Awaken With Light, Inc.
grand tetons - wy
Gentle Reflection
July 2013
In This Issue
I Can Do It!
Will you Join me September 28-29, 2013 for the I Can Do It! conference in Washington, DC?  We will have break out sessions at the conference to discuss all of the great information we are receiving together! Click on the photo to learn more.
Hay House, Inc.
July and August
Meditation Schedule
Click on the calendar to view my summer Meditation Schedule. Note:  Monday evening meditation start time has changed to 7:15pm.

Continuing Education
reiki hands
Reiki Level I Training
July 27, 2013
9:00am - 2:00pm

At the Awaken with Light Studio, contact Nancy or call 484-876-1048 if you are interested in attending this workshop which is open to everywhere. Click here to learn more about Reiki Training.

Blog Talk Radio
Join me Friday, July 12th at noon for my Awaken Your Inner Connection Radio Show.

This week's show title is:
We are limitless beings ... do you believe that?

To listen to the show go to:
Call (347) 215-6945 if you wish to listen to the show while it is happening or listen at your convenience after the show.


Striving for Inner Peace in the midst of drama, chaos, or any experience that is less than desirable is difficult for the most mindful person.  In many situations, we can fend off the pressure of being drawn into the experience; however, some situations or experiences reach our vulnerability and it is hard not to be sucked into the attachment and cause a reaction versus a response.


Practicing detachment is a necessity not an option if you want to live your life in mindful awareness. Detachment assists you in observation and evaluation of a strong feeling or emotion you are experiencing.  These feelings and emotions are what trigger your response.


In meditation class, I use this analogy: You are on a train platform in a subway station - you do not jump on a moving train, so why do we jump into (attach ourselves) to a thought, feeling or emotion that is destructive.  Why not observe your thought, feeling or emotion as it passes by; then respond.


Learn to observe what is coming up and process and let it pass like the train...let go of it. This is conceptually easy to understand but applying in the midst of experience is much more difficult.  That is why it is important to create a practice of quiet stillness, which may include meditation, to help cultivate a clearer picture of ourselves objectively.  Practice learning to view life from a lens with an expansive, panoramic view rather than viewing life so close you can not see all sides of what is being experienced.


In the Process of learning to have a Panoramic View of Life,


Awaken With Light Video
Enjoy my new two minute video on how Awaken With Light can help you!
Awaken With Light
Awaken With Light

Frame Drum Making Workshop with MaJo
MaJo Awaken With Light is pleased to host a workshop ~ Drum Making with MaJo:  Sacred Shaman, Healer, and Teacher


Come together to make your own Frame Drum in the Spirit of One heart beat, One world, One Mother Earth.


This is a two-day workshop:

August 24th 9:00am - 5:00pm (Includes an hour and a half break for lunch, many local options available.) and
August 25th 9:00am - 12:30pm
$350/pp includes all supplies for drum making you may pay the full balance or $175 non-refundable deposit by August 9th to hold your spot and the balance will be due at the time of the event. Click here for more information on the event.  


You may pay the deposit by check and mail to Awaken With Light, 525 East Gay St., West Chester, PA 19380 and email to let Nancy know you plan to attend.



Deposit to save your spot:  Pay Now 



Pay in full:  Pay Now 

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Nancy Gentle Boudrie