WELCOME BACK! Happy June 1! There's a LOT of cool stuff to talk about this week - so much that I'm not quite sure where to start first. I thought I was done with my series of articles looking at video compression last week, but I remembered one more thing I wanted to test: using multiple instances in Apple Compressor. Video compression is a necessary evil - we need to do it, but anything that decreases the time we spend compressing stuff while retaining great image quality the better. Multiple instances is one option - but what I found surprised me and I'm sharing the results with you this week. I'm launching two BIG training bundles this week - one for editors using Final Cut Pro X and one for editors using Adobe Premiere Pro. The only way I can provide this newsletter and everything I write for free is to sell my video training. So, I encourage you to purchase something that catches your fancy. (Oh! And invite all your friends to purchase something, as well.) Thinking of training, there's still time to sign up for my Final Cut Pro X " Hands-on Master Class" - we still have a few seats left. This one-day session is designed to help you solve problems with your projects. The date is June 15 and more details are below. After you purchase one of my training bundles, join us for a free webinar this Wednesday. This one is pretty darn amazing, if I do say so myself. Over the years, I've discovered that there isn't a lot of training on improving audio in production; but plenty on making beautiful images. So, this week, I'm doing a webinar on "Recording Great Audio." We've hired two actors and have about fifteen different mics that we'll be working with indoors, outdoors, noisy, quiet, shotguns, lavs, headsets -- which mic to use where, what they sound like and what you need to know to use them right. I'm really looking forward to sharing this with you. We only have 100 seats available, so sign up now. This will definitely fill up. (And, yes, we'll have it in our store a few days later.) My team and I are spending May and June fine-tuning the Digital Production Buzz. Our initial listener survey taught us a lot about what you like and care about. Now, we are opening the survey to everyone on this list. I'm looking for your opinions on what we can do to make The Buzz the most compelling podcast on the planet for the media industry. More details below. There's a lot happening around here and I'm doing everything I can to put you right in the middle of it. As always, let me know what you think.
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Larry Jordan
Larry Jordan & Associates
Membership includes full access to Larry'sVideo Tutorial Library.
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You are invited to attend a one-day hands-on master class covering Final Cut Pro X. This day-long session is designed to help you solve problems with your specific projects. The morning starts with a class, covering the specific subjects you want to learn. Then, in the afternoon, we go hands-on with your projects, trouble-shooting and looking for ways to make them better. - June 15 - one-day only
- $495 (early-bird registration)
- Our studios in Westlake Village, CA
- Limit of 6 students
Click here to learn more. Register today!
Ed Botwinick reminds me that if you are using Final Cut Pro X 10.2.x and DaVinci Resolve, be sure to export your project using XML 1.4, not the current version of 1.5, in order for Resolve to read the file. - - - DELETE A KEYBOARD SHORTCUT
Johann asked how to delete a keyboard shortcut from FCP X without removing the entire command set. The easiest way is to open the Command dialog, search for and select the shortcut you want to remove in the Command list at the bottom of the window, then press the Delete key. If you make a mistake, Undo won't work. Instead, click Cancel without saving the file and your errant change will be removed.
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Whether you prefer Final Cut or Premiere, we have two amazing new bundles to kick off your summer. (I call it: "Bundle Up for Summer" which just indicates I need to get out more.)
For you Final Cut fans, our first bundle features everything you need to know about Motion. Motion is the heart of all Final Cut effects - and the more you know about Motion, the more you can do in Final Cut Pro X. Plus, its 50% off!
Click here to learn more. For you Premiere fans, Adobe is getting ready to launch new updates, so we reduced all our Premiere Pro CC training so you can learn what you've got now, before checking out the new stuff. Five hours of in-depth training. Even better, its 60% off. (Offer ends when Adobe ships their next version.) Click here to learn more.
Turner Hall, Founder and CEO of FCPeffects.com sent me a note saying they've released a flock (that's a technical term) of new plug-ins for Final Cut Pro X. These include: - BPM 2 (great for syncing shot changes to audio)
- Vertical Video Solutions (great for dealing with vertical iPhone footage)
- Peal & Stick Transitions (a MUCH-needed new take on the over-used Page Peel)
- Screen Splitter Transitions
- Screen Splitter 2 effects
He's created some very nice demos for these and all his products. I haven't worked with these, yet, but they are both affordable and look very interesting. Link: www.fcpeffects.com
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Many editors have told me that they just can't figure out how to use Motion. Yet they know that Motion is the power behind all Final Cut effects. So, this webinar was created to explain everything you need to know to get started with Motion 5.2.
- How to create a new project
- How to navigate the interface
- How to animate objects using Behaviors
- How to change the look of an object using Filters
- How to choose and apply Blend Modes
- How to use the Library
- How to create, style and animate 2D and 3D text
- and much more...
