Jack hammers, backhoes and pickaxes. The air is filled with concrete dust; and noise. I'll be glad when this construction is done. For now, I've retreated to my keyboard in hopes of avoiding the excessive pounding.
Four new articles this week, including a technique I've used for years, but never written about: creating a very flexible lower-third key in Motion that I used daily in Final Cut Pro X.
I'm looking forward with enthusiasm to
Apple's announcements at the end of this week. It always feels like Christmas whenever new hardware is announced. I'm very curious to see what Apple's put under the tree.
Because of all our construction, webinars are on hold for a couple more weeks. They'll resume as soon as the noise and dust settle. Sorry for the delay, I'm looking forward to getting these restarted.
In the meantime, be sure to listen to the
Digital Production Buzz.
Debbie Price, our new producer for the show, is doing a great job of finding guests and creating themes for each show. Last week, we looked at film festivals and how to market a film. This week, we celebrate Halloween and horror films. We have interviews with writers, actors, set designers and makeup artists. Should be great fun, ah, in a horrible way.
Wow... Do you realize it's ten weeks till January? What happened to the year?!? I'm gonna go see if I can scotch-tape some extra days to the calendar. Chat with you next week.
In the meantime, edit well.