WELCOME BACK! I have a jam-packed issue for you this week - SIX new articles, some great segments on The Buzz and a great webinar. In fact, last week's webinar - Faster Video Compression - summarizes five weeks of testing into 46 minutes. Great stuff. Our June bundles are still going strong - and I'm delighted with the response to our latest "The Craft of Production." The webinars in this bundle compare products, techniques and illustrate what works and what doesn't. Get your copy before this deal runs out at the end of the month. I'm taking a break from our weekly webinars this week - so that I can do something special just for subscribers to our Video Training Library. Check your email later today for this exclusive presentation just for you. ( Click here to become a subscriber and join the fun.) Thanks to everyone for sharing their opinions on the Digital Production Buzz survey this last week. We received more than 1,500 responses and are deep in the redesign process to give you more of what you asked for. You'll start to see changes to the show in July. Its going to be an exciting summer. I'll have more news for you next week.
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Larry Jordan
Larry Jordan & Associates
Membership includes full access to Larry'sVideo Tutorial Library.
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Our friends over at Pro Moviemaker Magazine have a new free e-version of their magazine. This UK-based publication includes news from NAB, fresh interviews, product reviews, and relevant articles - including one written by me. You can get a free copy emailed to you. Simply sign up for their monthly free e-magazine. Its 132 pages of great information and doesn't cost you a thing. Here's the link.
There's a new section in our website that can be helpful to anyone thinking about starting their own editing business, or looking for tips on how to improve the business they already have.
Recently, I realized that students and people new to our industry have no clue on how it works. So, I created this series of answers to help explain how to start and run a creative business.
For all our "Grow Your Business" tips, visit here.
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We launched a great Motion 5 bundle at the start of June - and its become a best-seller.
This contains everything you need to know to learn the latest version of Motion.
Motion is the heart of all Final Cut effects - and the more you know about Motion, the more you can do in Final Cut Pro X. Containing six different webinars, plus a special bonus covering 3D space in Motion, this starts you at the very beginning and turns you into a Motion Master.
"The Craft of Production" is our latest "Craft" bundle. We go into the studio to illustrate: - Interview Techniques
- How to use cameras to tell stories
- How to pick the right mic and record better audio
- A discussion of 3-point lighting
- Plus, a BONUS of Norman Hollyn showing how to bring your production to the first edit.
The practical examples we cover here makes this one of my favorite packages. Learn more here and order your copy today!
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This webinar summarized five weeks of testing video compression hardware, software, codecs and settings. During this session, I cover:
- What computer should you use to compress video?
- How important is hard disk speed?
- What compression settings are fastest?
- What are the best choices when compressing for YouTube?
- How do you optimize Adobe Media Encoder?
- How do you optimize Apple Compressor?
Video compression is boring, but it doesn't have to take a long time. Download your copy here and start saving time.
This week, I have a special event for members of our Video Training Library only. It's called "Ask Larry Anything" - a free-flowing question and answer session on just about anything.
Debbie will send registration information by email later today (LA time) to all members. Keep an eye open for the sign-up info.
We are always looking for ways to make membership in our ever-expanding Video Training Library more valuable. (If you aren't a member, click here to join.) Sessions like this are one way for you to stay current in our rapidly-changing industry.
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COOL INTERVIEWS FROM THE BUZZThree very interesting interviews on The Buzz this week. We began with Oliver Hollis-Leick. You may not know his face, but you know his work. He's the motion capture artist behind "Iron Man 2," "Total Recall," and Dobby, in "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix." Oliver talks with us about the challenges of motion-capture acting and what he teaches others about the craft. Then, Larry O'Connor, CEO of Other World Computing, stops by with a discussion of how using poorly constructed cables can slow your system. Then, Tim Smith, Senior Film and Television Advisor for Canon, explains what we need to know to pick the right lens for our camera. - Watch last week's Show Highlights here.
- Watch the entire show here.
- Listen to the entire show here.
- Read the show transcript here.
(By the way, if you haven't visited The Buzz website recently, stop by for a visit. Ailin Kim, on our team, has been making lots of changes to make the site faster and easier to use; with more on the way. Thanks, Ailin!)
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I have six new articles and videos for you this week; I'm very proud of my articles this week.
We start with an overview of how to read video scopes. This has always been a popular part of my classes, but it has been years since I've written about this. Then, I have a summary of what you need to know to compress video faster on your system, a thought-piece on how to set client expectations for a creative project, how to optimize Adobe Media Encoder preference settings for speed and one of the more interesting - and technical - articles I've written on how to set up side-chain effects in Adobe Audition to automatically duck music and effects whenever someone starts speaking. Oh! And I have a book review for all you geeks! Cool, cool stuff.
I've also updated our Top 3 Lists. I'll see you next week. Enjoy your summer.
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Regardless of what software you use to edit, understanding how to read video scopes allows you to find and correct problems in your images. In this article, I explain the two most important scopes, how they work, what they measure and provide illustrates that shows them in action. This session is designed for an editor who wants to learn the basics, without getting buried in technical detail.
This is an excerpt of last week's webinar explaining the secrets of "Faster Video Compression." In this excerpt, I summarize five weeks of testing and highlight what hardware, software, codecs and settings you need to compress video faster on a Mac. Watch the video here.
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Business: Set Client Expectations
This is part of our continuing series on the business side of running a creative business. Here, I suggest some ideas to consider to set client expectations at the beginning of a project to prevent problems as the inevitable changes show up during a project. Feel free to suggest ideas of your own in the article comments.
Optimizing Adobe Media Encoder Preferences
This is an excerpt from last week's webinar explaining the secrets of "Faster Video Compression." Here, I highlight preference settings in Adobe Media Encoder that make a difference in compression speed and performance. Watch the video here.
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Adobe Audition: Automatic Music Ducking
Side-chain effects processing certainly sounds intimidating. But, what it allows you to do is automatically adjust the volume of music or effects whenever someone starts speaking. Adobe Audition has supported this feature since the CS6 release and I finally decided to write it up. This is FAR!! faster than keyframes and much more precise than normalization. And you can use it with an unlimited number of voice, effects or music tracks.
Book Review: The Filmmaker's Guide to Digital Imaging
This is a brief book review of a great books for geeks: The Filmmaker's Guide to Digital Imaging. Written by Blain Brown, this book provides in-depth, illustrated answers to how we convert light into something our computers can edit. This is a book for the geek in all of us. Watch the video here.
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Larry's Best Training:
Final Cut Pro X: Complete
NEW for version 10.2!
We've updated our training to include all the new features in the 10.2 release of Final Cut Pro X.
Plus, we added new or revised chapters covering:
- An Editing Quick Start
- Learning the Interface
- Media Management
- Media Import
- Keywords
- 3D Text and Titles
- Inspector Effects
- Masking
- Color Correction
- Video Effects Cookbook
- And more
More than 200 movies, more than 20 hours of training - all guaranteed to get you up-and-running quickly and turn you into a Final Cut Pro X expert.
There's nothing better on the market.
Apple continues to update Compressor with an all-new interface, improved compression settings and better monitoring. We created new training just for this version.
- Better organized
- More informative
- Tighter focus on making your images look great.
These days, everything we do ends up on the web. Which means that if we don't know how to compress our video to make it look good, all our work during production and post is wasted.
In this in-depth video training, Larry Jordan shows you how to make the most of Apple Compressor 4.1.x.
NOTE: We will be updating this training for the Compressor 4.2 release later in May.
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