Oct. 10, 2016 
The East Coast of the US is getting drenched, while the West Coast remains dry as a bone. My sympathies to everyone who got caught in Hurricane Matthew last week.
I have three new articles and three new videos for you, which includes video tours of some new and upgraded software. I'm especially pleased with my " Secrets of The Final Cut Pro X Browser" article. My article on Rethinking Audio Levels has generated a lot of interest. And, during the last week, I've had more conversations with the Adobe Audition team on some of its finer points. I've updated it, again. However, if you've already read it, the changes are minor. If you haven't read it, you'll find this discussion very helpful. Here's the link. This week's webinar comes in response to a number of email requests that ask me to: "Show me how to do something in Final Cut Pro X." So, this became a Show-and-Tell session. If there's a specific technique you'd like me to cover, please drop me an email, along with when you expect to be watching, and I'll try and cover it. If you, or someone you know, is an actor, last week's Digital Production Buzz should be on your "Listen List." We spent the entire show talking about acting; not the craft of acting, but how to market yourself, create a brand, determine how much time to spend marketing vs. training... in short, we talk about the business of acting. It was a very interesting show with lots of excellent comments from our guests. This week, on The Buzz, we meet the creators of Kyno - the media asset software I've written about recently. I'm interested in learning why they devoted six years to its creation. Join us live this Thursday - or listen anytime on iTunes.
I look forward to seeing you this Wednesday at our webinar - remember our live shows are always free. Sign up here. In the meantime, edit well.
This Week On The Buzz!
Our show was devoted to actors:
* Rachel Addington * Andrew David James * Allan Hunt * Debbie Zipp * Scott Page * James DeRuvo
The theme for this week was marketing yourself as an actor. But, actually, anyone that is constantly searching to find short-term gigs needs to listen. There was a lot of great conversation!
Watch or read each full episode here.
Text transcripts provided by Take1.tv. Read the written transcript from this week's show here.
New shows air live every Thursday evening at 6:00 PM Los Angeles time.
Tune in live here.
Subscribe to The Buzz on iTunes. Click here.
Last Week: 3rd-Party Panels for Final Cut Pro X
Apple Final Cut Pro can do some amazing things. But, when you combine Final Cut with the powerful third-party tools that a worldwide community of developers has created - a whole new world of productivity opens to you.
This week, I'll looked at:
* Final Cut Pro Library Manager * Kyno Media Asset Manager * SmartSound SonicFire Pro
This Week: Killer Tips and Tricks for Final Cut Pro X
This week is a grab-bag of cool tips and techniques, showing faster ways to work, new ideas, or just looking to add some fun to your editing.
For example:
* Use the Draw Mask to isolate a foreground object * Replace a blown-out window * Create the Pleasantville color effect * Use gradients to improve exteriors * Add texture to 3D text * Little-known keyboard shortcuts * And many others
Registration is free, as always. Register here.
� Secrets of The Final Cut Pro X Browser ( Tutorial)
� Hidden interface elements and techniques that can help you edit faster.
� Apple Compressor: Create Custom Locations (Tutorlal)
� Custom locations can speed video compression and simply your workflow.
� Tour: Kyno, Media Assets Management (Video) � A video tour of a brand-new media asset management tool.
� Tour: Final Cut Library Manager (Video)
� A video tour showcasing how this very helpful utility software works.
� Tour: Smartsound SonicFire Pro for Final Cut Pro X (Video)
� A video tour of the latest version of SonicFire Pro for FCP X.
� Color Finale Pro Announced for Final Cut Pro X (DoddleNEWS)
� Color Finale now offers a Pro version with full ACES support.
| � 204: 3rd-Party Tools for Adobe Premiere Pro CC
� 202: Animated Titles in Apple Motion 5
� 117: Media Management in FCP X
� 199: The Power of Reaction Shots
� View all webinars here
| � Rachel Addington: Market Your Acting Self
� Andrew David James: Run Your Business From the Road
� Allan Hunt: Make Yourself the Best You Can
� Debbie Zipp: Self-help Guide to Marketing You.
� View all interviews here
� 2016 Larry Jordan & Associates, Inc. |