Feb. 22, 2016 
Last Monday was an overwhelmingly emotional day for me. I am stunned, grateful and enormously humbled by everyone's comments. While many comments were posted to my blog, even more were sent to me privately. I have not yet finished getting through them all. (Here's the original blog, if you haven't read it yet.)
If you haven't gotten a response from me, its simply because there were so many - I am far from caught up; for which I apologize. But it is difficult to read your wonderful thoughts without thinking how lucky I am.
All my life, I've wanted to do something that would make the world a better place. As a youngster I dreamed of doing something big and dramatic. However, Monday made me realize that it can be equally effective to change the world in smaller, more personal ways - one life at a time. Your comments teach a valuable lesson: What we do can affect the lives of people we've never met in significant, life-changing ways. I wish Hollywood would learn that.
To respond to those who asked, my decision was based on finances; thankfully, my health is excellent. I spent six months trying to find a buyer privately - with no success. Since Monday, we have received serious interest from three different companies which we are currently evaluating.
Based on everyone's comments, my goal is to find a long-term home for all my training and websites so that you'll have access to them for a long time to come. I'm not planning to go away - I'm having too much fun. I just need to figure out a way to get our finances straightened out.
For now, though, I'm off to London and BVE. All our training and websites remain active and online. And I'll have more on our continuing evolution in next week's newsletter.
Thank you. I'm more deeply touched, and grateful, than I can possibly express.
Planning a Shoot? Listen to Ned
Ned Soltz had a great segment on The Buzz last week. You need to listen.
A question we both get is "What's the Best Camera?" This is a great question, but the wrong question. Instead, you should be asking: "What's the right camera for my project?"
In this session, Ned shares his thoughts on great cameras for: action/outdoor, weddings, run-and-gun shooting, and filmmaking; all at a range or prices.
He also explains the REAL criteria you should use picking a camera. Listen to the show here.
| 2-Day Cine School with Tom Antos
Thomas Starks sent me a note late this week announcing a 2-Day Cine School with Tom Antos.
Tom is covering Editing, VFX and Cinematography. The Cinematography class includes hands-on with a variety of equipment.
The workshop travels across the US, then to Canada and Europe.
Here's the link: 2daycineschool.com
Pick the right camera! Larry talks with Ned Soltz, Cirina Catania and Aharon Rabinowitz.
� Pick the Right Camera � Films Making an Impact at the Berlinale � New Effects from Red Giant � Tech Talk: Adobe Media Encoder
Watch or read the full episode here.
SPECIAL NOTE: Written transcripts are now available for each show, courtesy of Take1.TV. Click here to read the transcript.
This was a fun session!
Speed changes create dramatic effects - from high-speed time-lapse to extreme slow motion. Final Cut Pro X provides a wide-variety of techniques to change the speed of a clip, including:
* Freeze frames and hold frames * Replace and Retime to Fit * Conform speed * Slow-motion and Fast-motion * Speed transitions * Variable speed ramps * Special speed effectsDownload this title here - or - join our Video Training Library here.
Ask Larry Anything
No webinar this week - I'm off to attend BVE in London.
In two weeks, webinars will return one last time for one of my favorite sessions.
During this session, I'll do my best to answer your questions.
If you've got something REALLY tricky - or just want to give me a chance to research the answer - send me an email. I'll answer as many as I can.
Registration for our live webinars is free, but limited to the first 200 attendees at each show.
� A better way to create slow-motion.
� FCP X: Automatic Speed Effect ( Article) � The details behind creating better slow-motion; this expands on the video.
� FCP X: A Hidden Audio Keyboard Shortcut ( Article)
� An instant way to reset audio levels that you can create yourself.
� FCP X: Replace Clip and Retime Duration to Fit ( Video Demo)
� A fast way to create a constant speed change by simply replacing a clip.
� FCP X: Create an Instant Replay Effect ( Video Demo)
� Create an instant replay - including text - in less than a second.
| � 190: Green-screen: From Production to Post
� 188: FCP X: Media Management
� 191: Video Compression Basics
� 189: Owning and Flying a Drone
� View all webinars here
| � Ned Soltz: Pick the Right Camera
� Aharon Rabinowitz: New From Red Giant
� Cirina Catania: Films at the Berlinale
� John Malec: Create Custom Video Ads Automatically
� View all interviews here
� 2016 Larry Jordan & Associates, Inc. |