If learning Motion is on your summer "To Do" list, you need to start with this title. Click here.
SPECIAL NOTE: This is the lead webinar in our new Master Motion 5 bundle. Save money and buy them all together here. Click here.
This webinar is SO COOL! I'm really excited. This week, I'm using all the capability in our new studio to showcase how to acquire and record great audio in studio or on location. We are working with actors and a collection of 15 different professional mics to show: - The basics of audio
- Where to set levels
- How to use portable recorders
- Recording men's and women's voices
- How to pick the right interview mic
- How and when to record room tone
- Compare lavalieres, shotguns, hand mics and headsets
- How to position and use mics
- How to record audio indoors or outside
- And much more
My goal is to illustrate as much of this as possible so you can hear the difference with your own ears. Attendance is limited to 100 seats. And, as always, its free! Register here. See you Wednesday!
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I really need your opinion about The Buzz, especially if you've never listened to it. We want to learn what's important to you and what we need to cover. We need to know how much time you have to spend staying current. And what we can do to make our program even more helpful.
The survey takes less than five minutes - please share your opinions here. Thanks!
COOL INTERVIEWS FROM THE BUZZThree very interesting interviews on The Buzz this week. We started with Jon Chappell, CEO of Digital Rebellion, talking about his new cloud-based Kollaborate media review and annotation system. Next, Emmy Award-winning audio mixer, Ed Golya, joined us to talk about how to make your projects sound better. Then, we wrapped up with Andy Bellamy, CION Product Marketing Manager for AJA Systems, showcasing their new CION camera. Lots of great stuff to learn and talk about. - Watch last week's Show Highlights here.
- Watch the entire show here.
- Listen to the entire show here.
- Read the show transcript here.
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I have five new articles and videos for you this week. My first article continues my in-depth look at video compression. And, if all you want to know is "how do I make this go faster?" read this article - the answers are in there. Next, I have three video excerpts from last week's webinar on Motion 5, helping you master the interface, blend modes and text. And the last article answers a reader's question about managing media and cache files in Motion 5.
I've also updated our Top 3 Lists. I'll see you next week.
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Apple Compressor: Faster Video Compression
This is, I think, the last article for a while on video compression. If all you want to know is: "What do I need do to make video compression go as fast as possible?", you'll find the answers inside as bullet points. However, what got me to those bullet points was comparing a Mac Pro with an iMac running Compressor 4.2 and watching what happens when we turn multiple instances on. I was surprised and share my results here.
Motion 5.2: Explore the Interface
This is an excerpt of last week's webinar showing how to "Get Started with Motion 5.2". In the excerpt, I provide an overview of the Motion interface, along with several really important keyboard shortcuts that you need to know. Watch the video here.
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This is the second excerpt from last week's webinar: "Get Started with Motion 5.2," covering Blend Modes.
Blend modes are essential in motion graphics. In this short video tutorial, I explain what blend modes are, why they are so important in motion graphics and illustrate how to use them in a project.
Motion 5.2: Add and Animate Text
This is the third and final excerpt from last week's webinar: "Get Started with Motion 5.2," showing how to add and animate text.Here, I illustrate how to add both 2D and 3D text, style the text, add drop shadows and, finally, animate the text. Watch the video here.
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Motion 5.2: Move or Delete Cache Files
This article grew out of a question from a reader who wanted to know the best way of deleting or moving Motion cache files.
Motion creates cache files principally when it is using Optical Flow during retiming clips. But those files, when they exist, can be huge.
This article explains what you need to know and how it works.
There are three areas that I cover regularly: - Software products and technology
- Hardware products and technology
- The business of editing
With our move to our new website, I was able to consolidate all our "Editing as a Business" articles and webinars onto their own page. Browse through this collection. I suspect you'll find something to help your next job search. Review the collection here.
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Larry's Best Training:
Final Cut Pro X: Complete
NEW for version 10.2!
We've updated our training to include all the new features in the 10.2 release of Final Cut Pro X.
Plus, we added new or revised chapters covering:
- An Editing Quick Start
- Learning the Interface
- Media Management
- Media Import
- Keywords
- 3D Text and Titles
- Inspector Effects
- Masking
- Color Correction
- Video Effects Cookbook
- And more
More than 200 movies, more than 20 hours of training - all guaranteed to get you up-and-running quickly and turn you into a Final Cut Pro X expert.
There's nothing better on the market.
Apple continues to update Compressor with an all-new interface, improved compression settings and better monitoring. We created new training just for this version.
- Better organized
- More informative
- Tighter focus on making your images look great.
These days, everything we do ends up on the web. Which means that if we don't know how to compress our video to make it look good, all our work during production and post is wasted.
In this in-depth video training, Larry Jordan shows you how to make the most of Apple Compressor 4.1.x.
NOTE: We will be updating this training for the Compressor 4.2 release later in May.
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