumNotes and on the alumni website.
Congratulations to Beverly Coxford (Connop) '93 on winning the $100 Visa gift card from our last Alumni Directory Contest.

Winter Party 2012 

Over 80 alumni and guests attended the annual Winter Party at Steamworks on December 18, 2012. They were welcomed by Headmaster Rodger 'Santa' Wright and numerous faculty members, and later were greeted by Shannon O'Neill '99, Chair of the Alumni Association. A photo booth and door prizes made for an especially fun evening. Thanks to everyone who attended! Click here for more photos. |

News from Collingwood
Construction of the New Morven School
 Construction at the Morven campus of the new school wing is well underway. While the campus was silent during the holiday season, our construction company, Heatherbrae, was busy at work further preparing the building site and bringing in more equipment - including a particularly large crane!
We are on schedule to begin classes in our new school starting September 2014 and are excited with this new phase as we build our new campus and, in turn, build the future of Collingwood.
Our Glenmore Wing has served us well for the last 27 years. However, the continued success of our students requires learning spaces designed to equip them with the skills they will require in order to succeed in the 21st century. The new Morven will allow us to offer our students more flexibility, more advantages and opportunities, and will open doors to new and exciting futures. The new facilities will afford greater timetable flexibility, ensuring our students more choices and fewer conflicts. We will also be able to offer a greater number of classes in new disciplines, allowing students to delve deeper and explore their passion for a particular faculty. Teachers will also have greater flexibility in teaching styles, including the ability to seamlessly integrate technologies into their lesson plans and subject areas. The advantages go beyond Academics: all four of our strands will reap the benefits from the new facilities. State-of-the-art theatre, dance and music studio spaces will enhance our Arts strand. New gyms (and more gyms) and an all-weather field will improve our Athletics strand. Every student, teacher and staff member will enjoy the benefits that our new school will offer. The total cost of building the new Morven campus is $38 million, of which $28 million has been secured through a bank loan. This will be repaid through a modest capital levy and sale of surplus land holdings. The remaining $10 million is the goal for Building Excellence: The Campaign for Collingwood. Our campaign to build the new Morven will allow every Collingwood family and alumni family the opportunity to be a part of building the School's future and to make a gift to the campaign at a level that is comfortable for them. Where's David Hughes these days? Some of you might have heard that David Hughes has been away from school recently so we wanted to let you know that he has been diagnosed with colon cancer and is currently undergoing chemotherapy treatments. David is in good spirits and has a positive attitude in fighting the cancer. He plans on coming to school when he is feeling well enough and says that spending time with students is what brightens his days. He's very appreciative of everyone's support. If you would like to send him a message, he would be happy to hear from you at david.hughes@collingwood.org. |
Alumni Class Notes
 We love it when alumni come back to visit us at Collingwood. If you're in the area, please stop in to see us!
Recently, Jack Sword '05 dropped in on us while on vacation from Australia. After graduating, Jack completed a Bachelor of Media at the University of New South Wales and is living at Bondi Beach (lucky guy!) and working in the music industry as a producer of house music. During his visit, Jack caught up with his Kindie Buddy, now in Grade 8, as well as Headmaster Rodger Wright and several of his former teachers.
As you can see from the pictures, it's as much fun for us as it is for you to come back for a visit, so we look forward to seeing more of you in 2013.
Can't stop in for a visit? Drop us a line, send us a picture . . . just stay in touch and let us know what you're up to. We're especially looking for alumni news for our Class Notes in our upcoming Bridge magazine. Contact us here.

Whittle. Congratulations to Chris Whittle '05 and wife Adi on the birth of their first child. Their daughter, Noa Rachel Whittle, was born on November 30, 2012,
weighing 8lbs 11 oz. Her proud aunts are Collingwood alums Laura Whittle '07 and Jen Whittle '10 and especially proud grandparents are alumni parents Robert and Sandra Whittle.
Acheson. Congratulations to Adrianne Acheson (Johnson) '02 and husband Matthew on the birth of their first child, a son. Edward John Acheson was born February 1, 2013, weighing 8lbs 6 oz. His very proud grandmother is Collingwood faculty member and alumni parent, Val Johnson.
In Memoriam
Sadly, in late 2012, Collingwood lost one of its founders as well as one of its young alumni.
Noordin Matadali passed away peacefully on November 14, 2012 at the North Shore Hospice, surrounded by family. He is survived by his loving family - wife Guli, son Karim '97 and his family, and daughter Farheen '03.
Noordin was instrumental in the founding of Collingwood School. Before Collingwood even existed, he headed the initial Finance Committee that was essential in the early planning stages. He then served as the Treasurer of the founding Board of Governors.
Hunter Jones Martin passed away on December 28, 2012 at the age of 18, after a life-long struggle with a rare vascular disease. He is survived by his loving family, mother Lucinda Jones, father David Jones, and sisters Azja '06 and Savanna '08 Jones Martin. As was recounted in his obituary, "Hunter loved to have fun and to laugh. His eloquent wit and deep insights into the human condition were legendary among his many friends, peers and adults alike."
Hunter attended Collingwood School from Kindergarten through Grade 6 and will be remembered for his gentle nature and wonderful sense of humour.

