Feb. 15, 2016 
Well, I have bad news this week. The time has come for me to move in a different direction; though I am not yet sure what that direction is. After almost 15 years, I need to gently close my company. I don't want to do it, but, well, I don't have a lot of choice. Here's a blog that explains what's going on.
However, the fact that we are slowly fading into the sunset does not mean we are disappearing overnight. There's still interesting news to talk about and share. I have four new articles and videos to share with you this week.
Plus, a new webinar this week that looks at creating clip speed effects in Final Cut Pro X. As always, our weekly webinars are free. Sign up here.
There's big news from Adobe this week: a bug in their Creative Cloud installer potentially erases files on your hard disk. Adobe has pulled their installer to fix the problem. For now, don't install any Creative Cloud updates until Adobe gets this fixed.
The Buzz is heading to London. The week after next, I'm traveling to London to speak at the BVE trade show. The Digital Production Buzz is coming along and - thanks to the help of the great folks at Kit Plus - we'll originate our show directly from their studio on the trade show floor. Guests are still being booked, I'll have more details in next week's newsletter.
Change is in the air; but I'm not gone yet. I'll chat with you again next week.
A Brand New StudioBinder
Shant Kiraz, from StudioBinder, sent me a note saying they just launched a brand new version of StudioBinder.
Designed to simplify production management, this online tool provides online, personalized call sheets and production contacts that supports both computers and mobile devices.
I haven't worked with the software, but their latest version looks interesting.
Here's a link to learn more. Oh, and they have a free version you can use for your own tests.
| Your Opinion on Storage is Needed
Coughlin & Associates are asking for your opinions to determine the industry's digital storage needs and expectations for the capture and creation of raw content, editing and post production, distribution of content, digital archiving as well as digital conversion and preservation.
The results will be used to create the Coughlin Associates report on Digital Storage for Professional Media and Entertainment. The survey will stay open until May 15, 2016. Please take a minute to share your thoughts.
Here's the survey link.
To buy - or not to buy - THAT is a great question! Larry talks with David Colantuoni, Philip Hodgetts, and Dan Montgomery.
� Avid Updates Media Composer � Buy New Gear - or Do Nothing? How To Decide. � A Better Way to Archive Projects and Media
Watch or read the full episode here.
SPECIAL NOTE: Written transcripts are now available for each show, courtesy of Take1.TV. Click here to read the transcript.
Video compression makes our files small enough that they can be stored and viewed on the web. Sounds easy - but, for most of us, the process is confusing and the results - poor. That's where this can help.
I start by explaining basic compression concepts; then use Adobe Media Encoder and Apple Compressor to compress great-looking video.
This session covers: * Compression concepts * How to reduce file size * How to improve image quality * How to optimize for speed * How to customize settings * Preferences and automationDownload this title here - or - join our Video Training Library here.
FCP X: Clip Speed Effects
Speed changes create dramatic effects - from high-speed time-lapse to extreme slow motion. Final Cut Pro X provides a wide-variety of techniques to change the speed of a clip, including:
* Freeze frames and hold frames * Replace and Retime to Fit * Conform speed * Slow-motion and Fast-motion * Variable speed changes * Special speed effects
Registration for our live webinars is free, but limited to the first 200 attendees.
� The Time Has Come to Say Goodbye... for a while ( Blog)
� Larry is closing his company over the next two months. Here's why.
� "DeadPool" - Edited With Adobe Premiere Pro CC ( Blog) � Adobe hosts a discussion with the editorial team of "DeadPool."
� Adobe Media Encoder: Create Watch Folders ( Video Demo)
� Watch Folder automate compression. Here's how to create them.
� Apple Compressor: Create Custom Compression Locations ( Video Demo)
� Custom locations help keep compressed files organized - and easy to find.
� Product Review: Final Cut Library Manager (v.3) ( Tutorial)
� An essential utility for finding and managing Final Cut Pro X libraries.
| � 188: FCP X: Media Management
� 190: Green-screen: From Production to Post
� 189: Owning and Flying a Drone
� 185: Edit Music and Dance Videos
� View all webinars here
| � Dan Montgomery: A Better Way to Archive Media and Projects
� Philip Hodgetts: Buy New Gear - or Do Nothing?
� Michael Kammes: Is Cloud-based Video Editing Ready for Prime-time?
� David Colantuoni: Avid Updates Media Composer
� View all interviews here
� 2016 Larry Jordan & Associates, Inc. |