Dec. 21, 2015 
The Christmas and New Year's holidays are almost here, but we are busy working on some new goodies for you before my team takes a well-deserved break.
Over the next couple of days, we are moving our website to a new hosting service to improve the speed of accessing pages. Our current server is maxed out, in both storage and memory, which is why it can take several seconds for a page to display. We hope the new service improves our page display speed significantly.
I have an update to my earlier product review of the NewTek Talkshow. First, this adds information about compatible firewalls and, second, includes more of what I like about the box, now that we've resolved the image quality question.
I also spent time this week trying to get Adobe Media Encoder to create H.265 files - and discovered that this is harder than I expected. I have a write-up on this, too, for this week. However, the story is not complete. Bookmark this page, then come back in a day or two when I'll have further updates from Adobe that explains what we need to know to get this to work.
Thinking about the holidays, we are running a holiday special on our Final Cut Pro X: Complete training. Save $40 - provided you purchase by Christmas eve. This is the perfect gift for anyone who wants to learn Final Cut.
Second, the Digital Production Buzz is running two special shows: Christmas eve our team takes a look back at key trends in 2015, while New Year's eve our fearless prognosticators take a look at what should be key trends in 2016. Both shows are fun and worth watching.
And with that, everyone here wishes you and yours the very happiest of holidays. Enjoy - and give yourself time to celebrate!
Digital Heaven Pro Player 2 Ships
Digital Heaven just released Pro Player 2.0, a major new version of their professional QuickTime player built for Mac-based video content creators and motion graphics designers.
The free version of Pro Player with its clean and simple monochromatic interface provides a fast, elegant and streamlined way to review or present video content. Pro Player can be extended with in-app purchase of the Plus Pack to enable several unique and useful features.
This player add everything that's missing from QuickTime Player X and the base version is free!
App Store Link: geni.us/proplayer2
| Larry's Webinars are Moving
We've made the decision to only release new webinars into our Video Training Library.
The live shows are always free - everyone is welcome to join in.
However, we want to encourage everyone to become a member of our Video Training Library.
With over 1,400 movies - hundreds of hours - to choose from, our Library is the most comprehensive resource on media production and post. We don't cover everything, just everything important to media.
Join today, everything you want to learn, all in one place.
The perils of a runaway drone. This week, Mike and I spoke with Joseph Tully, Kendall Eckman and Lynette Kent.
� What happens when your drone goes rogue? � How to pick the best camera � The art of being a professional photographer � Tech Talk: Adobe Stock and Libraries
Watch or read the full episode here.
SPECIAL NOTE: Written transcripts are now available for each show. Click here to view.
Last Week: Ask Larry Anything
In our last webinar before the holidays, we threw the floor open to... anything.
This is one of my favorite sessions, because you determined what we'll talk about.
Questions ranged from: * Shooting 4K video on an iPhone * Media Management * Dealing with different codecs * Final Cut Pro X * Adobe Premiere Pro CC
We answered more than 50 questions - so many, in fact, that we turned this into two separate shows. Both are available today.
This Week: Holiday Break
 My team and I are taking a two-week break for the holidays. Webinars will resume Wednesday, January 6, 2016, starting at 9 AM. Have a great holiday and see you next year. Remember, Wednesday webinars are always free, but limited to the first 200 attendees. Register here.
� Adobe Media Encoder and H.265: Not Ready for Prime-Time (Article)
� The new H.265 codec, with details on why it isn't quite working, yet.
� Product Review: Archive Media Using BRU PE (Article)
� A detailed look at how to archive files and media on LTO drives.
� FCP X: Offline - Online Workflow ( Article)
� Written by Oliver Peters, this details exactly what you need to know.
� Updated Product Review: NewTek Talkshow ( Article) � Includes new firewall support and more extensive feature review.
� Caution: SSD Drives and Yosemite
� EQ: Warm a Voice and Improve Diction
� Premiere: Boost and Smooth Audio Levels
� Premiere: How to Use 2 Monitors
| � Master Motion 5
� 35: From High-Def Video to SD DVD
� Editing Skills for Final Cut Pro X
� 130: Double-system Sound in Premiere and Final Cut Pro X
� View all webinars here
| � Joseph Tully: When a Drone Goes Rogue?
� Kendall Eckman: Pick the "best" camera
� Lynette Kent: Being a Professional Photographer
� David Newman: GoPro Goes Pro
� View all interviews here
� 2015 Larry Jordan & Associates, Inc. |