Sacred Offerings Newsletter

I began writing this Newsletter nearly two weeks ago. I created my video and figured I'd just whip out an article to go with it. Boy! What a challenge!
Over the past several years I have been trying to "discover" the deeper reason for being here. Truly, with all my heart, all I really dreamed of was being a mom. Yet, in the 3D world, this was a mixed blessing. Most important, I absolutely love motherhood and have been blessed with four amazing children. Yet, I have struggled to create the life I want them to have. Not only has my family endured repeated financial stresses, we nearly collapsed in chaos and heartache as my husband and I lived separately for six difficult years.
As my children have grown - the oldest now off to college and my younger two starting their last year before becoming teenagers - I've become clear that I am here for a grander purpose. I see that helping people see themselves through a reading with me is a springboard into something greater. In seeking clarity, I have grown impatient.
At last, I got a glimpse (and some downloads, thankfully) of the larger picture! Though I am piecing together the specifics, I am excited to finally have a breakthrough in my search. Hence, both my video offering and complimentary article touch deeply into what I - and we - are here to do. 
Here's to each of us aligning, more consciously, with our mission and our mysticism. 
April 2013 - In This Issue:
Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison 
"If we all did the things
we are capable of,
we would astound ourselves.
April 2013 OM Times
Click image to view full issue.
February's Newsletter article,
"Why your thoughts may not be creating your reality,"
is featured in the April 2013 
issue of OM Times Magazine
It can be found on page 96, 
in the Personal Growth & Development section.


What Is Your Mission?
What Is Your Mission?

Are you a spiritual master? Here are some suggestions for discovering and uncovering your master self:   

  1. Discover your Self and your Soul's Purpose  
    Again, I highly recommend Timothy Glenn. He is clear and complete with his work, using numerology and astrology to see you, and the tarot to bring clarity.
  2. Remember your gifts
    All of us are intuitive. What senses do you rely on most? Your gut feeling, or do you simply "know" things? Are you a master manifester and things just come easy to you? Do all those spiritual self help books offer anything you don't already know?
  3. Meditate and/or commune with Nature
    On my website I have several articles about Meditation, including specific guidelines. If you feel that sitting still is too much to ask, then take time to connect with Nature. Tune into the trees, flowers, grasses or anything else that "calls" to you.
  4. Process your fears
    I recommend the Fear Processing Exercise created by Inelia Benz. Awareness of why we are withholding our gifts is the first step to shifting our blocks.  
  5. Allow others to see you
    Start practicing authenticity in all areas of your life. Speak your truth, dare to be different.   
Text Veronica to 22828 

Nature and You
One of the hardest things for many of us to do is take time each day to connect with Nature. Many live in an urban density or a neighboring suburb and the closest thing to Nature is a household plant. Others are busy with day to day activities that, although they live in a more rural area, keep them at arm's length from dropping in to her bosom.   
Nature, however, is virtually everywhere. Therefore, if our time is spent disconnected from direct access to grasses, trees or rivers, we can still make an effort to connect with what is available naturally.

Yes, water those plants joyfully and bring even more into your home or garden. Take time to breathe in the natural air. Roll down your windows or open that sun roof. Allow water to flow. Drink plenty of fresh spring water (even if it is store bought) and take long, nurturing baths with sea salts and essential oils. Let spring showers wash over your face. As the spring mornings still chill the air, build a wood and kindling fire in your fireplace. Caress your animal companions with reverence and gratitude for offering you their bridge to the natural world.

And - ideally, if possible - slow down and find time to immerse yourself in Nature. Take a walk, drink in the sunrise, dig your gloveless hands in the dirt, and really smell those roses! Nature is our reminder that we are whole, perfect and in alignment with a grander order. At this time of seasonal and cosmic change, we certainly can use some beautiful reminders of our own Perfection.  
Quantum leaps into the paradox
For the next several years, we will continue to make quantum leaps, both collectively and individually, in our manifestation of higher consciousness living. Though there may be times you feel stagnant or stuck, if you take a moment to examine where you were energetically just a year or two ago, you'll say, "Wow!" And, in terms of the collective, just look around at who's waking up and you'll likely be surprised by the changes you've seen in the people you know. 
Of course, there are those who don't seem to be going anywhere, and that includes those really "dense" parts of ourselves, which can make a quantum leap seem more like a miracle. And, in essence, it is a miracle!