News from the Alumni Association
 Nikos Kallas '97 joins the Alumni Executive Committee. We are delighted to announce that Nikos Kallas '97 is the newest member of the Alumni Association Executive Committee. Nikos attended the University of Western Ontario, where he obtained a Bachelors of Arts in Economics in 2001. After graduating he spent some time traveling Europe, primarily Greece, which is also his family's heritage. After his travels, he joined the family business, Metropolitan Fine Printers and was appointed President of the company in 2010.
Nikos joins Shannon O'Neill '99, Chair, Kirsten Morrison '91, Sara Pedlow '03, Malcolm Ert '05 and Christopher Daniel '07 on the Executive Committee.
Shannon O'Neill '99 - Chair Shannon has been a member of the Executive Committee since 2007 and Chair of the Alumni Association since 2010. A Collingwood student from Grades 5 -12, she fondly remembers many opportunities that being a part of the Collingwood family allowed. In addition to acting as Chair of the Executive Committee and sitting on the Board of Governors in that capacity, Shannon also headed the organizing committee of the Grad '99 10 Year Reunion. She has worked in sales and marketing for the past eight years and after a number of years working in media with various radio stations in Vancouver she is now with the Yellow Pages Group for Western Canada.
Kirsten Morrison (Holmes) '91 Kirsten joined the Executive Committee in 2009. She was a founding Collingwood student and is now the the parent of two daughters at Collingwood, one in Grade 2 and the other in Grade 5. Since becoming a Collingwood parent, Kirsten has been an active volunteer at the school and with the Alumni Association, where she headed the organizing committee for the Class of 1990 20 Year Reunion. She also currently sits on the school's Capital Campaign Executive Committee. Kirsten is the proprietor of All That Glitters Hair Clips and RAE Accessories, a local business. She brings her knowledge and experience as both an alumnae and a Collingwood parent to the Executive Committee.
Sara Pedlow (Askari) '03 Sara joined the Executive Committee in November of 2010. She fondly recalls her first day in Grade 6, when, blissfully unaware of private school traditions, she wore tan hiking boots to class. Despite her shoe mishaps, Collingwood warmly welcomed Sara, and she feels blessed to consider herself a member of the Collingwood family. After graduation, Sara obtained her Bachelor of Arts and Sciences at McGill, completed Law School at UBC, and is practicing with the firm of Burns, Fitzpatrick, Rogers, Schwartz & Turner. Sara is married to Alex Pedlow, a Collingwood "lifer" who she had been dating since high school.
Malcolm Ert '05
Malcolm was a Collingwood "lifer" and joined the Executive Committee in 2010. During his years at Collingwood, he participated in rugby and basketball and was on the Student Executive. Following his graduation, he attended the University of Victoria and obtained his Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology. Since returning to Vancouver in 2009, he has worked in the financial services industry specializing in personal insurance. Always a keen supporter of Collingwood School, Malcolm was on the organizing committee for the 5 Year Reunion for the Class of 2005 and the 2011 and 2012 Dads, Lads & Grads Rugby tournament
Christopher Daniel '07 Christopher joined the Executive Committee in 2009. The middle of the three Daniel brothers to attend Collingwood, Christopher was Head Boy in 2006 - 2007. He graduated from the Sauder School of Business at UBC in 2011and is currently articling at KPMG. While at Collingwood, Christopher was very involved with rugby and continued his involvement with the sport at UBC, where he was the manager of the UBC Rugby Team. He has been an enthusiastic supporter of the Alumni Association since his graduation and was on the organizing committee of the Class of 2007 5 Year Reunion.

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