May 16, 2016 
In light of all the graduations going on now, my lead article provides thoughts on how to find work - not just for students, but anyone looking for a job. If you - or someone you know - is looking for a job, please share this article with them. (By the way, you can find all my commentaries on my blog page - click here.)
Jeff Stansfield sent me an email recently asking for tips on how to create great interviews. This got me thinking about the whole interviewing process - both host and guest. So, this week, I present a collection of articles discussing interviewing.
Thinking of interviews, last Friday, I spoke with Andrej Kostresevic, the CEO of Nomads, which is a company that builds distribution applications for the media industry. With the recent announcement of Amazon Video Direct, Andrej and I started talking about OTT media ("Over-The-Top," meaning television programming delivered via the Internet, think NetFlix.) He feels that the current trend of distributing more programs via OTT allows program creators to experiment more because the costs of distribution are much less than traditional broadcast. He also feels that the Internet is the new mass audience as traditional media audiences continue to fragment. I'm currently finishing the article and will share it with you when it's complete.
Our webinars are back - sort of. Last week, I restarted my Wednesday Webinars with a new version covering Blend Modes in Photoshop, Premiere, and Final Cut. However, as I was testing everything the day before I was amazed to discover that my new office only provides an upload speed of 1.2 mbps! (My old office was 50 mbps.) GoToWebinar requires 1.0 mbps, which meant there was every opportunity for extremely choppy playback. So, I canceled the live event until I can get a faster uplink, which I'm working on now. (Apparently, because I live in a technology backwater of Los Angeles, the best I can expect is 3 mbps. Sigh...)
Anyway, I recorded the webinar and posted it to both my store and Video Training Library. You can also view an excerpt in our articles section below. I hope to get upload speeds resolved next week, and restart our live webinars the week after next. I'm always looking for webinar ideas - please email your requests here.
For those that asked, the team at Thalo and I have put The Buzz on hiatus for a few weeks as we work out the future of the show. We are discussing some very exciting ideas and as soon as we get them nailed down I'll share them with you. Not to worry - The Buzz will be back!
In the meantime, stay in touch. I look forward to chatting with you next week.
The Buzz is on production hiatus for a few weeks as we re-design the show. Not to worry, The Buzz will be back - hopefully around the middle of June.
In the meantime, check out our past shows and discover what you missed.
Also, visit NABShowBuzz.com for all our 2016 NAB Show coverage.
Watch or read all full episodes here.
SPECIAL NOTE: Written transcripts are now available for each show, courtesy of Take1.TV.
Blend Modes in Adobe Photoshop, Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro X
Blend modes allow us to add texture to text, change the look of clips, even create unusual and eye-catching effects. Blend modes exist in virtually every video and graphics editing application. However, blend modes can be confusing until you understand how they work.
This session covers: * Definitions and differences between blend modes * Blend modes in Photoshop * Blend modes in Premiere Pro CC * Blend modes in Final Cut Pro X * How to use blend modes to create textured text effects * How to use blend modes to create unusual visual effects Download this title here - or - join our Video Training Library here.
Looking for Ideas
Our next webinar will be in ten days and I'm looking for ideas.
Last week, I got a number of ideas most of which I'm currently researching. However, many of these are better suited to written tutorials than webinars.
So, if you have an idea or a subject you'd like me to cover, send me an email.
There's no such thing as too many good ideas.
� Thoughts on job hunting, interviewing and getting your next job.
� 10 Rules for a Successful Interview as a Guest ( Tutorial) � How to prepare for a media interview as a guest... and survive!
� Interviewers: Ask the Right Questions ( Tutorial)
� How to conduct a successful interview as the host.
� Tips to Being a Great Interviewer ( Tutorial)
� Michael Cox wrote with his tips on how to conduct a video interview.
� Using Blend Modes in Adobe Photoshop CC ( Video demo)
� Shows how to use blend modes in Photoshop to add texture to text.
� Why Join Our Video Training Library? ( Tutorial)
� Everything you need - all in one place. Discover what we have for you.
| � Editing Skills in Final Cut Pro X
� The Super Bundle!
� 190: Green-screen from Production to Post
� 175: Color Correction in Final Cut Pro X
� View all webinars here
| � Heath McKnight: Welcome to DoddleNEWS
� A Look Ahead to the 2016 NAB Show
� Cirina Catania: The Buzz from the Producer's Point of View
� Steven W. Roth: Introducing Thalo.com
� View all interviews here
� 2016 Larry Jordan & Associates, Inc. |