June 20, 2016 
I'm sorry this issue is late. We moved servers this last week to a dedicated server to give us more storage, as well as improve response speed. However, because of the move, we discovered over the weekend that I was unable to post new articles and that the speed of the overall site went way down. So, I delayed releasing this newsletter in hopes we could quickly fix the problem. However, that fix will take another day, so I'm releasing this issue today, with only one article - I'll add this week's articles to next week's issue. I'm sorry for the problems.
One of the benefits of our new server is that it quadruples the amount of our online storage. This allows us to resolve an issue with choppy video playback for some webinars for people watching our training on mobile devices.
I write these newsletters on Sunday where, on the thermometer outside my window, it says the temperature is 107� (that's 42� C.). That's just ridiculously too hot - and we aren't even in the hottest part of the Southwestern US. Temperatures tomorrow will be worse, they say. So, after I release this issue, I'm planning to camp out under the air conditioner.
Webinars return starting Wednesday. This week, I explain color correction in Final Cut Pro X. (Next week, we look at video compression.) If the video scopes are a mystery and your images don't look as good as you'd like, you need to see this session. It is one of my top two favorites and it will literally change your life as you understand how to really use the Color Correction effect to make your images look great. Click here to sign-up - registration is FREE!.
One of the nice things about being a part of the Thalo Creative Family of websites is that we are making it easier than ever to share information from all our websites with you. This integration will probably take us the rest of the summer, but, starting with this issue, I am featuring an interesting article each week from DoddleNews. This website publishes a daily newsletter presenting the latest news on gear and filmmaking. Learn more here.
I had a fun time last week in Memphis, talking at the Extension Video Producers Workshop, providing professional development resources for both Adobe Premiere Pro CC and Apple Final Cut Pro X. (And thanks, Doug, for dinner!) I always enjoy these in-depth sessions because it gives all of us a chance to share ideas and learn. (By the way, if you want me to speak at your group or association, just drop me an email.)
Thinking of upcoming speaking opportunities, this Thursday I'm in Culver City moderating a panel at the Creative Storage Conference. Then, July 12, I'm up in San Francisco speaking at the SF Cutters User Group. Stop by - I'd enjoy saying "Hello!"
Be sure to sign up for this week's webinar - its free and you'll like it. Chat again next week.
The Digital Production Buzz restarts its weekly podcast Thursday, July 7.
Cirina Catania is back producing and I'll be hosting. We are already working on the guest list and some exciting new format changes. More details as we get closer to the launch.
Watch or read past episodes here.
Color Correction in Final Cut Pro X
This webinar is one of my favorites.
Your edit is done. Now its time to make your images look "perfect." That's where color correction and grading come in.
Learn how to:
- Use video scopes
- Create unique looks
- Use the Color Board and masks to fix problems
- How to create and use "adjustment layers"
Two sessions at 9 AM and 12 PM. Registration is FREE - sign up here.
Next Week: Video Compression
Next week, I'm covering video compression.
For many of us, this is an arcane science. But it doesn't have to be.
I'll show you how to make files smaller while images still look great.
Registration has not yet opened, this is a heads-up to what's coming.
Wednesday, June 29 - 9 AM & 12 PM.
Reserve the date.
� DoddleNEWS: Hedge for Mac ( DoddleNEWS)
� The fastest camera off-load app for OS X.
| � 123: Create DVDs and Blu-ray Discs
� 176: Color Correction in Premiere Pro CC
� 62: FCP X: Working with Audio
� Audio Secrets for Premiere Pro CC
� View all webinars here
| � Justin Thomson: Balance Business with Creativity
� Heath McKnight: Welcome to DoddleNEWS
� Jess Hartman: ProMAX Platform version 4
� Larry O'Connor: RAIDs and El Capitan Issues
� View all interviews here
� 2016 Larry Jordan & Associates, Inc. |