LeapWe are LIVING MIRACLES. Open to join in this cosmic leap in humanity. We've come to our Earth to share, assist, watch and play as she and her inhabitants co-create a whole new world. Our incarnation was miraculous, as are our awakening and our shifts. And, just as they are miracles, they are absolutely ordinary. The beauty of the more awakened state of consciousness is that we can integrate the paradox; we can allow What IS without separating everything into duality.    
At this time in your life, notice the paradoxes. Look at ways in which you do "have it all." The more comfortable you are with paradox, the easier your body will adapt to the physical changes occurring in our quantum leap. In short, your spiritual self is fully enlightened, your mind simply has a hard time understanding that Truth, and your body is working through a slower transition to become the physical manifestation of full alignment.

In this respect, time is our friend. It helps the mind and body adjust with greater ease. Therefore, it is wise to be patient with all aspects of yourself as you make your personal quantum leaps into the ordinary miracle of who you are.
The Mission, the Master and the Mystic

The Mission
Most of us want to feel as if we have some kind of purpose. Part of this desire has to do with our insecurities of our own worthiness, but in essence, we desire a purpose because we sense there really was a soul intention behind our incarnation.

Some people incarnate to experience life, welling from a fundamental "I want to try THAT" impulse. Others come to clear karmic debts, so to speak; their purpose may be to create balance from previous incarnations. Then there are the willing students (or maybe not so willing) who've decided to learn or advance in a particular lesson or even get their master's degree. The intention of the masters - those who have gained a "higher" degree of spiritual consciousness - was to incarnate to fulfill a specific spiritual mission.

Almost everyone has incarnated with a combination of intentions - experiential, karmic, educational, and spiritual. For example, the experiential traveler will encounter several lessons along his path, while the spiritual master may have some final karmic debts to complete as she embarks on her mission.

If we look at the core of a soul's intention with a more linear perspective, we can discern the "stage" of consciousness of the soul based on its fundamental life intention. Of course, when we recognize everything as vibration, we can release judgment, know there really are no "levels", and can observe all things with neutrality. Yet, by seeing the soul's evolution through a hierarchal lens, we gain understanding about our soul's original intention as well as our life path. This helps us make peace with our path, its perceived obstacles, and can be the impetus we need to forge ahead with open hearts!

With the birth of the New Age our planet welcomed an unprecedented influx of spiritual masters. Likely, you are one of them and you are here on a spiritual mission.

The Master
The majority of spiritual masters begin with fairly ordinary lives. As children, they may have felt "different" or simply "knew", "saw" or "felt" things that they didn't understand. Though we all have access to our intuitive senses, spiritual masters usually incarnate with well-evolved skills, as well as a clear sense of Divine Source, however they interpret it.

As part of their life experiences, most people have learned to suppress, hide and overlook their intuitive gifts, soul mastery and, therefore, their mission.

With the collective spiritual awakening, many masters have spent numerous years trying to understand who they are and why they are here. Many have made significant progress in their quest, though most continue to hide behind layers of old tapes, fears and confusion as they press through the bustle of their daily lives. Even those who have discovered that they are indeed masters have resisted fully aligning with their mission. Why is this? 


Read More

Readings and Mentoring as you awaken
In my hopes to branch out into a new way of offering Intuitive Readings, I experienced a bit of frustration during my "Virtual Open House" on In fact, I cancelled it during the first hour of Day 2! I was dumbfounded when I realized that my clients could only CHAT their conversation to me, though they could see and hear me with my webcam. Not only had I assumed that the audio and video would be two-way, I thought it was a poor use of my client's time, as typing takes a while.
Interestingly, I wasn't fully ready to let go of the idea or connection to SupremePsychics until last week. I've come to a solid realization that it was not a match for me.
If you are interested in having an Akashic Records Reading with me, contact me or simply click on the Book Now button below!
Additionally, if you are ready to be supported as you expand in your own spiritual evolution, note that Spiritual Mentoring with me with one to two sessions per month starts at just $60 per month.
Awaken to Your Perfection...



Veronica Lee
Sacred Offerings
(530) 885-4755 


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