Jan. 18, 2016 
As I write this, our web team is transitioning our website to a new server. (This was the reason our site was down for a few hours last night.) It's taken two months to make this transition, so I'm really hoping this speeds things up. From what I've been told, WordPress, which is the foundation of our website, is not particularly fast, however, now that we are on the new server we can do more optimization for speed.
Thinking of servers, our streaming host had a major server melt-down during last week's webinar. Hundreds of folks were unable to log in, for which I apologize though it was beyond our control. So, we are re-running last week's webinar this week as an "encore presentation" and take live questions at the end.
And, thinking of webinars, we've had a LOT of requests to make all our recent webinars available in our store, not just in the Video Training Library. So, starting with last week's webinar in media management in Final Cut Pro X, we will update our store this week to include all recent webinars. Your opinions mean a lot to me, so thanks for making the suggestions.
In addition to a new product review and two new videos, I have a guest blog from Tony Fleming, regretting the demise of CD and DVD software from both Apple and Adobe. Every week, I get several comments similar to Tony's, though few so eloquent; which is why I decided to share his thoughts with you.
By the way, we had a fun Buzz show last week. Make a point to watch or listen.
Stay warm this winter. Here in LA, we are still waiting on the rain. El Ni�o is running late. Talk with you next week.
Check Out The Buzz Website
If you haven't visited the Digital Production Buzz website recently, you are missing a treat.
Our Buzz webmaster - Ailin Kim - has given the site a make-over. You can now search shows by keyword or year aired. Interviews can be searched by guest name, company, year aired or keyword. And transcripts and blogs have their own sections
Shows are indexed back to 2010 and interviews to 2009. In addition, the website easier to navigate with better graphics. Visit the site here.
| Webinars Return to Larry's Store
By popular request, we are returning webinars to our store and also offering them in the Video Training Library.
Many viewers prefer to download our webinars so they can watch them on different devices without an internet connection, which isn't possible with our subscription streaming service.
While it will take us about a week to bring the store current, we are starting with last week's webinar: Media Management in Final Cut Pro X.
You'll find it here.
This was a fun show - location-aware virtual reality, precise motion control and thoughts on CES - as Larry and Mike talked with: Srinivas Krishna, Gabe Cheifetz, and Cirina Catania:
� Location-Aware Virtual Reality � Precise, motion-control moves using camera sliders � The future of filmmaking
Watch or read the full episode here.
SPECIAL NOTE: Written transcripts are now available for each show, courtesy of Take1.TV. Click here to read the transcript.
Final Cut Pro X: Media Management
I get more questions about media management in Final Cut than any other subject. So, last week, we covered:
* Where to store media * How to import and organize media * How to move events, media or projects * When files should be stored in a library or referenced separately * How to consolidate libraries * How to change library properties * How to change where media and render files are stored Download this title here - or - join our Video Training Library here.
Encore Presentation: FCP X - Media Management
Our server melted... well, not really, but it felt like it.
For some reason more than half the registered guests for our webinar were not able to log in and watch it.
So we are repeating it again this week. This will play back last week's presentation, then we'll open the floor to live Q & A at the end.
If you missed this last week, join us this week. As always, Wednesday webinars are free, but limited to the first 200 attendees.
Register here.
� Abandoning DVDs is Costing Us Money (Blog)
� A guest blog from Tony Fleming.
� Product Review: Red Giant Universe (Article)
� A look at Red Giant's Cloud-based, locally-stored effects package.
� FCP X: Import Media from Camera, Card or iPhone ( Video)
� An excerpt from our recent Media Management webinar.
� FCP X: Copy or Move Media, Events and Projects to New Libraries ( Video) � An excerpt from our recent Media Management webinar.
| � The Super Bundle
� 180: Audio for Video Editors - Audition
� 161: Record Great Audio
� Editing Skills: Final Cut Pro X.
� View all webinars here
| � Gabe Cheifetz: Create Precise Camera Slides Using Motion Control
� Cirina Catania: The Future of Filmmaking
� Srinivas Krishna: Location-Aware Virtual Reality Brings the Past to Life
� Wendy Woodhall: The 1st-Annual LA Post Fest.
� View all interviews here
� 2016 Larry Jordan & Associates, Inc. |