Dec. 14, 2015 
Testing video compression speeds takes a LONG time. Our lead article this week looks at the latest version of Adobe Media Encoder (AME) and compares its compression speeds to earlier versions of AME, as well as the current version of Apple Compressor. Results are easy to summarize, but take hours to measure.
In fact, this week, I have two new articles on Adobe Media Encoder. The first compares its compression speeds, while the second showcases some of the exciting new features; two of which I am very impressed with.
One of the new features on my To-Do list is to look at the new H.265 codec support in AME - I wanted to get this done for this week's issue, but there is too much to cover. H.265 is the future, but it isn't yet ready for prime-time. Next week, I'll have more on this new codec.
Thinking about video compression reminds me of The Buzz. We just added new search capability to the website for both interviews and shows. Now, you can search on keywords - site-wide. Discover people and companies you might not find otherwise. As always, we invite you to join us for the live show Thursday nights.
December is half over already and the holidays fast approaching, so a little later this week, we'll be announcing something new - gift cards covering both products and memberships in our store. With this new feature, you'll be able to give the gift of knowledge to all the favorite techies in your life. I'll have more in this in a day or two in a separate email.
Its an exciting time around here. I look forward to talking with you next Monday.
NewTek Talkshow and Firewalls
I've written about the NewTek Talkshow and used it every week on the Digital Production Buzz; here's the article.
First, I was concerned about its price, then NewTek dropped the price $1,000.
Second, I was concerned about the image quality. We spent weeks struggling to get the system to look good; all to no avail.
Then, we discovered the Talkshow is not compatible with all firewalls. When we connected it to a brand-new Fortinet firewall, the image quality improved amazingly.
I'll have a more formal write up on this before the end of the year, but I wanted to tell you as soon as we confirmed that the new system works.
| Webinars are Moving
We've made the decision to only release new webinars into our Video Training Library.
The live shows are always free - everyone is welcome to join in.
However, we want to encourage everyone to become a member of our Video Training Library.
With over 1,400 movies - hundreds of hours - to choose from, our Library is the most comprehensive resource on media production and post. We don't cover everything, just everything important to media.
Here's the link to join - discover all the things you want to learn, but never knew how to find.
Film preservation, the future of video and the one-time poker capitol of the world. This week, Mike and I spoke with Sue Lawson, Maxim Jago, and Max Votolato.
� "Reel Heroes" - Preserving the Past for the Future � Is 8K the Future... or HDR... or - What? � The One-Time Poker Capital of the World � Tech Talk: Restore Archived Files with BRU PE
Watch or read the full episode here.
SPECIAL NOTE: Written transcripts are now available for each show. Click here to view.
Last Week: New Features in Adobe Media Software
Just a few days ago, Adobe released upgrades for their audio and video applications. In this webinar, we'll look at the highlights.
* New features in Adobe Stock images * UHD, 4K and HDR support * Loudness Measurement * Dynamic Links to After Effects * Dynamic Links to Audition
* Remix to adjust a song's duration * Loudness Normalization * Automatic loudness correction
* Video Limiter * Loudness Normalization * H.265 codec support
This Week: Ask Larry Anything
 In our last webinar before the holidays, we decided to throw the floor open to... anything. This is one of my favorite sessions, because you determine what we'll talk about. Although I'm happy to answer questions as they appear during the show, if you have something complex, send me an email so I have time to research it. (Oh! And let me know which show you'll be watching so I can make sure you'll hear the answer.) After this week, we'll take a two week break to allow my staff to spend time with their families for the holidays. I'll announce new webinars in my newsletter as we get closer to the first of the year. Wednesday webinars are always free, but limited to only 200 attendees. Register here.
� Compression Speed Test: Adobe Media Encoder CC 2015 (Article)
� Speed tests comparing AME 2014, 2015 and Apple Compressor
� New Features in Adobe Media Encoder CC 2015 ( Video)
� This short video illustrates some of the exciting new features in AME 2015
� Product Review: SynchriMedia's MovieCaptioner ( Article)
� Finally, an inexpensive, flexible and fast way to do closed captions.
� Premiere: Boost and Smooth Audio Levels
� EQ: Warm a Voice and Improve Diction
� Caution: SSD Drives and Yosemite
� The Incredible Broom Cam!
| � Master Motion 5
� 182: 4K Video and Final Cut Pro X
� 184: 4K Video and Premiere Pro CC
� Editing Skills for Final Cut Pro X
� View all webinars here
| � Sue Lawson: Real Heroes: Preserve the Past
� Maxim Jago: Is 8K the future... or HDR... or...?
� Patrick Southern: Get Started as an Asst. Editor
� Max Votolato: "The One-time Poker Capital of the World."
� View all interviews here
� 2015 Larry Jordan & Associates, Inc. |