July 18, 2016 
As I write this, I'm about to head over to Studio City for a meeting with the Adobe Audition team to talk about their newest release. I've always enjoyed audio and I'm looking forward to our conversation. Once I get back, I'll write up what I've learned as this week's lead article.
Another reason I'm looking forward to our chat is that this week's webinar is about the new Essential Sound Panel (ESP) in Audition. Just like the Lumetri Color panel in Premiere, ESP opens up the excellent audio filters in Audition and makes them much more accessible to video editors who need to clean up their sound, but don't know how all the tools work. Even if you are new to audio, make a point to join our webinar this Wednesday. Registration is free - sign up here.
Which brings me to LAST week's webinar. Sigh... this was both a success and a failure. We use GoToWebinar for our weekly webinars because it works well for almost everything - except audio. GoToWebinar does not support audio playback simultaneous with my talking. This makes it very difficult to do anything audio- related for a webinar. So, to solve this problem, I recorded the webinar early and posted it to my website. The content was great, but playback was very choppy for some viewers. Drat! So, this week, because we have another audio webinar, I'm posting it to a private YouTube channel. When you tune into the webinar, you'll get the URL and a password and can watch the video on YouTube, while still able to ask questions live on GoToWebinar. If this method works, I'll use it again soon.
The reason I'm so bummed about last week's webinar is that the subject - The Power of Reaction Shots - was really fun. We analyzed three scenes from major films - "The Hobbit," "Tootsie," and "Animal House" - to see how they used reaction shots to reflect and enhance the emotion of a scene. If you weren't able to watch the live version, download a copy from our store, or watch it in our Video Training Library. You can see excerpts from last week's webinar in the two videos in this week's Articles section below.
SIGGRAPH starts this week and I'm spending the day there on Tuesday checking out the latest in graphics software and technology. I'll share what I learn with you later in the week.
Also, the Digital Production Buzz restarts this Thursday at 6 PM Los Angeles time. You'll be able to hear it later on iTunes and The Buzz website. I'm looking forward to getting back into weekly production. We'll post the guest list to The Buzz website in the next day or two.
Six killer articles this week, including a great chart from Jessica Hische on whether you should work for free, and a new write-up from DoddleNEWS. Enjoy your summer, stay in touch and I'll chat with you next week. Edit well.
The Digital Production Buzz returns Thursday, July 28, 2016, at 6 PM!
We have a new format, but the same dedication to being the definitive voice of the media industry.
We'll post the guest list to The Buzz website on Tuesday.
Watch or read each full episode here.
The Power of Reaction Shots
This is a shift from technology into creativity.
During this webinar, we analyze a number of scenes to look at how they use reaction shots. We also see how changing the position of a single shot changes the emotion of a scene. We looked as scenes from:
* "The Hobbit" * "Tootsie" * "Animal House" * "Route 30, Too!"
This was a fun and informative session on creativity. Watch it today!
Download the session here. Or access to ALL my training, become a member of my Video Training Library.
The New Essential Sound Panel in Adobe Audition CC
Adobe continues to make Audition more accessible to video editors. And no where is that better evidenced than in the new ESP.
The Essential Sound Panel makes high-quality audio filters more accessible and enables video editors to improve their sound, even if they don't know how all these different filters work.
If your deadlines are tight, or you are doing everything yourself, the new ESP panel can make your projects sound better almost immediately.
My weekly webinars are always FREE.
Register here.
� Thoughts on the Future of Adobe Audition CC ( Blog)
� A conversation with the development team behind Adobe Audition.
� Should You Work For Free? ( Chart) � A humorous and helpful chart created by Jessica Hische.
� A "Good News" Support Story About Electro-Voice ( Blog) � Electro-Voice does professional support right.
� Reaction Shots: Analyze a Scene ( Video)
� Analyzing how "The Battle of Five Armies" uses reaction shots.
� Reaction Shots: Changing Shot Order ( Video)
� Change the audience's perception of a scene simply by changing shot order.
� Freefly Systems Offers Refurbished Gear ( DoddleNEWS)
� Lower prices on refurbished gimbals and drones.
| � 196: Color Correction in Final Cut Pro X
� Editing Skills for Final Cut Pro X
� 176: Color Correction in Premiere Pro CC
� 197a: Adobe Media Encoder - Compression
� View all webinars here
| � On hiatus till July 28.
� View all interviews here
� 2016 Larry Jordan & Associates, Inc. |