Jan. 25, 2016 
Our webinar this week is something different: drones. We invited Zach Bloom, a drone operator and formerly with DJI, to explain how to select, fly, license, insure -- well, just about everything you need to know to operate a drone. We'll also take our cameras outside and put a unit through its paces. Wednesday webinars are always free - sign up now, while seats are available. This will be a great session!
Last week, the guest editorial on Apple and Adobe abandoning DVDs caused a LOT of comments. (Read it here.) This week, Peter Weiler contributes a guest tutorial explaining how to create custom menus using Roxio Toast. Optical media isn't dead, even if some of the best software to create it is.
We had almost 400 people watch our webinars on media management in Final Cut Pro X. It was fun answering everyone's questions. If you missed the session, download a copy here. And, thinking of media management, I wrote an article about it for this issue.
One of the most read articles on my website deals with audio in Premiere. So, this week, I've got a new one that explains the difference between gain and normalization in Premiere. Normalization can be both fast and helpful and this article explains how to use it. All the details are below.
After a week of intensive investigation, we finally tracked down why our website is so slow - a store plug-in seems to be jamming the works. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that our web team can get this fixed as soon as possible this coming week. The delays are really painful. Sorry.
Also, if you are based in the UK, I've been invited to present at the BVE Expo coming up the end of February at the Excel Centre in London. I always look forward to that show - and, if you are in the area, stop by and say hello.
Stay warm... my sympathy and best wishes go to everyone digging out on the East Coast. I'll chat with you next week.
Check Out The Buzz Website
If you haven't visited the Digital Production Buzz website recently, you are missing a treat.
Our Buzz webmaster - Ailin Kim - has given the site a make-over. You can now search shows by keyword or year aired. Interviews can be searched by guest name, company, year aired or keyword. And transcripts and blogs have their own sections
Shows are indexed back to 2010 and interviews to 2009. In addition, the website easier to navigate with better graphics. Visit the site here.
| Webinars Return to Larry's Store
By popular request, we are returning webinars to our store and also offering them in the Video Training Library.
Many viewers prefer to download our webinars so they can watch them on different devices without an internet connection, which isn't possible with our subscription streaming service.
While it will take us about a week to bring the store current, we are starting with last week's webinar: Media Management in Final Cut Pro X.
You'll find it here.
Interesting, very interesting... Larry and Mike talked with: David Tillman, Carlos Grijalva, Rob Tharp and Nick Mattingly:
� Editing "O.J. Speaks: The Hidden Tapes" � Drone Do's and Don'ts � Live Multicam Streaming Direct to YouTube Using Switcher Studio
Watch or read the full episode here.
SPECIAL NOTE: Written transcripts are now available for each show, courtesy of Take1.TV. Click here to read the transcript.
Final Cut Pro X: Media Management
I get more questions about Final Cut media management than any other subject. So, last week, we covered:
* Where to store media * How to import and organize media * How to move events, media or projects * When files should be stored in a library or referenced separately * How to consolidate libraries * How to change library properties * How to change where media and render files are stored Download this title here - or - become a member of our Video Training Library here.
Everything You Want to Know about Owning and Flying a Drone
This week, we go outside and fly... a drone!
Drones are THE hot topic today. But, what do you need to know to fly a drone safely and successfully? Which drone is right for your project? What are the rules? How do they work?
Zach Bloom, formerly with drone manufacturer DJI and now a free- lance videographer, explains.
* What are the regulations? * How do you fly a drone? * Tips for better drone photography
Wednesday webinars are free, but limited to the first 200 attendees.
� Where Does Final Cut Pro X Store Media? ( Tutorial)
� An illustrated guide to figuring out where your media went.
� Premiere Pro CC: Gain vs. Normalization (Tutorial)
� When speed is everything, normalization can work wonders quick.
� Create a Custom Blu-ray Disc Menus Using Roxio Toast Titanium 10 ( Tutorial)
� Customized Blu-ray menus in just a few steps.
� EQ: Warm a Voice and Improve Diction
� Caution! SSD Drives and Yosemite
| � 188: FCP X Media Management
� The Super Bundle!
� 69: Editing Audio in Adobe Audition CS6
� Master Motion 5
� View all webinars here
| � Nick Mattingly: Live Multicam Switching Using Switcher Studio and iOS
� David Tillman: Editing "O.J. Speaks: The Hidden Tapes"
� Carlos Grijalva and Rob Tharp: Drone Do's and Don'ts
� Cirina Catania: The Future of Filmmaking
� View all interviews here
� 2016 Larry Jordan & Associates, Inc. |