WELCOME BACK! One of my goals for the summer is to publish more product reviews and product comparisons. But, whew, those take time to get right! This week's issue is a good example. I originally planned to release three new articles comparing the latest version of Apple Compressor with prior versions, as well as Adobe Media Encoder. But the earlier version of Compressor is so much slower than the latest version that what I thought I could do in a day is probably going to take three days. So, instead of publishing all three new articles this week, I've got the first: A compression speed test featuring YouTube settings. I hope to have the rest done for the next issue. Our special upgrade pricing for our latest Final Cut training ends soon. If you haven't gotten your update notice, check your email in-box, I'm sending out the penultimate reminder this morning. If you don't get yours, let me know via the Reply button at the top of this issue. Thinking about training reminds me that I have an unusual webinar this week: Interview techniques. Rather than focus on technology, I want to share what I've learned about interviewing non-professional talent over more than 40 years. As always, our live webinars are free. Sign up instructions are below. We are completely redesigning the Digital Production Buzz - I'll have more on that soon. This week, expect a survey from me asking your opinions on what you'd like the show to become. I'm looking forward to reading your comments; the new show is gonna be great!
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Larry Jordan
Larry Jordan & Associates
Membership includes full access to Larry'sVideo Tutorial Library.
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Tom Coughlin runs a consulting company that specializes in storage. His industry-leading events: Creative Visions and Storage Visions set the agenda for the products manufacturers will be creating in the future. For several years, Tom runs an annual survey inquiring about how creative people are using storage and what they need for the future. Please fill out the survey here - it will only take about five minutes, and it really does make a difference to the companies that design hardware. Tom will share his summary data with us in this newsletter when the survey analysis is complete. Again, here's the link.
I'm always interested in learning about new products. Even better, I'm happy to share your news with the world.
If you are creating something new that would appeal to post-production professionals, be sure to let me know.
We'll help spread the word via social media, this newsletter and product reviews; doing more of those, you may remember, is one of my summer goals.
Contact me via the Reply button at the top of this issue.
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Last week's webinar covering the new features in Apple Compressor 4.2 looked at both new features, such as creating iTunes Store Packages, and interface tweaks that make compressing video faster and easier.
Members of our Video Training Library will find the webinar already posted to the Library.
If you want to download a copy for yourself, here's the link to the training in our store.
I enjoy showing off the new features in software, and this webinar was no exception.
From news to documentaries to reality, asking the right questions at the right time to get the answers you need from non-professional talent is a real art. This week, we move into the studio to look at ideas and techniques you can use to improve your own interviewing techniques. - Relaxing nervous talent
- How to start an interview
- What questions to ask
- Which questions to avoid
- Handling an adversarial interview
- How to ask hard questions smoothly
I've been asking questions on camera since I first started in new more than 40 years ago. Join me this week as I share what I've learned over the years. Register here.
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THE BUZZ COVERED THE 2015 NAB SHOW LIKE A BLANKETNow that we've moved the Digital Production Buzz into its new home, its time for some house-cleaning. We are in the process of redesigning the entire show. You may have noticed some of this with our new open, music, and graphics. But the changes are going to be far more than skin-deep. Two weeks ago, I met with the entire Buzz team to think about where we want the show to go. But we also want your opinion. Later this week, I'll send you a survey asking your opinions on what you like, what you don't, and why you watch (or don't watch). We will use your thoughts as a guide as we restructure the show. I'm really excited to see what happens. in the meantime, we are posting short, five-minute highlights of each show; to make it easy to get a fast read on each show. - Watch last week's Show Highlights here.
- Watch the entire show here.
- Listen to the entire show here.
- Read the show transcript here.
I want to thank our two interns this year: Alexia Chalita and Keegan Guy. They were our first-ever interns, and both did a great job this semester. Thanks, we really appreciate your help!
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I have four "new" articles for you this week - a new article, a new video, a "new" article collection and the video who's link I forgot in last week's issue. (Thanks to those readers who wrote pointing out the error - yet another reminder that I should not be proof-reading newsletters late at night.)
I've also updated our Top 3 Lists.
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This is the first in a series of articles looking at the performance improvements in Compressor 4.2; specifically looking at compressing files for YouTube.
What surprised me was that for the first time, where you store your source files makes a significant difference in compression speed.
In this article, I compare Compressor 4.2 with 4.1.2, and share techniques you can use to speed your own video compression work.
Compressor: Create an iTunes Store Package
One of the big new features in the latest version of Compressor is the ability to create an iTunes Store Package. This special digital assembly of your film and other components is required in order to sell your film in the iTunes Store. For the first time, we can create these ourselves. In this short video tutorial, I explain what these are and provide an overview of how to create them. Watch the video here.
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Another new feature in Final Cut Pro X 10.2 is a significant interface change to the Media Import window.
This short video explains what the changes are, what they mean and how to use them to speed importing media into your projects.
Media Management in Final Cut Pro X
It isn't even a contest. The largest percentage of emails that I get about Final Cut or Premiere all deal with media management. Recently, I collected all my Final Cut media management articles into one spot and organized them to make it easy to find exactly the information you need. There are eighteen articles in the collection - see if one of them appeals to you. Review the collection here.
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Larry's Best Training:
Final Cut Pro X: Complete
NEW for version 10.2!
We've updated our training to include all the new features in the 10.2 release of Final Cut Pro X.
Plus, we added new or revised chapters covering:
- An Editing Quick Start
- Learning the Interface
- Media Management
- Media Import
- Keywords
- 3D Text and Titles
- Inspector Effects
- Masking
- Color Correction
- Video Effects Cookbook
- And more
More than 200 movies, more than 20 hours of training - all guaranteed to get you up-and-running quickly and turn you into a Final Cut Pro X expert.
There's nothing better on the market.
Apple continues to update Compressor with an all-new interface, improved compression settings and better monitoring. We created new training just for this version.
- Better organized
- More informative
- Tighter focus on making your images look great.
These days, everything we do ends up on the web. Which means that if we don't know how to compress our video to make it look good, all our work during production and post is wasted.
In this in-depth video training, Larry Jordan shows you how to make the most of Apple Compressor 4.1.x.
NOTE: We will be updating this training for the Compressor 4.2 release later in May.
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